Tuesday, December 31, 2019

An Alternative To CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea Sufferers

An Alternative To CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea Sufferers    

This Mouthguard Pushed The Lower Jaw Forward, Preventing Airway Obstruction    

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is a CPAP machine, which forces air through the airways by means of positive pressure. However, it also includes a mask to seal the air pressure, which results very uncomfortable for many patients. There is an alternative, consisting of a mouthguard that pushes the lower jaw forward, preventing the tongue from obstructing the air passage. Additional info click here.


Diabetes Not Only Caused By Excessive Ingestion Of Sugar

Diabetes Not Only Caused By Excessive Ingestion Of Sugar    

Among These Are Undiagnosed Or Untreated Sleep Apnea, Frequent Use Of Mouthwash And Long-Term Use Of Certain Medications    

Diabetes occurs when blood sugar is higher than usual. Its main cause is the excess ingestion of sugary and processed food. However, there are other things that also cause that have little to do with food. According to studies, having a sexually transmitted infection can increase the risk of diabetes. Also, using mouthwash more than twice a day can kill bacteria that helps protecting against diabetes. Researchers also have shown that undiagnosed or untreated sleep apnea can trigger both type 1 and 2 diabetes because it is linked with insulin resistance. Long-term use of medications for inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis, asthma or arthritis is based on steroids, which can cause diabetes, increasing sugar levels. Check all the things that can increase the risk of diabetes. Click here for more details.


Preventing Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

Preventing Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy    

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Related To Excessive Weight Gain In Pregnant Women    

Sleep apnea in pregnancy is quite common and can affect more than 25 percent of pregnant mothers in the third trimester. A study has linked sleep apnea during pregnancy with gestational diabetes and pretension. There is a higher risk if the pregnant woman is overweight, or there is excessive weight during pregnancy. Lack of sleep and sleep habits during pregnancy are related to weight gain. It is also important to maintain a comfortable sleeping position to avoid obstructive sleep apnea, which can be, in the case of pregnant women, lying on their side. This position also lessens the pressure of the baby on the organs. More Information click here.


These Android Apps Can Identify When You Are Snoring, And Many Other Functions

These Android Apps Can Identify When You Are Snoring, And Many Other Functions    

Useful For Snorers Who Don’t Know They Suffer From Sleep Apnea    

Sleep apnea can be difficult to diagnose when the sufferer is single or sleeps alone – there is no partner to tell him that he is snoring. However, there are android apps that can analyze the sound when sleeping and are smart enough to determine when the patient is snoring. The phone must be located near the sleeper or near the pillow. Some of them offer much more: they can differentiate between snoring, sleep talk, and background noises, identify when the sleeper must be in REM sleep or in the other sleep phases, shows a graph with the evolution of sleep, snoring patterns, frequency, and intensity, and even interface with sleep trackers such as Android Wear and pebble. Additional details click here.


Monday, December 30, 2019

Breathing Through The Mouth Is The Main Cause For Snoring

Breathing Through The Mouth Is The Main Cause For Snoring    

A Nasal Obstruction Or A Receding Jaw May Be Forcing The Air Through The Mouth    

Snoring can be prevented with the following advice. The first one is to close the mouth while breathing. Our bodies are designed to breathe through the nose, not through the mouth. The nasal cavity filters and moistens the air going into the lungs. The most common cause of snoring is breathing through the nose. If you feel that the nose is closed, there are saltwater sprays that will wash the nasal cavity, and antihistamines will open them if they are closed due to nasal congestion. Another cause for an obstructed nose may be a deviated nasal septum, which requires a visit to the specialist. Also, a receding jaw can be the cause of snoring, since the tongue tends to fall back and obstruct the airway. Check all the advice for preventing snoring. Click here for more information.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children

Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children    

Severe Cases May Require Tonsil Or Adenoid Surgery    

Sleep apnea is more common in adults, but it is also present in children. These can be caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids, which block the upper airways. If the cases are severe, it might require tonsil or adenoid surgery. Mild cases show only s snoring, while severe cases can affect oxygen saturation levels in the blood caused by interruptions in sleep. According to specialists, obstructive sleep apnea cases in children are increasing and can be due to childhood obesity. However, it is difficult to identify when the cases are mild or severe without a detailed diagnosis. More details click here.


New Wearable Device Prevents Snoring, App Identifies Snoring Sound

New Wearable Device Prevents Snoring, App Identifies Snoring Sound    

Positional Snorers Reduce Snoring Sound From 22% To 4% Of Total Sleep Time    

New wearable device buzzes if the user is sleeping on his back while snoring. It works with a smartphone app that monitors snoring, filtering it from other background noises, recording every snore sound, analyzing patterns and sounds related to obstructive sleep apnea, and can also generate reports and trends on snoring. This helps positional snorers, reducing snoring tome from 22% to 4% of total sleep time. Developers found a high correlation between specific snoring sounds and sleep apnea. Additional info click here.


