Thursday, October 31, 2019

If You Are Feeling Exhausted, Try This Diet To Re-Energize

If You Are Feeling Exhausted, Try This Diet To Re-Energize    

Sometimes we feel exhausted, affecting our concentration or our driving. The most obvious cause seems to be poor sleeping. However, there are other causes, such as excess weight, being underweight, because of a lack of muscle strength, or mental fatigue caused by stress or depression. There is a diet to boost energy: water will rehydrate the body, seaweed has iodine content, which helps with the thyroid function. Others are bananas, which are rich in potassium, and peanut butter, which contain magnesium. Check all the diet. More details click here.


Implantable Device Prevents Tongue Relaxation And Sleep Apnea

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue Relaxation And Sleep Apnea    

The main cause of snoring is the relaxation of the tongue when sleeping. It relaxes so much that blocks the airway and can lead to sleep apnea. There is now a “pacemaker for the tongue”, which stimulates the tongue at night and moves it to avoid blocking the air. Additional info click here.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea May Increase The Risk For Pulmonary Embolism

Obstructive Sleep Apnea May Increase The Risk For Pulmonary Embolism    

Pulmonary embolism is the formation of blood clots in the lungs, which can be promoted by lack of exercise, obesity and elder age. A research suggests that sleep apnea can also increase the risk of pulmonary embolism. Click here for more details.


New Pillow Takes Care Of Snoring By Detecting It And Moving The Head

New Pillow Takes Care Of Snoring By Detecting It And Moving The Head    

There is a new anti-snoring device. It consists of a pillow that detects when the person is snoring and also detects the head position. Then the user is snoring, it gently moves the head to other position by inflating the integrated air chambers. It can also communicate with a smartphone to monitor sleep quality. More Information click here.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease    

Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, which is related to an increased cardiovascular risk. In the case of women, the risks of sleep apnea increases after menopause. Also, sleep apnea is a risk factor for people with hypertension, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, sleep apnea can lead to a higher risk of heart disease. Additional details click here.


These Natural Remedies Will Help Getting Rid Of Snoring

These Natural Remedies Will Help Getting Rid Of Snoring    

There are natural remedies for snoring. One of them is olive oil, which soothes the inflamed tissues of the respiratory passages. Other is cardamom, which removes the congestion of the nasal passage leading to a reduction of snoring. Honey acts as a lubricant, preventing the vibrations in the throat. Check the full list. Click here for more information.


How To Check If Your Baby May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep

How To Check If Your Baby May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep    

Your baby may be keeping you from sleeping well, but there is also evidence that he may be not sleeping enough. According to experts, this may cause ADHD and chronic sleep disorder later in life. They need 16 to 18 hours of sleep per day. You can check if he is not sleeping enough if he constantly rubs his eyes or yawns, sleeps on short car rides or walks on the strollers, among others. Check all the signs. More info click here.


Waking Up At The Middle Of The Night? Try These Tips To Sleep Again

Waking Up At The Middle Of The Night? Try These Tips To Sleep Again    

Sometimes people quickly fall to sleep, but wake up at night because of snoring, a visit to the restroom, or a car alarm. After that, they just stare at the clock hoping to sleep again. This can be attained by getting up and reading, relaxing the body and practicing meditation, among others. Additional information click here.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This Intelligent Wristband Will Prevent From Snoring

This Intelligent Wristband Will Prevent From Snoring    

A new wearable device promises to stop the snores. It is a wristband that communicates with an app via Bluetooth. As soon as the wristband detects snoring sounds, it vibrates to prompt the wearer to change his position. Click here for more info.


Study: Almost Three-Quarters Of People With Sleep Apnea Also Suffer From Depression

Study: Almost Three-Quarters Of People With Sleep Apnea Also Suffer From Depression    

Sleep apnea causes a frequent interruption in the oxygen flow to the brain, which can result in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes. A study has found also that 73% of people with sleep apnea also suffer from depression. More details click here.


New Anti-Snoring Device Is Worn During The Day To Prepare For The Night

New Anti-Snoring Device Is Worn During The Day To Prepare For The Night    

This new anti-snoring device stimulates the tongue to prevent its excessive relaxation at night. It sends electric pulses to reverse the over the relaxation of the tongue, similar to a tongue workout. The interesting thing is that it was worn during the day stimulating the tongue, so the user sleeps naturally at night. Additional info click here.


Sleep Apnea Affects The Control Of Blood Pressure

Sleep Apnea Affects The Control Of Blood Pressure    

Sleep apnea affects the oxygen level in the body and deteriorates the cardiovascular system. It also compromises the function of the baroreceptors, which are sensors that regulate blood pressure, and also affects the blood flow in the legs. Click here for more details.


