Thursday, February 27, 2020

Lack Of Activity And Poor Diet Are Increasing The Risk Of Obesity In Children

Lack Of Activity And Poor Diet Are Increasing The Risk Of Obesity In Children    

This Is Resulting In Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure, And Excess Inflammation    

Children are spending more than 7 hours per day in sedentary activities, such as TV, computers, video games, cell phones, and movies. This lack of exercise, in addition to a poor diet, is exposing them to obesity. This will have a huge impact on their health in adult life, resulting in a predisposition to excess weight, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and cancer. Also, overweight children may begin suffering from sleep apnea, which will lead to inflammation, increasing blood pressure, insulin and cortisol. These are serious health conditions for children. The solution would be to inform parents how these habits will affect their children as adults. Also, pregnant women with excess weight increase the risk of obesity in their children by 28%. Click here for more information.


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