Overfat Category Defines Fat Location In Obese People, Better Than BMI

Overfat Category Defines Fat Location In Obese People, Better Than BMI    

If Fat Is Around The Belly It Might Result In High Cholesterol, Sleep Apnea, And High Blood Pressure    

The Body-Mass Index determines if a person is overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9) or obese (BMI greater than 30). However, according to specialists, BMI misses half of the persons who still have a dangerous amount of fat, such as the beer belly, and also does not identify body weight associated with fat, muscle or water. Also, BMI misses the amount of fat and where it is concentrated. If the fat is concentrated at the belly, it wraps around d the organs, the liver turns it into cholesterol, and the arteries harden. This results in heart disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and asthma, and increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes, and stroke. This new category called overfat. Learn how to identify it. Click here for more details.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sleeping On The Back Can Lead To Sleep Apnea And Back Pain

Sleeping On The Back Can Lead To Sleep Apnea And Back Pain    

The Side Position Will Lower The Risk Of Acid Reflux    

The sleeping position affects acid reflux, snoring and back and neck pain, among others. Sleeping on the side lowers the risk of acid reflux, but since the stomach is an asymmetric organ, it is better to sleep on the left side rather than on the right side. However, this position can affect the hip, so it’s suggested to sleep partially on the front, partially on the side. Also, sleeping on the back is not recommended, because it relaxed the tongue backward, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea, affects the natural curve of the spine, and the position of the pillow can be too high, leading to back pain and neck pain. More Information click here.


Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain

Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain    

Some Of The Symptoms Include Headaches And Muscle Strain    

Nocturnal epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in brain cells. In this case, it is a seizure that occurs at sleep and can be identified by certain symptoms. Some of these are waking up with headaches, muscle strain, bedwetting, and excess fatigue, among others. The cause can be unusual brain development, head injury, brain low, and low levels of oxygen, similar to sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Sleep Apnea, Smoking, And Iron Deficiency

Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Sleep Apnea, Smoking, And Iron Deficiency    

Snoring May Decrease The Ability To Understand Group Conversations    

Hearing loss is usually associated with age and with exposure to loud noise during a prolonged time. However, there are unusual causes, such as smoking, due to reduced blood circulation in the ear’s structures, and iron deficiency, which can impair the inner ear. Another cause is sleep apnea, which, according to specialists, increases the risk of hearing loss, making it difficult to hear in noisy places or group conversations. Other causes are the sound of the hairdryer, and painkillers, among others. Click here for more information.


These Foods Will Help With Sleep, Causing Drowsiness And Calming The Muscles And Nerves

These Foods Will Help With Sleep, Causing Drowsiness And Calming The Muscles And Nerves    

They Are A Natural Alternative To Sleeping Pills    

Several studies have shown that poor sleeping increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. Many people turn to sleep pills to deal with this condition, which may cause addiction. An alternative is a natural approach, and there are some foods that will help well. Among them are bananas, which contain carbohydrates that promote the production of tryptophan, which induces drowsiness. Honey also helps with tryptophan and also inhibits the activity of another hormone that keeps one alert. Almonds contain magnesium, amino acids and healthy fats that calm the nerves and muscles. Check the full list of foods. More info click here.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Snoring Might Cause Serious Cognitive Issues

Snoring Might Cause Serious Cognitive Issues    

Low Brain Oxygenation Might Lead To Damaged Blood Vessels In The Brain And Nerve Cell Loss    

Snoring might be more harmful than most people believe. The interruption in breathing deprives the brain of oxygen. According to specialists, this leads to problems paying attention and memory issues. It also causes concentration and daytime sleepiness. This gets worse if they have a certain genetic trait, which increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Also, low oxygen levels may damage the blood vessels in the brain, and the varying oxygen levels could result in inflammation, being related to nerve cell loss in specific brain areas, which leads to cognitive issues. Additional information click here.


Hormones Make Women More Prone To Sleep Disorders Than Men

Hormones Make Women More Prone To Sleep Disorders Than Men    

This Can Happen In Menstruation, And Also In Menopause    

Sleep disorders, such as insomnia and sleep apnea, are more common in women than in men. This is because of hormone fluctuation. One of the cases in menstruation, in which progesterone levels decrease, making sleep difficult. Also, in pregnancy, the pressure originated from the baby on the internal organs can lead to acid reflux and snore. In menopause, there is a higher risk of developing sleep apnea, but there are other sleep disorders as well, such as spending less time in rapid eye movement (REM), which makes them feel less rested when they wake up. Click here for more info.


Sitting For Excessive Time Can Be Responsible For Sleep Apnea

Sitting For Excessive Time Can Be Responsible For Sleep Apnea    

The Fluids Stored In The Calf Can Redistribute To The Neck At Night    

Sleep apnea can have many causes. A recent study has identified a cause that has a simple solution, and it is as easy as standing up. Researchers measured the fluid volume in snorer’s calves and were asked to sit for four hours and tracked their snoring at night. According to the researchers, sitting for a long time results in fluid retention, which redistributes to the neck at sleep, promoting snoring. This can be voided by moving more or standing up. More details click here.


This New Device Stops Snoring By Holding The Tongue While Sleeping

This New Device Stops Snoring By Holding The Tongue While Sleeping    

It Avoids The Obstruction Of The Airway    

A new device for avoiding snoring has proven easy to use, quiet and effective. It holds the tongue while sleeping, clearing the airway. In sleep apnea and snoring, the tongue relaxes, obstructing the passage of air. It does not force air through the nose, like other devices, provides support for the tongue and does not affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Additional info click here.


Friday, December 27, 2019

CPAP Machines Might Be Uncomfortable, But Patients Can Be Motivated To Use Them

CPAP Machines Might Be Uncomfortable, But Patients Can Be Motivated To Use Them    

They Are Shown A Video Of People Struggling To Breathe At Night    

CPAP machines are the most usual treatment for sleep apnea. But many patients avoid using it because they do not feel comfortable, even when they know that they are at risk of heart disease and stroke. According to researchers, his changes when the patients say videos of other people or of themselves struggling to breathe, which causes a complete change in behavior in the patient. Click here for more details.


