Thursday, October 22, 2020

Importance Of The Mattress For A Good Sleep

Importance Of The Mattress For A Good Sleep    

A comfortable mattress is fundamental for good sleep quality. It will allow to sleep quickly, with less tossing and turning. Lying down without getting any sleep will cause anxiety, which will prevent sleep. It must also provide good body support, especially on the spine and neck. Click here for more details.


Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Sleep Apnea, Smoking, And Iron Deficiency

Hearing Loss Can Be Caused By Sleep Apnea, Smoking, And Iron Deficiency    

Snoring May Decrease The Ability To Understand Group Conversations    

Hearing loss is usually associated with age and with exposure to loud noise during a prolonged time. However, there are unusual causes, such as smoking, due to reduced blood circulation in the ear’s structures, and iron deficiency, which can impair the inner ear. Another cause is sleep apnea, which, according to specialists, increases the risk of hearing loss, making it difficult to hear in noisy places or group conversations. Other causes are the sound of the hairdryer, and painkillers, among others. Click here for more information.


New Procedure Can Detect Oxygen Levels In Snoring Children

New Procedure Can Detect Oxygen Levels In Snoring Children    

It Provides A Relatively Inexpensive Way To Detect Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

Identification of sleep apnea in children usually requires a detailed analysis involving an oximeter to record oxygen levels, brain activity monitors, detectors of eye movement and muscle tension and cardiac signal monitors. However, a recent research has determined that the pulse oximeter provides the most relevant data for computer analysis, and the additional data had limited value. This provides a relatively inexpensive way to detect blood oxygen levels in children who snore, and determine if they have severe sleep apnea. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount

This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount    

It Also Determines The Dosing To Reduce The Caffeine Amount While Maintaining The Same Alertness    

The alertness level with caffeine could be optimized with a newly developed algorithm. Most people take caffeine to stimulate their mood and alertness, and well as to combat the effects of sleep loss. However, in some cases, excess consumption of caffeine can have side effects, such as digestive issues. Researchers have proposed an automated optimization algorithm to determine the caffeine dose maximize alertness under any sleep-loss condition. It showed how to dose the caffeine to consume to improve alertness by 64%, without increasing the amount of caffeine. It also showed how to dose it, reducing its consumption by 65%, having the same improvement in alertness. It can also provide a caffeine dosing to maximize its benefits in a particular sleep-wake cycle. Additional info click here.


Snore Prevention Based On Essential Oils

Snore Prevention Based On Essential Oils    

The fragrance of essential oils is a good treatment for certain conditions. Here is a recipe made of peppermint, and eucalyptus oils, among others. To prevent snoring, leave it on the nightstand and let the fragrance work. Click here for more information.


Sleep Apnea Related To Deterioration Of Dental Implants

Sleep Apnea Related To Deterioration Of Dental Implants    

Sleep apnea and snoring are related to bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. This is an involuntary jaw movement while sleeping and can be detected if the snorer wakes with a sensation of tightness on the jaw muscles. A study has shown that this is not only a problem for teeth, but also to dental implants, which break or deteriorate under constant grinding. Additional information click here.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

This New Device Stops Snoring By Holding The Tongue While Sleeping

This New Device Stops Snoring By Holding The Tongue While Sleeping    

It Avoids The Obstruction Of The Airway    

A new device for avoiding snoring has proven easy to use, quiet and effective. It holds the tongue while sleeping, clearing the airway. In sleep apnea and snoring, the tongue relaxes, obstructing the passage of air. It does not force air through the nose, like other devices, provides support for the tongue and does not affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Additional info click here.


These Sleep Gadgets Monitor Sleep, Detect Snoring And Even Wake Up With A Smell

These Sleep Gadgets Monitor Sleep, Detect Snoring And Even Wake Up With A Smell    

Special Beds That Auto-Adjust With Restless Sleepers And Pillows That Change The Position Of The Snorer    

Technology can also help snorers and sleep apnea sufferers. Among them are beds that auto-adjust, depending on how restless is the sleepers, and pillows that monitor snoring and vibrate to have the sleeper change position. Also, there are monitors that analyze the heart rate, temperature, movement, snoring, and time asleep. Additionally, there are devices that masks indoor and outdoor noises, and even an alarm clock that wakes up with a smell such as an espresso. Click here for more details.


Feeling With Fatigue And Exhaustion? The Reason Might Be Sleep Apnea

Feeling With Fatigue And Exhaustion? The Reason Might Be Sleep Apnea    

Sleep apnea happens at night, while the person is not conscious. Snoring is one of the symptoms, but it’s not definitive. The article describes how a patient constantly felt increasing fatigue, exhaustion and headache when waking up, concluding that the reason was sleep apnea. Click here for more information.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Sleeping Difficulty Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Anxiety, Pack Pain And Headaches, Among Others

Sleeping Difficulty Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Anxiety, Pack Pain And Headaches, Among Others    

It Can Lead To Complications Of The Immune System And Increase The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases    

Sleeping difficulty can have a negative effect on daily activities and health. Among its causes are excess meals before sleep, which can cause gastrointestinal issues, such as acid reflux and nausea, and mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and other condition called restless leg syndrome, in which the patient has the urge to move the legs. Other causes are medical conditions, such as chronic pain and lower back pain, headaches and migraine, It can also be caused by sleep apnea, in which the upper airways are interrupted while sleeping, and a condition associated with insomnia called delayed sleep disorder, in which the patient does not sleep until late in the night. On the other hand, poor sleeping can lead to complications such as poor immune systems, high blood pressure, and a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can also cause changes in appetite and excess weight.


