Monday, March 2, 2020

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes    

They Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Sleep Apnea, Or Nocturnal Hypertension, Among Others.    

The causes of a headache are different in older adults, compared to younger adults. Headaches are more serious in older people and can be related to other health conditions, or even induced by medications. Tension headaches are more common in older adults, but their frequency and severity decline with age, so they are not reported as a major problem. Migraines are the second most common type of headache, and also decreases with age. There is another type of headache that is present in people older than 50 years, called hypnic headache. These appear while sleeping and have a short duration. The causes might be nocturnal hypertension and sleep apnea, among others. Special attention must be placed on thunderclap headaches, which are extremely painful. They can represent a life-threatening condition. Check all the headache types common in older adults. Additional information click here.


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