Facial Cosmetic Implants May Help Eliminating Sleep Apnea

Facial Cosmetic Implants May Help Eliminating Sleep Apnea    

A Procedure Repositions The Jaw And Tongue, Clearing The Airway    

Facial cosmetic implants are made from solid materials compatible with human tissues. Even though most have cosmetic and anti-aging objectives, they can be used for improving the patient’s well-being, such as helping with insomnia and sleep apnea. The procedure is called Sliding Genioplasty, which repositions the jaw, improving the balance of the facial features. Also, some of the muscles of the tongue are attached to this bone, repositioning also the tongue, which will help clear the airway, helping with sleep apnea. More Information click here.


One Night Of Poor Sleep May Increase The Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s

One Night Of Poor Sleep May Increase The Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s    

The Person Will Feel Tired Next Day, But The Worst Effect Is On The Brain    

A study has found out that disrupted sleeping may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Researchers in a sleep lab interrupted the sleep of volunteers with sound or lights. These group showed an increase in proteins related to dementia the day after. The same disrupted sleep occurs with sleep apnea. One night of interrupted sleep may result in tiredness the day after, but the worst effect may be on the brain. Additional details click here.


A Tongue Workout Can Strengthen The Muscles To Avoid Snoring

A Tongue Workout Can Strengthen The Muscles To Avoid Snoring    

This Will Prevent The Tongue To Relax While Sleeping    

Natural Indian medicine considers that tongue exercises may reduce snoring. Snoring happens when the tongue relaxes when sleeping, obstructing the air passages. This is because the tongue muscles are floppy, so a good idea might be a tongue workout to tighten the muscles. Click here for more information.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Positive Airway Pressure Is Good For Sleep Apnea But Does Not Lower Heart Issues

Positive Airway Pressure Is Good For Sleep Apnea But Does Not Lower Heart Issues    

Low Oxygenation May Cause Stroke And Heart Attack    

Positive airway pressure is a common treatment for sleep apnea, which consists of a mask connected to a machine that forces air to the patient when sleeping. studies have shown that sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular problems and stroke. This is because the brain instructs the heart to work harder as a result of low oxygenation. However, researchers have found that positive airway pressure improves sleep apnea, but does not decrease the threat of stroke or heart disease. More info click here.


Sleep Problems In Children Can Lead To Performance Issues At School

Sleep Problems In Children Can Lead To Performance Issues At School    

Sleep Apnea Causes Poor Brain Oxygenation, Affecting The Child’s Development    

Sleep problems in childhood are not uncommon. These are experienced by 20 to 30 percent of children, and the most common of them is sleep disorder, which can range from snoring to obstructive sleep apnea, resulting in poor brain oxygenation. This is a major problem in children because it can lead to poorer mental and motor development, along with lower IQ and performance issues at school and cognitive difficulties. Additional information click here.


Snoring Can Tear Apart A Relationship

Snoring Can Tear Apart A Relationship    

A Solution Can Be Sleeping In Different Rooms    

Sleep restores the mind and body for the next day. This is valid for single people and for people in relationships. However, in the latter case, one might be a snorer, and the partner will have trouble sleeping. Poor sleeping leads to tiredness, irritation and other health issues. This might eventually affect the relationship and one solution might be sleeping in different rooms. This does not mean that there are intimacy problems, only that good sleep is important for keeping a couple together. Click here for more info.


If You Are Waking Repeatedly To Go To The Bathroom, You May Have Nocturia

If You Are Waking Repeatedly To Go To The Bathroom, You May Have Nocturia    

It Disrupts Sleep Pattern And Could Be A Symptom Of A Heart Disease, Sleep Apnea Or Diabetes    

Nocturia is a common cause of sleep loss. This usually happens in elderly adults and consists of waking up several times each night to go to the bathroom. This disrupts the sleep patterns, leading to daytime sleepiness. This increases the risk of accidents while driving or operating machinery. It could be also a symptom of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea. How to prevent it? More details click here.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Unusual Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Unusual Symptoms Of Pregnancy    

Among These Are A Runny Nose And Excessive Snoring And Salivation    

The normal symptoms of pregnancy are an expanding waistline, hormonal imbalances, and unusual food cravings. However, women may be pregnant without having these signs. Other symptoms are a stuffy and running nose and excessive snoring. This is because the hormonal changes affect the mucous membranes. These changes also affect the mouth, causing excessive salivation and a metallic taste. Check all the unusual symptoms of pregnancy. Additional info click here.


These Sleep Gadgets Monitor Sleep, Detect Snoring And Even Wake Up With A Smell

These Sleep Gadgets Monitor Sleep, Detect Snoring And Even Wake Up With A Smell    

Special Beds That Auto-Adjust With Restless Sleepers And Pillows That Change The Position Of The Snorer    

Technology can also help snorers and sleep apnea sufferers. Among them are beds that auto-adjust, depending on how restless is the sleepers, and pillows that monitor snoring and vibrate to have the sleeper change position. Also, there are monitors that analyze the heart rate, temperature, movement, snoring, and time asleep. Additionally, there are devices that masks indoor and outdoor noises, and even an alarm clock that wakes up with a smell such as an espresso. Click here for more details.