Depression Can Also Be Related To Excessive Sleep Duration

Depression Can Also Be Related To Excessive Sleep Duration    

This Is The Contrary Of Most Cases, Which Link Depression To Sleep Deprivation    

Depression has also been associated with sleep conditions. While most patients report an inability to sleep, there is a small percentage that reports the opposite, which is excess sleep duration, also called hypersomnia. Patients with these conditions experience excessive daytime sleepiness, and also show the symptoms of sleep deprivation. This makes hypersomnia difficult to diagnose. In some cases, the condition persists even after the main cause, which is depression, has been treated. There are tests that allow quantifying this condition, For example, persons with hypersomnia fall asleep faster than other individuals. More info click here.


Determining If Tonsil Removal Is Necessary For A Child

Determining If Tonsil Removal Is Necessary For A Child    

Main Reasons Are Snoring, Sleep Apnea And Excessive Number Of Infections    

Tonsillectomies are one of the most usual surgeries performed on children, but there might be further complications, so the decision requires a careful evaluation. There are two main reasons for this surgical procedure. One of them is airway obstruction because is the size of the tonsils and adenoids. While sleeping, gravity can lower the tonsils and block the airway, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. Parents may detect if the child is snoring and has pauses in breathing. This can worsen if the child is overweight. Another reason for tonsil removal, is recurrent throat infections, including fever, enlarged lymph nodes, or presence of pus on the tonsils. In this case, a tonsillectomy can decrease the number of infections. More details click here.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Unusual Sleep Disorders

Unusual Sleep Disorders    

Patients May Physically Act Their Dreams, Listen To Explosions, And Even Eat And Drink While Sleeping    

Poor sleep can affect concentration, productivity, and mental health. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea but they are not the only ones. Among them is REM sleep behavior disorder, in which, instead of dreaming in a motionless state (which is caused by a temporary paralysis of arms and legs), the person physically acts his dreams. Another disorder is called restless legs syndrome, in which the patient constantly moves his legs. A particular disorder is called exploding head syndrome (EHS), in which the patient listens to explosions, gunshots, fireworks, thunder, and doors slamming, among others. It is also accompanied by sensations of electricity, palpitations, breathing difficulties, and sweating. The cause may be related to stress and emotional tension. Also, we have heard of somnambulism, in which the patient walks when sleeping. There is a similar disorder, called parasomnia, in which the patient eats and drinks while asleep. Check all the unusual sleep disorders. Click here for more information.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Snoring In Children Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Health Condition

Snoring In Children Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Health Condition    

Snoring in children can be a symptom of a serious health condition. Many of them have obstructive sleep apnea, which prevents the correct airflow to the lungs. This can be caused by enlarged adenoids and tonsils. It is also related to restless sleeping, sleepwalking and even wetting the bed after not wetting it for months. More Information click here.


Snoring In Children Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Health Condition

Snoring In Children Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Health Condition    

Snoring in children can be a symptom of a serious health condition. Many of them have obstructive sleep apnea, which prevents the correct airflow to the lungs. This can be caused by enlarged adenoids and tonsils. It is also related to restless sleeping, sleepwalking and even wetting the bed after not wetting it for months. More Information click here.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Nearly half of adults snore or know someone who does. This can be caused by sleep apnea, which increases the risk of heart disease. If sleep apnea is untreated, it can result in a heart attack. There are natural tips for snoring, such as never sleeping on the back, taping a tennis ball to the back of the pajama can also work and also losing excess weight. Additional info click here.


These Gadgets And Products Will Help You Sleep Well

These Gadgets And Products Will Help You Sleep Well    

These amazing gadgets and products and will help you sleep. Among them are a fan that adjusts under the sheets, cooling you down, super soft bamboo bed sheets, eyeglasses that block the blue light from the smartphones, a humidifier, white sound generators, wake alarms that don’t sound, but mimics the sunrise, and ventilated pillows. Check the complete list. More here Additional details click here.


This Device Allows More Airflow Through The Nose, Preventing Snoring

This Device Allows More Airflow Through The Nose, Preventing Snoring    

One of the causes of snoring is breathing through the mouth, as a result of an obstruction in the nose which can be caused by nasal congestion. A new device sits in the nose and expands the air passages, lowering the effect of nasal congestion and allows more flow of air. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Dry Mouth At Night Can Promote Cavities And Bad Mouth

Dry Mouth At Night Can Promote Cavities And Bad Mouth    

Its Causes Can Be Low Production Od Saliva At Night, Certain Medication, And Even Sleep Apnea    

Dry mouth can affect a person’s sense of taste, promote the possibility of cavities, and result in bad breath. In many cases, dry mouth may occur at night, while sleeping, because the salivary glands decrease their production at night, which can be avoided using non-alcohol mouthwash before going to bed. Dry mouth can be caused by dehydration, which is a side effect of certain medications, such as antihistamines, diuretics, blood pressure medications, and antidepressants. Also, it is a good idea to keep a glass of water at night by the bedside, in case waking in the middle of the night up with a dry mouth. Another cause of dry mouth is sleep apnea, in which the tissue at the back of the tongue relaxes at night, obstructing the airway. The usual treatment is a CPAP machine, which will create positive air pressure, requiring the user to wear a mask. However, the patient might have a nasal obstruction, forcing the mask to send the air through the mouth.


Sleep Apnea Treatment Also Beneficial For Acid Reflux

Sleep Apnea Treatment Also Beneficial For Acid Reflux    

CPAP therapy is used for treating sleep apnea by forcing air into the air passage. Acid reflux is also present in sleep apnea sufferers. A study has shown that positive air pressure reduces the symptoms of nocturnal acid reflux. Click here for more details.