Monday, October 28, 2019

Choosing The Best White Noise Generator

Choosing The Best White Noise Generator    

White noise machines are useful when sleep is interrupted by sound, such as a snoring partner. Some machines have prerecorded natural sounds, such as rain or waves. Others are smartphone apps that generate white sounds. More Information click here.


Sleep Interruptions Can Be Caused By Nocturia  

Sleep Interruptions Can Be Caused By Nocturia      

Sleep apnea is not the only conditions that cause disruption in sleep and daytime sleepiness. Some older adults might suffer from nocturia, which makes them go to the bathroom several times each night. This can be a symptom of heart disease, vascular disorders, diabetes, hypertension, and Parkinson’s disease, among others. Additional details click here.


Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?

Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?    

There are various types of treatments for sleep apnea. The most widely used are CPAP machines, which consist of a mask that forces air into the lungs. If it is not comfortable, there are other solutions, such as oral appliances which move the bottom jaw forward, freeing the air passage, chin straps and even implantable devices similar to a pacemaker that stimulates the tongue, clearing the airway. Surgery is the last option. Click here for more information.


Sleep Apnea Can Be Related To Congestive Heart Failure

Sleep Apnea Can Be Related To Congestive Heart Failure    

Heart failure occurs when the heart is too weak to pump the blood. It can be caused by coronary heart disease, a heart attack, diabetes, thyroid or kidney diseases among others. Sleep apnea can also cause it due to the poor oxygenation of the blood. Among the symptoms are shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, and leg swelling. Check all the symptoms and the treatment. Click here for more info.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury    

Studies have shown that sleep apnea is related to memory loss. In some cases, it can get so critical that it can lead to Alzheimer’s. Also, when a person stops breathing at night, the brain receives less oxygen, which can cause brain injuries. What are the causes of sleep apnea? More details click here.


Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills May Affect The Digestive System

Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills May Affect The Digestive System    

Sleeping pills are effective when used only for sleep disorders, and for a short time. However, some people use it for a longer time, when the pills wear off, resulting in more dependency on them. The side effects are heartburn, stomach pain, constipation, even amnesia, and dementia. Additional info click here.


This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore

This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore    

This device consists of an armband that is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone. When the smartphone’s microphone detects a snoring sound, it will communicate with the armband and it will vibrate. The smartphone can differentiate snoring sounds from other environmental sounds. More details click here.


Earthing Is A Natural Trend That Can Promote Better Health

Earthing Is A Natural Trend That Can Promote Better Health    

Earthing is a trend which promotes a direct connection to the earth. It is based on the thought that humans are positively charged with electrons, while the ground is negatively charged, so it can be similar to a capacitor or battery discharge, de-stressing the body. It is said to reduce inflammation, chronic diseases, snoring and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Additional info click here.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Importance Of The Mattress For A Good Sleep

Importance Of The Mattress For A Good Sleep    

A comfortable mattress is fundamental for good sleep quality. It will allow to sleep quickly, with less tossing and turning. Lying down without getting any sleep will cause anxiety, which will prevent sleep. It must also provide good body support, especially on the spine and neck. Click here for more details.


Enlarged Tonsils Can Be The Cause Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Enlarged Tonsils Can Be The Cause Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Tonsils are the cause of certain health issues. For example, enlarged tonsils due to infection can result in snoring because they interfere with the air passage. If the tonsils are large enough, they will block the airway, which can lead to a widening of the blood vessels and cause vascular headaches. Check all the tonsil issues. More Information click here.


Check This Advice To Deal With A Snorer

Check This Advice To Deal With A Snorer    

Snoring affects the snorer with apnea, but also the partner. This is worse when the partner is a light sleeper. One solution is to have white noise, such a fan or air conditioner that masks variations in other sounds. Also, thick carpeting and heavy curtains can insulate the sound. Also, it is better to have a good attitude with the snorer. Additional details click here.


These Foods Will Help Control Your Snoring

These Foods Will Help Control Your Snoring    

There are foods that will help in stopping snoring. One of them is honey, which has anti-inflammatory properties and will help in lowering the swelling of the throat. Also, fish oil, which has omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, produces the “good” cholesterol n reduces the fat around the throat and nasal airway. Check all the foods that help with snoring. Click here for more information.


Friday, October 25, 2019

Napping Has More Pros Than Cons And You Will Feel Renewed

Napping Has More Pros Than Cons And You Will Feel Renewed    

Napping has more pros than cons. Among its benefits are relaxation, reduced fatigue, more alertness, better mood and also better performance, which includes quicker reaction time and improved memory. However, if oversleeping or waking at the wrong time, it can also have sleep inertia, which feels disoriented and also sleeping problems. How much time must take a nap? More info click here.