Study Shows A Links Between Insomnia And Sleep Apnea, And Alzheimer’s

Study Shows A Links Between Insomnia And Sleep Apnea, And Alzheimer’s    

Lack Of Sleep Could Prevent The Brain From Cleaning Certain Toxins    

A study showed that insomnia may be linked to Alzheimer’s in older adults. They found a correlation between sleeping difficulty and the presence of indicators of Alzheimer’s. Even though the cause that links them is not clear, other studies have found that lack of sleep prevents the brain to clear several toxins related to early dementia. More Information click here.


New Sleep Apnea Therapies Strengthen The Tongue And Throat To Avoid Relaxation

New Sleep Apnea Therapies Strengthen The Tongue And Throat To Avoid Relaxation    

There Are Oriented To People Who Cannot Tolerate A CPAP Machine    

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is the CPAP machine, which delivers an airflow at low pressure via a mask to keep the airways open. However, this is not comfortable and not always tolerated. There are alternative therapies now, such as special exercises to strengthen the tongue and middle part of the throat to avoid airway blockage. Other therapies include stimulation of the tongue nerves and drugs to avoid waking up too easily. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Type 2 Diabetes Plus Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Blindness

Type 2 Diabetes Plus Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Blindness    

However, Patients Are Not Always Aware They Have Sleep Apnea    

A study has shown that sleep apnea sufferers that also have Type 2 diabetes, increase the risk of blindness due to diabetic retinopathy, which is the leading cause of blindness. Even though diabetics can develop this eye condition, they are not always aware of obstructive sleep apnea, which happens when the patient is sleeping, and it can be undiagnosed. Therefore, they are not conscious that they have a higher risk of blindness than other diabetic patients. Click here for more information.


Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain

Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain    

The Cause Is Sleep Apnea And An Improper Alignment Of The Spine    

An incorrect sleeping position can lead to neck and back pain or a headache when waking up. Sleeping on the back might relax the tissues at the back of the tongue, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. This interrupts the breathing and causes a poor brain oxygenation, which is the cause of the headache. This sleeping position will also cause neck pain, especially if the pillow is too high or too low. Also, studies have shown that nightmares are more common when a person sleeps on the left side, but, on the other hand, this position is the best for avoiding acid reflux. More info click here.


Sleep Apnea Does Not Increase The Risk Of Death While Sleeping

Sleep Apnea Does Not Increase The Risk Of Death While Sleeping    

Carbon Dioxide Buildup Signals The Person To Breathe    

Many people wonder if sleep apnea increases the risk of death while sleeping. Sleep apnea happens when there is an obstruction in the airway that prevents breathing for 10 seconds to a minute, and this takes place more than five times per hour. This reduces the amount of oxygen to the brain and the heart and puts the brain in a state of alert when it should be resting and recovering. There is no risk of death while sleeping because the buildup of carbon dioxide signal the person to breathe. However, the consequences appear when the person wakes up, which are headaches fatigue and depression among others. Additional information click here.


Causes Of Snoring In Babies

Causes Of Snoring In Babies    

Enlarged Adenoids Or A Deviated Septum Can Be The Causes    

If your baby is snoring, there are many causes. One of them could be normal development, in which the soft tissues vibrate when the air passes through the airways. If the snoring persists as he grows, the cause can be allergies, or excess dust, among others. However, if it still persists, the cause can be an airway obstruction, such as enlarged tonsils, which result in sleep apnea. Other cause can be a deviated septum, in which one nostril allows less flow than the other. Click here for more info.


Monday, December 23, 2019

Anxiety Or Depression Can Be A Symptom Of An Undiagnosed Health Condition

Anxiety Or Depression Can Be A Symptom Of An Undiagnosed Health Condition    

Patients With Anxiety Can Have A Cardiovascular Disease Or Even Cancer    

Anxiety or depression is a mental issue. However, it can show itself as a symptom of an undiagnosed health condition, such as cardiac arrhythmias, pancreatic cancer or sleep apnea. The problem is that medical doctors can recognize symptoms related to their specialty, but sometimes fail to identify mental conditions related to a certain illness. On the other side, psychiatrists can detect mental conditions, but fail to identify clinical conditions that can be related to them. Check the full list of health conditions. More details click here.


Hydrating Before Bedtime And Other Snoring Remedies

Hydrating Before Bedtime And Other Snoring Remedies    

There are simple remedies for snoring. One of them is taking a hot shower before bed to clear the throat and nasal passages. Another is avoiding sleeping on the back because gravity will try to pull down the relaxed tongue tissue and obstruct the airflow. Drinking water before bed will prevent a dry and sticky nose and throat, reducing the risk of snoring. Additional info click here.


Is It Appropriate To Remove The Tonsils?

Is It Appropriate To Remove The Tonsils?    

A tonsil removal or tonsillectomy was a common procedure 30 years ago when it was normal for small children to have five to seven infections per year. Since the tonsils collected most of the germs, they got infected and had to be removed, but this has changed now with antibiotics. Now, the most common reason for tonsil removal in children and adults is sleep apnea, which can be caused by enlarged tonsils. Click here for more details.


Snoring Related To Metabolic Syndrome And Diabetes

Snoring Related To Metabolic Syndrome And Diabetes    

Snoring can be related to other conditions, apart from low oxygen intake. One of them is metabolic syndrome, which consists of a group of conditions, including high blood sugar, hypertension, high cholesterol, and excess abdominal fat. Along with the metabolic syndrome is the high diabetes risk, which is caused by oxidative stress, leading to insulin resistance. More here More Information click here.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person    

Insomnia is the difficulty in sleeping at night, while sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing during sleep. These are the most common sleep disorders, and a study has found that these disorders frequently occur in the same person, calling it Complex Insomnia. Patients have a poor quality of life due to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, difficulty to focus and concentrate and irritability. Additional details click here.