New Research Uses Drug Repurposing To Control Circadian Rhythm

New Research Uses Drug Repurposing To Control Circadian Rhythm    

It Will Be Able To Avoid Jet Lag Symptoms, Such As Sleep Disruption    

One of the problems in travelers across a wide range of time zones is jet lag. This forces them to get accustomed to a different external time cue, also known as the day-night cycle. This also changes the circadian rhythm, which controls the sleep-wake cycle, hormone secretion, and overall metabolism. The disruption of the circadian rhythm, also known as jet lag, causes sleep disorders, fatigue, obesity, loss of concentration, and headaches, among others. Similar symptoms occur in people with changes in a work shift. Researchers have found substances that can shorten or lengthen the circadian rhythm, which would help reduce jet lag symptoms. Travelers flying west, from Asia to Europe, delays the circadian clock, which does not have serious symptoms. However, when flying east, from America to Europe, the circadian clock is shortened, people have to wake earlier, and jet lag symptoms are more serious. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Sleep Apnea Treatment May Be Unable To Prevent Daytime Drowsiness

Sleep Apnea Treatment May Be Unable To Prevent Daytime Drowsiness    

Sometimes, the usual treatments for sleep apnea are not effective. This means that the patient will continue having daytime drowsiness, which can lead to attention problems memory, and judgment. Other executive functions are also affected, such as motivation, problem-solving and planning. Additional details click here.


Check These Common Myths About Sleeping

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping    

Sleep has many myths around it. For example, many people think that a nap can compensate sleep deprivation, and that extra sleeping at weekends can compensate a week of poor sleeping. Both of these are false. Also, people believe that snoring is harmless but it can increase the risk of a stroke or a cardiovascular condition. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


This Intelligent Wristband Will Prevent From Snoring

This Intelligent Wristband Will Prevent From Snoring    

A new wearable device promises to stop the snores. It is a wristband that communicates with an app via Bluetooth. As soon as the wristband detects snoring sounds, it vibrates to prompt the wearer to change his position. Click here for more info.


Monday, October 12, 2020

This New Adjustable Bed Has Settings For A Position That Prevents Snoring

This New Adjustable Bed Has Settings For A Position That Prevents Snoring    

It Has Also Pre-Programmed Positions For Aligning The Spine, Preventing Back Pain    

There is now a bed that adjusts itself to prevent snoring. It can raise or lower the head or the foot and is managed by a programmable remote control. It allows adjustments for sleeping, working, or reading. Its remote control has an anti-snore pre-programmed position that raises the head helping breathe easier. This position could be used also for avoiding acid reflux, in which gravity helps to keep the food matter from returning to the esophagus. Another pre-programmed position is for sleeping in a fetal position, elevating the legs and head, aligning the spine, and preventing or treating back pain. It can also apply a back massage. Additional info click here.


Study: Sleep Disorders Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Poor Recovery

Study: Sleep Disorders Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Poor Recovery    

Recent research has shown that patients with a high risk of stroke or that are recovering from one also suffer from sleep apnea. This is important because sleep apnea can increase the risk of another stroke or prevent a successful recovery. Additional info click here.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Kids Can Affect Brain Development

Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Kids Can Affect Brain Development    

Obstructive sleep apnea in kids, when untreated, can affect brain development because of the oxygen flow restriction to the brain. A study has found substantial reductions in gray matter in the brain areas responsible for emotions, speech, perception, memory, movement self-control and decision making, However, the MRI scans used for this study does not show if the brain cells have shrunk or disappeared completely, therefore, cannot predict how extensive is the damage. More info click here.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

These Common Habits Might Be The Cause Of Poor Sleeping

These Common Habits Might Be The Cause Of Poor Sleeping    

If you think you are suffering from poor sleep, these habits and be the cause. Among them are oversleeping, which changes our circadian clock and makes us feel unsettled after waking up. Other is reading or keeping busy before bedtime, which causes the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, interfering with sleep. Check all the habits. More info click here.


Friday, October 9, 2020

Sleep Apnea Can Be Treated Via A New Implant

Sleep Apnea Can Be Treated Via A New Implant    

It Is An Alternative To Patients Who Cannot Stand The CPAP Machine    

Sleep apnea is usually treated with CPAP machines. These create a positive air pressure, forcing it into the lungs. Even though it has an almost perfect 100% success rate, it is not comfortable and half of the patients cannot stand it. An alternative to it is an implant that stimulates the tongue and other muscles around it. When it senses that the breathing slows down, it delivers an electrical impulse to certain nerves and muscles in the tongue and throat, clearing the airway. More Information click here.


Study: Sleep Disorders Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Poor Recovery

Study: Sleep Disorders Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Poor Recovery    

Recent research has shown that patients with a high risk of stroke or that are recovering from one also suffer from sleep apnea. This is important because sleep apnea can increase the risk of another stroke or prevent a successful recovery. Additional info click here.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount

This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount    

It Also Determines The Dosing To Reduce The Caffeine Amount While Maintaining The Same Alertness    

The alertness level with caffeine could be optimized with a newly developed algorithm. Most people take caffeine to stimulate their mood and alertness, and well as to combat the effects of sleep loss. However, in some cases, excess consumption of caffeine can have side effects, such as digestive issues. Researchers have proposed an automated optimization algorithm to determine the caffeine dose maximize alertness under any sleep-loss condition. It showed how to dose the caffeine to consume to improve alertness by 64%, without increasing the amount of caffeine. It also showed how to dose it, reducing its consumption by 65%, having the same improvement in alertness. It can also provide a caffeine dosing to maximize its benefits in a particular sleep-wake cycle. Additional info click here.


Sleeping On The Stomach Might Ease Sleep Apnea, But Will Cause Other Problems

Sleeping On The Stomach Might Ease Sleep Apnea, But Will Cause Other Problems    

It Will Result In Neck And Back Pain, Due To The Rotation Of The Neck And The Poor Alignment Of The Spine    

Sleeping on the back is one of the causes of sleep apnea since the tongue tissue is pulled down by gravity. Therefore, it would seem to be a good idea to sleep on the stomach in order to clear the airway. While this can be partly true, it can generate other problems, because this sleeping position involves twisting the head to one side, putting excessive stress on the neck. Also, a twisted neck does not guarantee an open airway. The excessive stress will result in back and neck pain, and a higher risk of suffering from a slipped disk. Also, the spine does not have a natural alignment. According to specialists, sleeping on the stomach is the worst possible position considering a musculoskeletal point of view. Click here for more info.