If You Can’t Stand The CPAP Blower For Sleep Apnea, Check New This Device

If You Can’t Stand The CPAP Blower For Sleep Apnea, Check New This Device    

Sleep apnea treatment usually consists of a bulky mask connected to a system that forces air into the lungs. There is a new device that goes through a person’s nose buds, seals it to maintain air pressure during sleep. It includes an electrostatic micro-blower to force air through the nostrils. It is soon to be on the market. Additional information click here.


Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea

Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea    

This new treatment based on microscopic medical-grade salt can clear the airways, leading to better breathing and restores respiratory function. This helps with allergies, sleep apnea, smokers cough, and asthma, among others. Click here for more info.


Implantable Device Prevents Tongue From Blocking Air Passage While Sleeping

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue From Blocking Air Passage While Sleeping    

In people with sleep apnea, when the tongue is relaxed it automatically blocks the air passage, and the patient stops breathing several times per hour. There is now an implantable device connected to a lead under the skin of the tongue, similar to a pacemaker. More details click here.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Nearly half of adults snore or know someone who does. This can be caused by sleep apnea, which increases the risk of heart disease. If sleep apnea is untreated, it can result in a heart attack. There are natural tips for snoring, such as never sleeping on the back, taping a tennis ball to the back of the pajama can also work and also losing excess weight. Additional info click here.


New Implantable Device Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea

New Implantable Device Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea    

Sleep apnea is usually treated by a device called CPAP, which forces air into the lungs. However, it is uncomfortable for many of the patients, which abandon the treatment and increase the risk of hypertension and stroke. There is now an implantable device similar to a pacemaker that detects the airflow and also stimulates the nerve that controls the tongue, moving it to open the throat. Click here for more details.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing is interrupted for a short period. This results in a reduction of oxygen in the blood, which leads to excess fatigue in the morning, and, if untreated, can result in high blood pressure, diabetes and even stroke. More Information click here.


This Procedure Will Help Diagnose Sleep Apnea At Home

This Procedure Will Help Diagnose Sleep Apnea At Home    

Sleep apnea happens at night when we are sleeping, so we might not be aware that we suffer from it. According to specialists, 75% of the population suffers from sleep apnea without knowing it. One of the ways to diagnose it is spending one night at the hospital under supervision. However, there are monitors that will allow detecting sleep apnea at home. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Determining If Tonsil Removal Is Necessary For A Child

Determining If Tonsil Removal Is Necessary For A Child    

Main Reasons Are Snoring, Sleep Apnea And Excessive Number Of Infections    

Tonsillectomies are one of the most usual surgeries performed on children, but there might be further complications, so the decision requires a careful evaluation. There are two main reasons for this surgical procedure. One of them is airway obstruction because is the size of the tonsils and adenoids. While sleeping, gravity can lower the tonsils and block the airway, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. Parents may detect if the child is snoring and has pauses in breathing. This can worsen if the child is overweight. Another reason for tonsil removal, is recurrent throat infections, including fever, enlarged lymph nodes, or presence of pus on the tonsils. In this case, a tonsillectomy can decrease the number of infections. More details click here.


This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount

This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount    

It Also Determines The Dosing To Reduce The Caffeine Amount While Maintaining The Same Alertness    

The alertness level with caffeine could be optimized with a newly developed algorithm. Most people take caffeine to stimulate their mood and alertness, and well as to combat the effects of sleep loss. However, in some cases, excess consumption of caffeine can have side effects, such as digestive issues. Researchers have proposed an automated optimization algorithm to determine the caffeine dose maximize alertness under any sleep-loss condition. It showed how to dose the caffeine to consume to improve alertness by 64%, without increasing the amount of caffeine. It also showed how to dose it, reducing its consumption by 65%, having the same improvement in alertness. It can also provide a caffeine dosing to maximize its benefits in a particular sleep-wake cycle. Additional info click here.


Sleep Apnea Occurs When Being Asleep And Can Be Difficult To Detect

Sleep Apnea Occurs When Being Asleep And Can Be Difficult To Detect    

Among The Symptoms Are Excessive Fatigue, Snoring, And Morning Headaches    

Sleep apnea is not easy to detect, because it occurs while sleeping. There are symptoms that can help identify it. The most common is excess snoring, which will probably be a cause to complain from the partner, but is not detectable if the person lies alone. Snoring also comes with regular breathing pauses, which disrupts sleep. The interruption in breathing leads to poor brain oxygenation, which results in headaches and excess fatigue when waking up, and also poor concentration and memory loss. It is important to check the symptoms, because, if sleep apnea is untreated, it can lead to serious health conditions, such as heart failure, diabetes, and strokes. Check all the symptoms of sleep apnea. Click here for more details.