Snoring Vibrations Can Cause Complications In The Carotid Artery

Snoring Vibrations Can Cause Complications In The Carotid Artery    

Snoring not only affects the sleep quality of the partner, but also the snorer’s health. The main consequence is poor brain oxygenation, which can result in memory loss and learning issues. However, it can also lead to cardiovascular disease and even increase the risk of car and industrial accidents. A recent study has also related it to complications in the carotid artery caused by fatty deposits and by the snoring vibrations. Click here for more information.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Kids Can Affect Brain Development

Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Kids Can Affect Brain Development    

Obstructive sleep apnea in kids, when untreated, can affect brain development because of the oxygen flow restriction to the brain. A study has found substantial reductions in gray matter in the brain areas responsible for emotions, speech, perception, memory, movement self-control and decision making, However, the MRI scans used for this study does not show if the brain cells have shrunk or disappeared completely, therefore, cannot predict how extensive is the damage. More info click here.


Sleep Apnea Related To Deterioration Of Dental Implants

Sleep Apnea Related To Deterioration Of Dental Implants    

Sleep apnea and snoring are related to bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. This is an involuntary jaw movement while sleeping and can be detected if the snorer wakes with a sensation of tightness on the jaw muscles. A study has shown that this is not only a problem for teeth, but also to dental implants, which break or deteriorate under constant grinding. Additional information click here.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Child Fatigue Can Be Caused By Poor Sleeping And Snoring 

Child Fatigue Can Be Caused By Poor Sleeping And Snoring     

Is your kid always tired and has attention problems? One of the causes might be poor sleeping. This can also lead to mood issues and a decrease in school performance. Also, it can affect physical growth and the immune system, making it easier to get sick. Sleep disturbances include noisy breathing and snoring, teeth grinding and quickly falling asleep and even sleepwalking. This can be treated by proper sleep hygiene, defining times for sleeping and waking up. Click here for more info.


Laser-Based Treatment For Sleep Apnea Reduces The Risk Of Air Flow Interruption

Laser-Based Treatment For Sleep Apnea Reduces The Risk Of Air Flow Interruption    

We mentioned that snoring happens because of the throat muscle relaxation. A solution is to strengthen the zones that become relaxed and interrupt the air passage. A new treatment based on lasers stimulated the production of collagen in the soft palate and the throat, increasing the flow area and reducing the risk of air current interruption. More details click here.


Sleep Apnea Treatment With Magnet Implant

Sleep Apnea Treatment With Magnet Implant    

A new treatment for sleep apnea is based on magnets. Sleep apnea happens when the muscles that control the air passage relax when sleeping and blocks this flow of air. A magnet was implanted in the neck of the patient, and another magnet is worn in a collar at night. This pulls the implanted magnet and this maintains the air passage open. Additional info click here.


Checking Social Media At Night Causes Poor Sleeping In Teens

Checking Social Media At Night Causes Poor Sleeping In Teens    

A recent research suggests that 20 percent of the teens wake at night to interact with social media. Therefore, the sleep interruption makes them feel tired during the day. This gets worse with the fact that the blue light from the screens affects the production of melatonin and the brain stimulation generated by the social media. Click here for more details.


Friday, December 20, 2019

Sleep Apnea And Poor Sleeping Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea And Poor Sleeping Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea has been related to high blood pressure. However, recent research suggests that sleeping less than six hours also increases the risk of hypertension, with, or without sleep apnea. This might be linked to the fact that sleep helps to regulate stress hormones, therefore, the lack of it will affect the ability to control stress hormones, resulting in hypertension. More Information click here.


These Gadgets And Products Will Help You Sleep Well

These Gadgets And Products Will Help You Sleep Well    

These amazing gadgets and products and will help you sleep. Among them are a fan that adjusts under the sheets, cooling you down, super soft bamboo bed sheets, eyeglasses that block the blue light from the smartphones, a humidifier, white sound generators, wake alarms that don’t sound, but mimics the sunrise, and ventilated pillows. Check the complete list. More here Additional details click here.


Earplugs Are Not So Safe For The Snorer’s Partner Sleep Apnea

Earplugs Are Not So Safe For The Snorer’s Partner Sleep Apnea    

Sometimes, the only way to get rid of the partner’s snoring is by wearing earplugs. However, wax earplugs can be very dangerous, since it can get stuck in the ear canal. Also, the longer the time the object is in the ear canal increases the risk of infection. More Information click here.


Snore Prevention Based On Essential Oils

Snore Prevention Based On Essential Oils    

The fragrance of essential oils is a good treatment for certain conditions. Here is a recipe made of peppermint, and eucalyptus oils, among others. To prevent snoring, leave it on the nightstand and let the fragrance work. Click here for more information.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

This Device Allows More Airflow Through The Nose, Preventing Snoring

This Device Allows More Airflow Through The Nose, Preventing Snoring    

One of the causes of snoring is breathing through the mouth, as a result of an obstruction in the nose which can be caused by nasal congestion. A new device sits in the nose and expands the air passages, lowering the effect of nasal congestion and allows more flow of air. Additional details click here.


New Treatment Uses Low-Powered Laser To End Snoring

New Treatment Uses Low-Powered Laser To End Snoring    

There is a new treatment available to stop snoring, which consists in applying a low-energy laser to heat and tighten the oral mucosa tissue. This boosts collagen production, tightening the air passage and preventing snoring and sleep apnea. Click here for more information.