Study Shows A Links Between Insomnia And Sleep Apnea, And Alzheimer’s

Study Shows A Links Between Insomnia And Sleep Apnea, And Alzheimer’s    

Lack Of Sleep Could Prevent The Brain From Cleaning Certain Toxins    

A study showed that insomnia may be linked to Alzheimer’s in older adults. They found a correlation between sleeping difficulty and the presence of indicators of Alzheimer’s. Even though the cause that links them is not clear, other studies have found that lack of sleep prevents the brain to clear several toxins related to early dementia. More Information click here.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Gadgets That Measure Deep Sleep

Gadgets That Measure Deep Sleep    

A study presented at CES 2017 showed that drinking coffee does not affect sleep unless the intake is more than four cups per day. Most of the gadgets presented are bracelets, however one sits on a nightstand and has sensors that measure respiration and body movement, light, noise and room temperature. This can identify when the person is in deep sleep. More info click here.


Check These Common Myths About Sleeping

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping    

Sleep has many myths around it. For example, many people think that a nap can compensate sleep deprivation, and that extra sleeping at weekends can compensate a week of poor sleeping. Both of these are false. Also, people believe that snoring is harmless but it can increase the risk of a stroke or a cardiovascular condition. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain

Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain    

Some Of The Symptoms Include Headaches And Muscle Strain    

Nocturnal epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in brain cells. In this case, it is a seizure that occurs at sleep and can be identified by certain symptoms. Some of these are waking up with headaches, muscle strain, bedwetting, and excess fatigue, among others. The cause can be unusual brain development, head injury, brain low, and low levels of oxygen, similar to sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Causes Of Snoring In Babies

Causes Of Snoring In Babies    

Enlarged Adenoids Or A Deviated Septum Can Be The Causes    

If your baby is snoring, there are many causes. One of them could be normal development, in which the soft tissues vibrate when the air passes through the airways. If the snoring persists as he grows, the cause can be allergies, or excess dust, among others. However, if it still persists, the cause can be an airway obstruction, such as enlarged tonsils, which result in sleep apnea. Other cause can be a deviated septum, in which one nostril allows less flow than the other. Click here for more info.


Sleeping Difficulty Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Anxiety, Pack Pain And Headaches, Among Others

Sleeping Difficulty Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Anxiety, Pack Pain And Headaches, Among Others    

It Can Lead To Complications Of The Immune System And Increase The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases    

Sleeping difficulty can have a negative effect on daily activities and health. Among its causes are excess meals before sleep, which can cause gastrointestinal issues, such as acid reflux and nausea, and mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and other condition called restless leg syndrome, in which the patient has the urge to move the legs. Other causes are medical conditions, such as chronic pain and lower back pain, headaches and migraine, It can also be caused by sleep apnea, in which the upper airways are interrupted while sleeping, and a condition associated with insomnia called delayed sleep disorder, in which the patient does not sleep until late in the night. On the other hand, poor sleeping can lead to complications such as poor immune systems, high blood pressure, and a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can also cause changes in appetite and excess weight.


Better Sleeping For Couples With These Products

Better Sleeping For Couples With These Products    

Technology can help to get better sleep. A smart pillow connects to an app and monitors the sleep, warns if you are snoring and even streams music through the pillow. Also, if your partner is a cover hog, a clap will prevent him or her from taking away the blanket. Click here for more info.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Study: Sleep Disorders Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Poor Recovery

Study: Sleep Disorders Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Poor Recovery    

Recent research has shown that patients with a high risk of stroke or that are recovering from one also suffer from sleep apnea. This is important because sleep apnea can increase the risk of another stroke or prevent a successful recovery. Additional info click here.


Dry Mouth At Night Can Promote Cavities And Bad Mouth

Dry Mouth At Night Can Promote Cavities And Bad Mouth    

Its Causes Can Be Low Production Od Saliva At Night, Certain Medication, And Even Sleep Apnea    

Dry mouth can affect a person’s sense of taste, promote the possibility of cavities, and result in bad breath. In many cases, dry mouth may occur at night, while sleeping, because the salivary glands decrease their production at night, which can be avoided using non-alcohol mouthwash before going to bed. Dry mouth can be caused by dehydration, which is a side effect of certain medications, such as antihistamines, diuretics, blood pressure medications, and antidepressants. Also, it is a good idea to keep a glass of water at night by the bedside, in case waking in the middle of the night up with a dry mouth. Another cause of dry mouth is sleep apnea, in which the tissue at the back of the tongue relaxes at night, obstructing the airway. The usual treatment is a CPAP machine, which will create positive air pressure, requiring the user to wear a mask. However, the patient might have a nasal obstruction, forcing the mask to send the air through the mouth.


Sleeping On The Back Can Lead To Sleep Apnea And Back Pain

Sleeping On The Back Can Lead To Sleep Apnea And Back Pain    

The Side Position Will Lower The Risk Of Acid Reflux    

The sleeping position affects acid reflux, snoring and back and neck pain, among others. Sleeping on the side lowers the risk of acid reflux, but since the stomach is an asymmetric organ, it is better to sleep on the left side rather than on the right side. However, this position can affect the hip, so it’s suggested to sleep partially on the front, partially on the side. Also, sleeping on the back is not recommended, because it relaxed the tongue backward, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea, affects the natural curve of the spine, and the position of the pillow can be too high, leading to back pain and neck pain. More Information click here.