New Diagnostic Procedure For Sleep Apnea Is Based On Blood Biomarkers

New Diagnostic Procedure For Sleep Apnea Is Based On Blood Biomarkers    

It Is An Accurate, Simple, Inexpensive, And Quick Diagnosis Method    

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that is not easy to diagnose. On the other hand, if untreated, it can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems and cognitive disease. A recent research has found that the elevation in certain biomarkers in the blood is present in patients with sleep apnea. This technique is superior for other screening methods used diagnosis, particularly in non-obese males. This is an accurate, simple, inexpensive, and quick diagnosis method, as opposed to the usual procedure for sleep apnea, which is expensive and requires staying overnight at a sleep clinic. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Biological Clock In The Brain Keeps Track Of The Sleep

A Biological Clock In The Brain Keeps Track Of The Sleep    

It Could Help Design Drugs That Alter It For Treating Sleep Disorders    

According to researchers, there is a chemical clock in the brain that generates a desire to sleep. It consists of a set of proteins which track how long a test mouse has been awake. These accumulate during waking hours at relatively even intervals, keeping to keep track of how long it has been since a mouse last slept. Also, the level of protein accumulation was related to deeper and longer sleep. Also, the protein clock was reset during sleep. This might lead to new drugs for sleep disorders, in which they improve the additions of these proteins to induce sleepiness and treat insomnia. It also might help understand why some people require less sleep and perform efficiently after five hours of rest, which could be because they accumulate fewer proteins. More Information click here.


An Area In The Brain Can Control Wakefulness And Sleep

An Area In The Brain Can Control Wakefulness And Sleep    

It Is Also Involved In Recovery From Sleep Loss    

Researchers have found that a single brain area controls both sleep and wakefulness. Previously, it was thought that the cerebral cortex, the area in contact with the skull, produces sleep-inducing slow brain waves, and wakefulness is controlled by the lower, mammalian part of our brain. However, according to recent discoveries, the thalamus is responsible for the states of consciousness, and for sending sensory information to the brain. Stimulating this area induced wakefulness in test animals, while lowering the stimulus in a rhythmic way resulted in a deep, non-REM sleep. REM sleep phase includes dreams, while non-REM sleep is the two main sleep phases; the former is the stage during which we dream, while the latter is the deep, restorative sleep. Also, the research showed that suppressing the stimulus to the thalamus prevented the recovery from sleep loss. Additional details click here.


Lack Of Activity And Poor Diet Are Increasing The Risk Of Obesity In Children

Lack Of Activity And Poor Diet Are Increasing The Risk Of Obesity In Children    

This Is Resulting In Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure, And Excess Inflammation    

Children are spending more than 7 hours per day in sedentary activities, such as TV, computers, video games, cell phones, and movies. This lack of exercise, in addition to a poor diet, is exposing them to obesity. This will have a huge impact on their health in adult life, resulting in a predisposition to excess weight, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and cancer. Also, overweight children may begin suffering from sleep apnea, which will lead to inflammation, increasing blood pressure, insulin and cortisol. These are serious health conditions for children. The solution would be to inform parents how these habits will affect their children as adults. Also, pregnant women with excess weight increase the risk of obesity in their children by 28%. Click here for more information.


Pulmonary Hypertension May Lead To Central Sleep Apnea

Pulmonary Hypertension May Lead To Central Sleep Apnea    

In This Condition, The Brain Fails To Send The Signals To The Muscles To Breathe    

The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in which the soft tissue in the throat relaxed, obstructing the airway. The brain detects the increase of CO2 and emits a signal to wake up. This results in disordered breathing. There is another less common type of sleep apnea called central sleep apnea (CSA), in which the brain does transmit the signals to the muscles to breathe. This condition is not detected by snoring, because there is no airway obstruction. It usually occurs when there is an injury to the brainstem, and in older adults. According to a study, patients with pulmonary hypertension have a high rate of disordered breathing. Also, these two factors can lead to central sleep apnea. More info click here.


Monday, October 21, 2019

Constant Fatigue And Tiredness Can Have Many Explanations

Constant Fatigue And Tiredness Can Have Many Explanations    

Among Them Are Anemia, Sleep Apnea, And Cardiovascular Conditions    

Sometimes people feel constantly tired and cannot elain the cause. There can be different reasons for it. One common one is anemia. This is the inability of the blood to transport enough oxygen to the rest of the body and it is usually caused by iron deficiency. Another reason is sleep apnea, in which the throat tissue relaxes while sleeping, which causes snoring. However, the airway can also get obstructed, preventing proper brain oxygenation. However, the brain notices the accumulation of CO2 and sends an alarm, telling the body to wake. These interruptions are very short, but they result in fatigue on the next day. Another reason for being tires is a heart condition. The heart does not have the capacity for pumping blood to the whole body. It must give priority to vital organs, therefore, it restricts the blood supply to other tissues, such as muscles, which explains the sensation of being tired all the time. Check all the reasons that can lead to constant fatigue. Additional information click here.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

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