New App Can Detect Sleep Apnea And The Severity Of It While Awake

New App Can Detect Sleep Apnea And The Severity Of It While Awake    

Sleep disorders and obstructive sleep apnea can result in an increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular problems. Since it happens while sleeping, many times it runs undiagnosed. Now, there is an application that can record speech signals from awake subjects, and estimate if there is sleep apnea, and the severity of it. More info click here.


Poor Sleeping Affects The Immune System

Poor Sleeping Affects The Immune System    

We are aware of the importance of sleep for restoring the body and the mind. However, poor sleeping can also affect the immune system, increasing the risk of getting sick. If the sleeping issues are also caused by sleep apnea, the risk increases because of the lower oxygen level. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Headaches Can Be Linked To Various Sleep Disorders

Headaches Can Be Linked To Various Sleep Disorders    

Headaches can be associated with sleep disorders. Waking up with a headache can be a symptom of sleep apnea. It can be also a symptom of bruxism, or teeth grinding, caused by the stress and tension of the tempo mandibular muscles. This can be treated by dentists with special mouth guards. Headaches can also appear when sleeping until late in the morning. More info click here.


Sleep Apnea Treatments Linked To A Vital Molecule That Regulates Breathing

Sleep Apnea Treatments Linked To A Vital Molecule That Regulates Breathing    

A recent discovery is related to a molecule that activated breathing, as a reaction to the level of CO2. This way, it makes sure that enough oxygen is flowing to the brain. However, this molecule can mutate with serious health consequences, like sleep apnea, which is related to a breathing condition. Additional information click here.


These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep

These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep    

Smartphones emit a blue light that interferes with melatonin production, altering sleep. On the other hand, smartphones can be helpful for sleep. This is because there are apps that help with sleep. For example, an app called SleepCoacher generates personalized recommendations, and another called Sleep as Android monitors sleep patterns. In both cases, the users improved their sleep. Check the full list of apps. Click here for more info.


These Daily Habits Can Lead To Poor Sleep

These Daily Habits Can Lead To Poor Sleep    

Most of us focus on the things we do at night to get a good sleep. But there are daily habits that also affect it. For example, pressing the snooze button, which activates a new sleep cycle. Also, not enough sun exposure can affect the internal clock, and excess sugary drinks and smoking can also affect sleep. Check the full list. More details click here.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Better Sleep Leads To Better Body And Cardiovascular Health

Better Sleep Leads To Better Body And Cardiovascular Health    

Sleep apnea leads to erratic sleep, affecting the sleep cycle. Many bodily functions depend on the sleep cycle, also called the circadian cycle, which use it as a time reference to release certain hormones for biological processes. Therefore, an erratic sleep cycle leads to a slow decline in health. Also, the frequent interruptions in breathing will affect the oxygen supply of the brain and activate the production of cortisol, causing hypertension and affecting the cardiovascular system. Learn all the consequences of poor sleeping. Additional info click here.


Considering Using Nose Strips For Sleep Apnea

Considering Using Nose Strips For Sleep Apnea    

Nose strips which seem to reduce snoring, since they open the nasal airways. However, many people with sleep apnea are not comfortable using CPAP machines, so they are considering using nose trips for sleep apnea. A study revealed that nose strips show improvement in treating snoring, but it does not rat sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Sleep Apnea Is More Serious In Overweight Old Men

Sleep Apnea Is More Serious In Overweight Old Men    

One of the symptoms of sleep apnea is excessive sleeping and fatigue. This is because sleep apnea interferes with deep sleep, which is stages 3 and 4 of sleep), so the body seldom gets asleep that allows the recovery of the body and the mind. This gets worse if the patient is old and has excess weight, leading to hypertension and diabetes. Click here for more details.


Gadgets That Measure Deep Sleep

Gadgets That Measure Deep Sleep    

A study presented at CES 2017 showed that drinking coffee does not affect sleep unless the intake is more than four cups per day. Most of the gadgets presented are bracelets, however one sits on a nightstand and has sensors that measure respiration and body movement, light, noise and room temperature. This can identify when the person is in deep sleep. More info click here.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Vibration In Snoring Related To Throat Inflammation

Vibration In Snoring Related To Throat Inflammation    

We have said before that snoring is related to stroke and heart disease. But the vibration also causes damage and inflammation to the throat and may be related to the thickening of carotid arteries, which increases the risk of atherosclerosis. The vibration can also be linked to chronic bronchitis. Additional information click here.


Better Sleeping For Couples With These Products

Better Sleeping For Couples With These Products    

Technology can help to get better sleep. A smart pillow connects to an app and monitors the sleep, warns if you are snoring and even streams music through the pillow. Also, if your partner is a cover hog, a clap will prevent him or her from taking away the blanket. Click here for more info.


A Power Nap Will Help With Your Memory And Alertness

A Power Nap Will Help With Your Memory And Alertness    

A nap is a quick way to re-energize for the afternoon, and also boost your mood, alertness, memory, and energy. However, if done incorrectly, it can make you feel more tired. The duration must be 10 to 30 minutes for waking up easily; longer naps are related to increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and obesity. Also find a calm, cool place. More details click here.