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sleep Apnea Can Be The Reason Why You Are Feeling Tired Every Day

Sleep Apnea Can Be The Reason Why You Are Feeling Tired Every Day    

Airflow Interruption Forces The Body To Wake, Interrupting Sleep    

Feeling tired all day is not normal. It drains our resources, affects our job and our daily activities. One of the causes is sleep apnea. It relaxes the back of the tongue, restricting the airflow. The body reacts by waking up or moving, interrupting the sleep, which will result in poor sleeping and feel exhausted the next day. Another consequence of sleep apnea is poor brain oxygenation, as a result of airflow interruption, which will eventually affect reaction time and the ability to concentrate. Other causes of constant tiredness are anemia, in which the low red blood cell count reduces the capacity to distribute oxygen and nutrients. Check all the causes of constant fatigue. Click here for more information.


Friday, October 2, 2020

Type 2 Diabetes Plus Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Blindness

Type 2 Diabetes Plus Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Blindness    

However, Patients Are Not Always Aware They Have Sleep Apnea    

A study has shown that sleep apnea sufferers that also have Type 2 diabetes, increase the risk of blindness due to diabetic retinopathy, which is the leading cause of blindness. Even though diabetics can develop this eye condition, they are not always aware of obstructive sleep apnea, which happens when the patient is sleeping, and it can be undiagnosed. Therefore, they are not conscious that they have a higher risk of blindness than other diabetic patients. Click here for more information.


Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea

Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea    

This new treatment based on microscopic medical-grade salt can clear the airways, leading to better breathing and restores respiratory function. This helps with allergies, sleep apnea, smokers cough, and asthma, among others. Click here for more info.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Asthmatic Patients Can Benefit From Exercise, Reducing Airway Inflammation

Asthmatic Patients Can Benefit From Exercise, Reducing Airway Inflammation    

They Also Have Less Depression And Sleep Apnea    

According to a recent research, asthmatic adults can benefit from exercise, which also decreases the risk of sleep apnea and depression. There have been better results in obese adults. The normal approach was avoiding exercise, because their bodies would react and the airways would narrow, increasing the difficulty to breathe. However, it has been found that exercise actually reduces the inflammation in the airways. Additional info click here.


These Common Habits Might Be The Cause Of Poor Sleeping

These Common Habits Might Be The Cause Of Poor Sleeping    

If you think you are suffering from poor sleep, these habits and be the cause. Among them are oversleeping, which changes our circadian clock and makes us feel unsettled after waking up. Other is reading or keeping busy before bedtime, which causes the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, interfering with sleep. Check all the habits. More info click here.


Teens Sleeping Less Than Seven Hours Related To An Adverse Cardiometabolic Profile

Teens Sleeping Less Than Seven Hours Related To An Adverse Cardiometabolic Profile    

It May Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease When Reaching An Older Age    

Sleep-deprived kids increase the risk of cardiovascular conditions when reaching adult age. The cause of poor sleep can be screen time, in the form of television viewing, or small screens, such as smartphones and tablets. There is also a lack of awareness among parents in reference to the kid’s sleep time. According to specialists, teens sleeping less than seven hours a night tended to have more body fat, elevated blood pressure, and less healthy cholesterol levels, which affect the cardiovascular system. In some cases, kids as young as 13 years already have adverse cardiometabolic profiles. A study showed that kids and teens with a shorter sleep duration and more restless sleep had the least healthy profiles. If untreated, the profiles will worsen when reaching adult age, increasing the risk of heart disease. More details click here.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

New CPAP Masks With A Comfortable Fit

New CPAP Masks With A Comfortable Fit    

Sleep apnea is normally treated by CPAP. It consists of an air mask connected to a device that forces air into the lungs at a higher pressure. However, many patients find it uncomfortable and abandon the treatment. However, there are now new mask designs with a more comfortable fit. Click here for more info.


This New Device Stops Snoring By Preventing The Vibration Of Throat Tissues

This New Device Stops Snoring By Preventing The Vibration Of Throat Tissues    

It Attaches To The Nose And There Is Also A Version For Sleep Apnea    

Even though many people confuse both conditions, sleep apnea is different from snoring. In both cases, the tissue at the back of the tongue relaxes, causing partial obstruction of the airway. Snoring is the vibration caused by the air trying to pass through these obstructions, while sleep apnea occurs when the air passage gets completely obstructed, interrupting the breathing process and the oxygen flow to the brain, which makes it much more dangerous. Sleep apnea is usually treated with CPAP machines, which force air to the lungs. This does not mean that snoring is not serious, because it could worsen to sleep apnea. Some devices for snoring are actually oriented to the bed partner, to promote restful sleep. However, others do prevent snoring such as the EPAP. Similar to the CPAP, it provides a positive air pressure to prevent snoring but works differently. EPAP (expiratory positive airway pressure), is a device that is attached to the nostrils via a disposable adhesive strip and has a valve that allows the air flow in one direction. The patient can breathe in freely, but when breathing out the valves close. This generates extra air pressure back in the airway passages. This process causes an additional air pressure that stabilizes the throat and reduces the vibration that causes snoring. Another version of this device is oriented to patients with sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Risk Of Diabetes Type 2 Related To Sleep Apnea

Risk Of Diabetes Type 2 Related To Sleep Apnea    

Recent studies have shown a relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and a higher risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Also, the risk that represents these two conditions increases significantly with obesity. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sleeping On The Left Side Will Prevent Heartburn And Snoring

Sleeping On The Left Side Will Prevent Heartburn And Snoring    

Sleeping on the side is more comfortable for many people, but sleeping on the left side is even better. This is because it boosts circulation, putting less strain in the liver, improves circulation taking pressure off the vena cava, prevents heartburn, since gravity forces food away from the esophagus, and prevents snoring, because the position opens the airway by keeping the tongue and throat muscles in a neutral position, among others. Additional information click here.


These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep

These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep    

Smartphones emit a blue light that interferes with melatonin production, altering sleep. On the other hand, smartphones can be helpful for sleep. This is because there are apps that help with sleep. For example, an app called SleepCoacher generates personalized recommendations, and another called Sleep as Android monitors sleep patterns. In both cases, the users improved their sleep. Check the full list of apps. Click here for more info.


