Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Breathing Through The Mouth Is The Main Cause For Snoring

Breathing Through The Mouth Is The Main Cause For Snoring    

A Nasal Obstruction Or A Receding Jaw May Be Forcing The Air Through The Mouth    

Snoring can be prevented with the following advice. The first one is to close the mouth while breathing. Our bodies are designed to breathe through the nose, not through the mouth. The nasal cavity filters and moistens the air going into the lungs. The most common cause of snoring is breathing through the nose. If you feel that the nose is closed, there are saltwater sprays that will wash the nasal cavity, and antihistamines will open them if they are closed due to nasal congestion. Another cause for an obstructed nose may be a deviated nasal septum, which requires a visit to the specialist. Also, a receding jaw can be the cause of snoring, since the tongue tends to fall back and obstruct the airway. Check all the advice for preventing snoring. Click here for more information.


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