A Proper Diet And Hydration Can Help With Poor Sleeping And Snoring

A Proper Diet And Hydration Can Help With Poor Sleeping And Snoring    

Snoring and poor sleeping are the consequences of modern life and poor habits. Excess coffee and a bad diet can be the problem. One way to avoid this is balancing the daily meal with proteins, fats, and carbs to stabilize sugar levels before bedtime. Also, pairing proteins with carbs will help to fall asleep faster and staying hydrated will prevent snoring. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping    

Sleep has many myths around it. For example, many people think that a nap can compensate sleep deprivation, and that extra sleeping at weekends can compensate a week of poor sleeping. Both of these are false. Also, people believe that snoring is harmless but it can increase the risk of a stroke or a cardiovascular condition. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Tonsil Removal Procedures Are Centered Now In The Prevention Of Sleep Apnea, Not Infection

Tonsil Removal Procedures Are Centered Now In The Prevention Of Sleep Apnea, Not Infection    

Many years ago, removing the tonsils was mandatory because of the infections. Now, this procedure is less common and is performed as a way of preventing sleep apnea. Also, the surgery carries certain risks, which need to be evaluated. More Information click here.


This Wearable Device Can Listen To Your Heart, Voice, And Snoring

This Wearable Device Can Listen To Your Heart, Voice, And Snoring    

There is a new device that sticks to the skin like a temporary tattoo and can listen to the beat of the heart, the voice and any sound the body makes. It can also monitor a series of conditions that involve sound such as speech therapy and snoring. More info click here.


Sleep Apnea Related To Irregular Heartbeat

Sleep Apnea Related To Irregular Heartbeat    

Interrupted sleeping, such as with sleep apnea, is related to irregular heartbeat, according to a study. Irregular heartbeat, also known as atrial fibrillation can result in strokes, heart failure, and other cardiovascular conditions. Additional information click here.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

New CPAP Masks With A Comfortable Fit

New CPAP Masks With A Comfortable Fit    

Sleep apnea is normally treated by CPAP. It consists of an air mask connected to a device that forces air into the lungs at a higher pressure. However, many patients find it uncomfortable and abandon the treatment. However, there are now new mask designs with a more comfortable fit. Click here for more info.


Sleeping On The Left Side Will Prevent Heartburn And Snoring

Sleeping On The Left Side Will Prevent Heartburn And Snoring    

Sleeping on the side is more comfortable for many people, but sleeping on the left side is even better. This is because it boosts circulation, putting less strain in the liver, improves circulation taking pressure off the vena cava, prevents heartburn, since gravity forces food away from the esophagus, and prevents snoring, because the position opens the airway by keeping the tongue and throat muscles in a neutral position, among others. Additional information click here.


This Smart Bed Detects Snoring And Stops It By Moving The Snorer’s Head

This Smart Bed Detects Snoring And Stops It By Moving The Snorer’s Head    

This new bed presented at CES 2017 can detect snoring and move the snorer’s head to stop it. It also has a feature that self-adjusts to match for the optimal sleeping position, whether it is at the back or at the side. It also monitors the sleep pattern, heart and breathing rates, among others. Click here for more info.


If You Are Feeling Exhausted, Try This Diet To Re-Energize

If You Are Feeling Exhausted, Try This Diet To Re-Energize    

Sometimes we feel exhausted, affecting our concentration or our driving. The most obvious cause seems to be poor sleeping. However, there are other causes, such as excess weight, being underweight, because of a lack of muscle strength, or mental fatigue caused by stress or depression. There is a diet to boost energy: water will rehydrate the body, seaweed has iodine content, which helps with the thyroid function. Others are bananas, which are rich in potassium, and peanut butter, which contain magnesium. Check all the diet. More details click here.


Friday, December 13, 2019

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue Relaxation And Sleep Apnea

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue Relaxation And Sleep Apnea    

The main cause of snoring is the relaxation of the tongue when sleeping. It relaxes so much that blocks the airway and can lead to sleep apnea. There is now a “pacemaker for the tongue”, which stimulates the tongue at night and moves it to avoid blocking the air. Additional info click here.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea May Increase The Risk For Pulmonary Embolism

Obstructive Sleep Apnea May Increase The Risk For Pulmonary Embolism    

Pulmonary embolism is the formation of blood clots in the lungs, which can be promoted by lack of exercise, obesity and elder age. A research suggests that sleep apnea can also increase the risk of pulmonary embolism. Click here for more details.


New Pillow Takes Care Of Snoring By Detecting It And Moving The Head

New Pillow Takes Care Of Snoring By Detecting It And Moving The Head    

There is a new anti-snoring device. It consists of a pillow that detects when the person is snoring and also detects the head position. Then the user is snoring, it gently moves the head to other position by inflating the integrated air chambers. It can also communicate with a smartphone to monitor sleep quality. More Information click here.


Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease    

Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, which is related to an increased cardiovascular risk. In the case of women, the risks of sleep apnea increases after menopause. Also, sleep apnea is a risk factor for people with hypertension, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, sleep apnea can lead to a higher risk of heart disease. Additional details click here.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

These Natural Remedies Will Help Getting Rid Of Snoring

These Natural Remedies Will Help Getting Rid Of Snoring    

There are natural remedies for snoring. One of them is olive oil, which soothes the inflamed tissues of the respiratory passages. Other is cardamom, which removes the congestion of the nasal passage leading to a reduction of snoring. Honey acts as a lubricant, preventing the vibrations in the throat. Check the full list. Click here for more information.


How To Check If Your Baby May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep

How To Check If Your Baby May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep    

Your baby may be keeping you from sleeping well, but there is also evidence that he may be not sleeping enough. According to experts, this may cause ADHD and chronic sleep disorder later in life. They need 16 to 18 hours of sleep per day. You can check if he is not sleeping enough if he constantly rubs his eyes or yawns, sleeps on short car rides or walks on the strollers, among others. Check all the signs. More info click here.