Vivid Dreams Can Feel Like Actual Experiences

Vivid Dreams Can Feel Like Actual Experiences    

Among The Causes Are Insomnia, Stress, Pregnancy, Sleep Apnea, And Certain Medications    

There is a type of dream that seems almost real. It is called a vivid dream, and people can sometimes recall every detail, like an actual experience, rather than a dream, which gets quickly forgotten. Dreams occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep. There are two phases, non-rapid eye movement (NREM), and REM, in which dreams occur. Both phases take about 90 minutes, which compose a sleep cycle, and play in a loop through the night. Initially, REM takes 25% of the cycle, but, as time passes, the REM phase takes more time, so vivid dreams occur when REM is more intense, just before waking up. Vivid dreams are harmless and can include even sex fantasies, but they can also be intense nightmares that can lead to anxiety. Among the causes are sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and narcolepsy. Other causes are excessive stress, and certain medications, such as drugs for Parkinson’s disorder, antidepressants, beta-blockers for heartburn, and medication to stop smoking. An additional cause is pregnancy. Even though they are not harmful, they can affect memory and concentration, such as when having an intense experience. It also causes sleepiness and can result in sleep issues, if the dreams are nightmares.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Unusual Sleep Disorders

Unusual Sleep Disorders    

Patients May Physically Act Their Dreams, Listen To Explosions, And Even Eat And Drink While Sleeping    

Poor sleep can affect concentration, productivity, and mental health. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea but they are not the only ones. Among them is REM sleep behavior disorder, in which, instead of dreaming in a motionless state (which is caused by a temporary paralysis of arms and legs), the person physically acts his dreams. Another disorder is called restless legs syndrome, in which the patient constantly moves his legs. A particular disorder is called exploding head syndrome (EHS), in which the patient listens to explosions, gunshots, fireworks, thunder, and doors slamming, among others. It is also accompanied by sensations of electricity, palpitations, breathing difficulties, and sweating. The cause may be related to stress and emotional tension. Also, we have heard of somnambulism, in which the patient walks when sleeping. There is a similar disorder, called parasomnia, in which the patient eats and drinks while asleep. Check all the unusual sleep disorders. Click here for more information.


New Diagnostic Procedure For Sleep Apnea Is Based On Blood Biomarkers

New Diagnostic Procedure For Sleep Apnea Is Based On Blood Biomarkers    

It Is An Accurate, Simple, Inexpensive, And Quick Diagnosis Method    

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that is not easy to diagnose. On the other hand, if untreated, it can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems and cognitive disease. A recent research has found that the elevation in certain biomarkers in the blood is present in patients with sleep apnea. This technique is superior for other screening methods used diagnosis, particularly in non-obese males. This is an accurate, simple, inexpensive, and quick diagnosis method, as opposed to the usual procedure for sleep apnea, which is expensive and requires staying overnight at a sleep clinic. Additional info click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing is interrupted for a short period. This results in a reduction of oxygen in the blood, which leads to excess fatigue in the morning, and, if untreated, can result in high blood pressure, diabetes and even stroke. More Information click here.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Factors That Cause Insomnia During Pregnancy

Factors That Cause Insomnia During Pregnancy    

They Include Hormonal Changes, Repeated Bladder Fillings, Sleep Apnea, Anxiety, And Acid Reflux    

Insomnia occurs frequently during pregnancy, and it may be related to other health condition, such as anxiety, sleep apnea, or mood disorders. According to experts, the cause may reside in the variations in hormone levels, psychological changes, and physiological changes, including repeated bladder fillings. Also, muscle tone decreases, leading to sleep apnea and snoring, because of the high levels of progesterone in the body. Other conditions are excess pressure on the bladder and the stomach due to the fetus, increasing the frequency of urination and acid reflux, also because of hormonal changes. These changes can increase worry or anxiety in some women, which will result in insomnia. Additional details click here.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Daylight Saving Alters The Sleep Pattern On Kids

Daylight Saving Alters The Sleep Pattern On Kids    

Proper sleeping habits begin by going to bed at a set time. This is more important for kids because it can affect their development and school performance. Daylight savings disrupt the sleep pattern, which is worse on the kids because they can’t change their sleep schedule as easily as adults, leading to sleep deprivation. Additional information click here.


These Sleep Gadgets Monitor Sleep, Detect Snoring And Even Wake Up With A Smell

These Sleep Gadgets Monitor Sleep, Detect Snoring And Even Wake Up With A Smell    

Special Beds That Auto-Adjust With Restless Sleepers And Pillows That Change The Position Of The Snorer    

Technology can also help snorers and sleep apnea sufferers. Among them are beds that auto-adjust, depending on how restless is the sleepers, and pillows that monitor snoring and vibrate to have the sleeper change position. Also, there are monitors that analyze the heart rate, temperature, movement, snoring, and time asleep. Additionally, there are devices that masks indoor and outdoor noises, and even an alarm clock that wakes up with a smell such as an espresso. Click here for more details.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

These Sleep Gadgets Monitor Sleep, Detect Snoring And Even Wake Up With A Smell

These Sleep Gadgets Monitor Sleep, Detect Snoring And Even Wake Up With A Smell    

Special Beds That Auto-Adjust With Restless Sleepers And Pillows That Change The Position Of The Snorer    

Technology can also help snorers and sleep apnea sufferers. Among them are beds that auto-adjust, depending on how restless is the sleepers, and pillows that monitor snoring and vibrate to have the sleeper change position. Also, there are monitors that analyze the heart rate, temperature, movement, snoring, and time asleep. Additionally, there are devices that masks indoor and outdoor noises, and even an alarm clock that wakes up with a smell such as an espresso. Click here for more details.


Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems

Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems    

Besides Increasing The Risk Of Sleep Apnea, Snoring Vibrations Thicken The Walls Of The Carotid Arteries, Restricting Blood Blow    

One of the symptoms of heart attack, besides chest pain, dizziness and headaches, id myocardial infarction, this occurs when the heart does not receive enough blood supply. This condition can occur when a person is lying in bed and its risk can increase if the person has excessive snoring. The reason is the vibration generated by the snore also affects the carotid arteries, which are located near the throat, restricting blood flow. This results in a thickening of the walls of the arteries. Snoring is actually considered an annoyance for the bed partner, but can also be a sign of a poor cardiovascular condition. Also, snoring can lead to sleep apnea, a condition in which the air passage gets interrupted by the relaxation of the tongue tissue, and the patient stops breathing. This increases the risk of stroke and is also related to high blood pressure. More info click here.


This Wearable Device Can Listen To Your Heart, Voice, And Snoring

This Wearable Device Can Listen To Your Heart, Voice, And Snoring    

There is a new device that sticks to the skin like a temporary tattoo and can listen to the beat of the heart, the voice and any sound the body makes. It can also monitor a series of conditions that involve sound such as speech therapy and snoring. More info click here.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes    

They Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Sleep Apnea, Or Nocturnal Hypertension, Among Others.    

The causes of a headache are different in older adults, compared to younger adults. Headaches are more serious in older people and can be related to other health conditions, or even induced by medications. Tension headaches are more common in older adults, but their frequency and severity decline with age, so they are not reported as a major problem. Migraines are the second most common type of headache, and also decreases with age. There is another type of headache that is present in people older than 50 years, called hypnic headache. These appear while sleeping and have a short duration. The causes might be nocturnal hypertension and sleep apnea, among others. Special attention must be placed on thunderclap headaches, which are extremely painful. They can represent a life-threatening condition. Check all the headache types common in older adults. Additional information click here.


Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak    

Symptoms Are A Strong Headache, Neck Pain, Tinnitus And Even May Lead To A Coma    

Researchers have found a correlation between snoring and a thinner skull. The thinning is up to 1.23 mm, however, a skull erosion of 1mm can cause a spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak (sCSF-L). This allows the liquid that serves as a cushion to the brain and spinal cord to flow away by the eroded area. The result can be life-threatening, including coma, stroke, and symptoms of dementia. This serious condition is also associated with obesity. The causes are not clear. The main symptom is a headache that gets more severe when upright and lying down. Other symptoms are neck pain, light or sound sensitivity, tinnitus, hearing changes, among others. More Information click here.


Patients Following A Stroke Injury Treated For CPAP Machines

Patients Following A Stroke Injury Treated For CPAP Machines    

It Is A Similar Treatment For Neurological Sleep Apnea    

CPAP machines are the usual treatment for sleep apnea. These create a positive pressure that forces air to the lungs, preventing the interruptions of air flow and providing proper blood oxygenation. A recent study has determined that CPAP machines can also be used for patients who have experienced a stroke, and there is disordered breathing due to brain injury. This is similar to a lesser-known of sleep apnea called neurological sleep apnea. In the most common type, obstructive sleep apnea, the airway is obstructed by relaxed tissue at the back of the tongue, a thick neck, among other causes. Neurological sleep apnea occurs when the brain is unable to send the proper signals for continuous breathing. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue From Blocking Air Passage While Sleeping

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue From Blocking Air Passage While Sleeping    

In people with sleep apnea, when the tongue is relaxed it automatically blocks the air passage, and the patient stops breathing several times per hour. There is now an implantable device connected to a lead under the skin of the tongue, similar to a pacemaker. More details click here.


Snoring Can Be Prevented By Strengthening The Muscles With A Simple Daily Workout

Snoring Can Be Prevented By Strengthening The Muscles With A Simple Daily Workout    

It Toughens The Muscles That Relax At Night, Stopping The Blocking Of The Airflow    

Snoring may ruin a relationship, and it can lead to sleep apnea, which can lead to poor brain oxygenation and cardiovascular conditions. However, there are quick tips to avoid it. In the case of obstructive sleep apnea, the cause is the relaxing of the muscles of the back of the tongue, which blocks the airway, preventing the air to flow. Among them are losing weight and maintaining regular sleep hours. Other tips that are not widely known are straightening the throat and tongue muscles to prevent their relaxation. This can be done by practicing yoga and singing to reinforce the muscles of the throat, pressing the tongue t the roof of the mouth, and perform exercises on the lip muscles. Check all the exercises toy can perform to strengthen the muscles in the oral cavity and prevent snoring. Additional information click here.


Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?

Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?    

There are various types of treatments for sleep apnea. The most widely used are CPAP machines, which consist of a mask that forces air into the lungs. If it is not comfortable, there are other solutions, such as oral appliances which move the bottom jaw forward, freeing the air passage, chin straps and even implantable devices similar to a pacemaker that stimulates the tongue, clearing the airway. Surgery is the last option. Click here for more information.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Unusual Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Unusual Symptoms Of Pregnancy    

Among These Are A Runny Nose And Excessive Snoring And Salivation    

The normal symptoms of pregnancy are an expanding waistline, hormonal imbalances, and unusual food cravings. However, women may be pregnant without having these signs. Other symptoms are a stuffy and running nose and excessive snoring. This is because the hormonal changes affect the mucous membranes. These changes also affect the mouth, causing excessive salivation and a metallic taste. Check all the unusual symptoms of pregnancy. Additional info click here.