Waking Up At The Middle Of The Night? Try These Tips To Sleep Again

Waking Up At The Middle Of The Night? Try These Tips To Sleep Again    

Sometimes people quickly fall to sleep, but wake up at night because of snoring, a visit to the restroom, or a car alarm. After that, they just stare at the clock hoping to sleep again. This can be attained by getting up and reading, relaxing the body and practicing meditation, among others. Additional information click here.


This Intelligent Wristband Will Prevent From Snoring

This Intelligent Wristband Will Prevent From Snoring    

A new wearable device promises to stop the snores. It is a wristband that communicates with an app via Bluetooth. As soon as the wristband detects snoring sounds, it vibrates to prompt the wearer to change his position. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Study: Almost Three-Quarters Of People With Sleep Apnea Also Suffer From Depression

Study: Almost Three-Quarters Of People With Sleep Apnea Also Suffer From Depression    

Sleep apnea causes a frequent interruption in the oxygen flow to the brain, which can result in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes. A study has found also that 73% of people with sleep apnea also suffer from depression. More details click here.


New Anti-Snoring Device Is Worn During The Day To Prepare For The Night

New Anti-Snoring Device Is Worn During The Day To Prepare For The Night    

This new anti-snoring device stimulates the tongue to prevent its excessive relaxation at night. It sends electric pulses to reverse the over the relaxation of the tongue, similar to a tongue workout. The interesting thing is that it was worn during the day stimulating the tongue, so the user sleeps naturally at night. Additional info click here.


Sleep Apnea Affects The Control Of Blood Pressure

Sleep Apnea Affects The Control Of Blood Pressure    

Sleep apnea affects the oxygen level in the body and deteriorates the cardiovascular system. It also compromises the function of the baroreceptors, which are sensors that regulate blood pressure, and also affects the blood flow in the legs. Click here for more details.


Choosing The Best White Noise Generator

Choosing The Best White Noise Generator    

White noise machines are useful when sleep is interrupted by sound, such as a snoring partner. Some machines have prerecorded natural sounds, such as rain or waves. Others are smartphone apps that generate white sounds. More Information click here.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Sleep Interruptions Can Be Caused By Nocturia  

Sleep Interruptions Can Be Caused By Nocturia      

Sleep apnea is not the only conditions that cause disruption in sleep and daytime sleepiness. Some older adults might suffer from nocturia, which makes them go to the bathroom several times each night. This can be a symptom of heart disease, vascular disorders, diabetes, hypertension, and Parkinson’s disease, among others. Additional details click here.


Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?

Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?    

There are various types of treatments for sleep apnea. The most widely used are CPAP machines, which consist of a mask that forces air into the lungs. If it is not comfortable, there are other solutions, such as oral appliances which move the bottom jaw forward, freeing the air passage, chin straps and even implantable devices similar to a pacemaker that stimulates the tongue, clearing the airway. Surgery is the last option. Click here for more information.


Sleep Apnea Can Be Related To Congestive Heart Failure

Sleep Apnea Can Be Related To Congestive Heart Failure    

Heart failure occurs when the heart is too weak to pump the blood. It can be caused by coronary heart disease, a heart attack, diabetes, thyroid or kidney diseases among others. Sleep apnea can also cause it due to the poor oxygenation of the blood. Among the symptoms are shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, and leg swelling. Check all the symptoms and the treatment. Click here for more info.


Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury    

Studies have shown that sleep apnea is related to memory loss. In some cases, it can get so critical that it can lead to Alzheimer’s. Also, when a person stops breathing at night, the brain receives less oxygen, which can cause brain injuries. What are the causes of sleep apnea? More details click here.


Monday, December 9, 2019

Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills May Affect The Digestive System

Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills May Affect The Digestive System    

Sleeping pills are effective when used only for sleep disorders, and for a short time. However, some people use it for a longer time, when the pills wear off, resulting in more dependency on them. The side effects are heartburn, stomach pain, constipation, even amnesia, and dementia. Additional info click here.


This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore

This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore    

This device consists of an armband that is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone. When the smartphone’s microphone detects a snoring sound, it will communicate with the armband and it will vibrate. The smartphone can differentiate snoring sounds from other environmental sounds. More details click here.


Earthing Is A Natural Trend That Can Promote Better Health

Earthing Is A Natural Trend That Can Promote Better Health    

Earthing is a trend which promotes a direct connection to the earth. It is based on the thought that humans are positively charged with electrons, while the ground is negatively charged, so it can be similar to a capacitor or battery discharge, de-stressing the body. It is said to reduce inflammation, chronic diseases, snoring and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Additional info click here.


Importance Of The Mattress For A Good Sleep

Importance Of The Mattress For A Good Sleep    

A comfortable mattress is fundamental for good sleep quality. It will allow to sleep quickly, with less tossing and turning. Lying down without getting any sleep will cause anxiety, which will prevent sleep. It must also provide good body support, especially on the spine and neck. Click here for more details.


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Enlarged Tonsils Can Be The Cause Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Enlarged Tonsils Can Be The Cause Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Tonsils are the cause of certain health issues. For example, enlarged tonsils due to infection can result in snoring because they interfere with the air passage. If the tonsils are large enough, they will block the airway, which can lead to a widening of the blood vessels and cause vascular headaches. Check all the tonsil issues. More Information click here.