The Combination Of Opioid Painkillers Plus Gabapentin Can Result In Severe Breathing Difficulties

The Combination Of Opioid Painkillers Plus Gabapentin Can Result In Severe Breathing Difficulties    

It Adds To The Risk Of Respiratory Depression And A Higher Risk Of Opioid Overdose Death    

Recent studies have shown that there is a risk of serious breathing difficulties for patients that use gabapentin, along with opioid painkillers, which are used for controlling chronic pain. However, some doctors also prescribe gabapentin, because it can be used as a treatment for depression that results because of chronic pain. It is also prescribed for epilepsy fibromyalgia, generalized anxiety disorder, and restless legs. Additionally, is also used to treat insomnia, social phobia, migraine, panic disorder and bipolar disorder, among others. Also, it will worsen the opioid crisis, which affects users who have been dependent on opioid painkillers. It is important for doctors to detect symptoms of misuse and abuse, as soon as anyone of the signals shows up. If both medications are used at the same time, it can lead to complications such as respiratory depression and a higher risk of abuse or opioid overdose deaths. Sleep apnea patients can be in a greater risk, due to the fact that they already have breathing difficulties at night because of the relaxation of the soft palate, which prevents a proper airflow, interrupts the breathing process, and lowers the blood oxygen level.


Sleep Apnea Can Also Be Related To A Blocked Nose Passage, Forcing To Breathe Through The Mouth

Sleep Apnea Can Also Be Related To A Blocked Nose Passage, Forcing To Breathe Through The Mouth    

Now A Minimally Invasive Procedure Can Widen The Sinus Passages    

Sleep apnea is usually caused by an obstruction in the airway while sleeping, causing an interruption of breathing. Treatments are oriented to correct the obstruction. This is normally done increasing the air pressure, forcing air into the lungs, using a CPAP machine. However, there are other treatments for elimination the obstruction, such as using a mouthpiece to force the jaw forward, surgery for reducing the tonsil size or excess tissue, and even pacemaker-type devices for contracting the tongue muscles while sleeping, clearing up the airway. However, there are cases in which the person, can have no obstruction in the throat area, but it is located in the nasal passages, which forces him to breathe through the mouth at night. This, in turn, might alter the airway configuration, resulting in snoring, and also cause dental or oral problems, such as dry mouth. There is another technique that clears the nasal passage by widening through a minimally invasive in-office procedure. It is called balloon sinuplasty and uses a balloon to dilate the sinus passages, inserting it with a catheter and expanding the balloon. It also corrects the issues related to obstructed sinus. More Information click here.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount

This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount    

It Also Determines The Dosing To Reduce The Caffeine Amount While Maintaining The Same Alertness    

The alertness level with caffeine could be optimized with a newly developed algorithm. Most people take caffeine to stimulate their mood and alertness, and well as to combat the effects of sleep loss. However, in some cases, excess consumption of caffeine can have side effects, such as digestive issues. Researchers have proposed an automated optimization algorithm to determine the caffeine dose maximize alertness under any sleep-loss condition. It showed how to dose the caffeine to consume to improve alertness by 64%, without increasing the amount of caffeine. It also showed how to dose it, reducing its consumption by 65%, having the same improvement in alertness. It can also provide a caffeine dosing to maximize its benefits in a particular sleep-wake cycle. Additional info click here.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Earplugs Are Not So Safe For The Snorer’s Partner Sleep Apnea

Earplugs Are Not So Safe For The Snorer’s Partner Sleep Apnea    

Sometimes, the only way to get rid of the partner’s snoring is by wearing earplugs. However, wax earplugs can be very dangerous, since it can get stuck in the ear canal. Also, the longer the time the object is in the ear canal increases the risk of infection. More Information click here.


Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea And How To Deal With Them

Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea And How To Deal With Them    

There are times in which people sleep 8 hours, but they feel exhausted the day after and fatigued at work. The reason might be sleep apnea, which interrupts the sleep and prevents the body from entering deep sleep. The solution might be sleeping on your side or having the tonsils removed. Click here for more details.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Napping Has More Pros Than Cons And You Will Feel Renewed

Napping Has More Pros Than Cons And You Will Feel Renewed    

Napping has more pros than cons. Among its benefits are relaxation, reduced fatigue, more alertness, better mood and also better performance, which includes quicker reaction time and improved memory. However, if oversleeping or waking at the wrong time, it can also have sleep inertia, which feels disoriented and also sleeping problems. How much time must take a nap? More info click here.


If You Can’t Stand The CPAP Blower For Sleep Apnea, Check New This Device

If You Can’t Stand The CPAP Blower For Sleep Apnea, Check New This Device    

Sleep apnea treatment usually consists of a bulky mask connected to a system that forces air into the lungs. There is a new device that goes through a person’s nose buds, seals it to maintain air pressure during sleep. It includes an electrostatic micro-blower to force air through the nostrils. It is soon to be on the market. Additional information click here.


New Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Based On Drugs

New Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Based On Drugs    

It Is Oriented To Certain Inflammation Present On Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

Most sleep apnea treatment consists of mechanical or electrical devices that prevent the blockage of the upper airway, avoiding the interruption, but they are very uncomfortable for some people. However, researchers are working on a new treatment based on drugs. A drug used for treating multiple sclerosis has proven effective in treating obstructive sleep apnea, compared to a placebo. This drug has anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have found that certain inflammatory molecules have been shown to be related to obstructive sleep apnea. Also, sleep apnea frequency or severity has been reduced with immunosuppressive agents. This new treatment would avoid the requirement to interact with CPAP machines or oral devices. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Daylight Saving Alters The Sleep Pattern On Kids

Daylight Saving Alters The Sleep Pattern On Kids    

Proper sleeping habits begin by going to bed at a set time. This is more important for kids because it can affect their development and school performance. Daylight savings disrupt the sleep pattern, which is worse on the kids because they can’t change their sleep schedule as easily as adults, leading to sleep deprivation. Additional information click here.


Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?

Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?    

There are various types of treatments for sleep apnea. The most widely used are CPAP machines, which consist of a mask that forces air into the lungs. If it is not comfortable, there are other solutions, such as oral appliances which move the bottom jaw forward, freeing the air passage, chin straps and even implantable devices similar to a pacemaker that stimulates the tongue, clearing the airway. Surgery is the last option. Click here for more information.