Friday, January 10, 2020

Snoring Can Help You Identify Health Issues

Snoring Can Help You Identify Health Issues    

Snoring may be harmless, apart from annoying your partner. However, sleep apnea, which is related to snoring, can result in a severe health condition. Some of the symptoms to watch for are frequent and loud snoring, waking up abruptly with shortness of breath, gasping for air when waking up, among others. These can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and depression. Check the full list of symptoms. Additional information click here.


Explaining Sleep Walking And Night Terrors On Children

Explaining Sleep Walking And Night Terrors On Children    

Sleepwalking can be common in kids. It is called parasomnia, which is referred to all the unusual behavior during sleep. Sleepwalking is a partial state of wakefulness during deep sleep. In the case of children, it might be caused because the ability of the brain to control the sleep cycle is not fully developed. A similar case happens with night terrors. What to do in these cases? Is it safe to wake them up? Click here for more info.


Consequences Of Sleep Apnea On The Cardiovascular System

Consequences Of Sleep Apnea On The Cardiovascular System    

Sleep apnea occurs when the air passage in the body is interrupted when sleeping, resulting in loud snoring and in breathing interruptions which can last from ten seconds to one minute. This leads to poor sleeping and a sense of fatigue on the next day. Among its consequences are high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease with a high risk of heart attack, depression, and diabetes. Check the full list. More details click here.


Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak    

Symptoms Are A Strong Headache, Neck Pain, Tinnitus And Even May Lead To A Coma    

Researchers have found a correlation between snoring and a thinner skull. The thinning is up to 1.23 mm, however, a skull erosion of 1mm can cause a spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak (sCSF-L). This allows the liquid that serves as a cushion to the brain and spinal cord to flow away by the eroded area. The result can be life-threatening, including coma, stroke, and symptoms of dementia. This serious condition is also associated with obesity. The causes are not clear. The main symptom is a headache that gets more severe when upright and lying down. Other symptoms are neck pain, light or sound sensitivity, tinnitus, hearing changes, among others. More Information click here.


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Study: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Produces Cortical Thinning In Different Areas In Men And Women

Study: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Produces Cortical Thinning In Different Areas In Men And Women    

This Can Explain The Different Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea In Men And Women And Lead To Different Treatments    

Researchers have found that obstructive sleep apnea produces cortical thinning in several areas of the brain, which might be the reason for differences in clinical symptoms. However, the most significant finding is that the affected regions are different for men and women. Studies have shown a higher prevalence of sleep apnea in men, compared to women. Earlier studies have proved that obstructive sleep apnea caused changes in the brain, showing damages to the gray area, and also the white area, but it had not considered that the brain changes were different in men and women. These differences might explain why loud snoring and apnea are more present in men, while women tend to depression, fatigue, and mood changes. This can lead to different treatments for obstructive sleep apnea in men and in women. Additional details click here.


Earplugs Prevent Disrupting The Sleep Of The Snorer’s Partner

Earplugs Prevent Disrupting The Sleep Of The Snorer’s Partner    

They Muffle The Sound, Not Blocking It Completely, And Even Regulate Air Pressure In A Plane’s Cabin    

Snoring problems are usually related to the snorer and its health hazards. However, it also affects the partner, disrupting his sleep. There are earplugs that can block the sound, but it will also block the sound of an alarm clock or a smoke alarm. Another type of earplugs muffle the sound without actually blocking it out. There are even earplugs for plane travel, which not only reduce the noise of the plane’s engines but also regulate air pressure, compensating the low pressure in the plane’s cabin. If the problem is not only snoring but loud noise at clubs or concerts, there are earplugs that will lower the sound. And cancel the noise. Click here for more information.


Depression Can Also Be Related To Excessive Sleep Duration

Depression Can Also Be Related To Excessive Sleep Duration    

This Is The Contrary Of Most Cases, Which Link Depression To Sleep Deprivation    

Depression has also been associated with sleep conditions. While most patients report an inability to sleep, there is a small percentage that reports the opposite, which is excess sleep duration, also called hypersomnia. Patients with these conditions experience excessive daytime sleepiness, and also show the symptoms of sleep deprivation. This makes hypersomnia difficult to diagnose. In some cases, the condition persists even after the main cause, which is depression, has been treated. There are tests that allow quantifying this condition, For example, persons with hypersomnia fall asleep faster than other individuals. More info click here.


Snoring Can Be Prevented By Strengthening The Muscles With A Simple Daily Workout

Snoring Can Be Prevented By Strengthening The Muscles With A Simple Daily Workout    

It Toughens The Muscles That Relax At Night, Stopping The Blocking Of The Airflow    

Snoring may ruin a relationship, and it can lead to sleep apnea, which can lead to poor brain oxygenation and cardiovascular conditions. However, there are quick tips to avoid it. In the case of obstructive sleep apnea, the cause is the relaxing of the muscles of the back of the tongue, which blocks the airway, preventing the air to flow. Among them are losing weight and maintaining regular sleep hours. Other tips that are not widely known are straightening the throat and tongue muscles to prevent their relaxation. This can be done by practicing yoga and singing to reinforce the muscles of the throat, pressing the tongue t the roof of the mouth, and perform exercises on the lip muscles. Check all the exercises toy can perform to strengthen the muscles in the oral cavity and prevent snoring. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New Research Uses Drug Repurposing To Control Circadian Rhythm

New Research Uses Drug Repurposing To Control Circadian Rhythm    

It Will Be Able To Avoid Jet Lag Symptoms, Such As Sleep Disruption    

One of the problems in travelers across a wide range of time zones is jet lag. This forces them to get accustomed to a different external time cue, also known as the day-night cycle. This also changes the circadian rhythm, which controls the sleep-wake cycle, hormone secretion, and overall metabolism. The disruption of the circadian rhythm, also known as jet lag, causes sleep disorders, fatigue, obesity, loss of concentration, and headaches, among others. Similar symptoms occur in people with changes in a work shift. Researchers have found substances that can shorten or lengthen the circadian rhythm, which would help reduce jet lag symptoms. Travelers flying west, from Asia to Europe, delays the circadian clock, which does not have serious symptoms. However, when flying east, from America to Europe, the circadian clock is shortened, people have to wake earlier, and jet lag symptoms are more serious. Click here for more info.


An Alternative To The CPAP Machine For Sleep Apnea Treatment

An Alternative To The CPAP Machine For Sleep Apnea Treatment    

It Is An Oral Device The Pushed The Jaw Forward, Clearing The Airway    

Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by relaxation on the tissue behind the tongue, blocking the airflow. Other causes can be oversized tonsils or excess weight, increasing the size of the neck. In all these cases, the air had difficulties to pass freely through the throat. It is usually treated with a machine that generates a positive air pressure inside the lungs, called a CPAP machine, which consists of a face mask that in many cases, it can be uncomfortable. Studies have shown that half of the CPAP users abandon its use. The mask also limits the positions in which the wearer can sleep. However, there is another solution, in which an oral device pushes the lower jaw to the front, along with the tongue, clearing the block on the upper airway. More details click here.


Long Distance Travelers Can Benefit From A Pike Bark Extract

Long Distance Travelers Can Benefit From A Pike Bark Extract    

It Reduces Edema And Leg Pain Related To Long Distance Flights And Also Helps With Jet Lag Symptoms    

A pine bark extract has healthy benefits for long distance travelers. It reduces the risk of edemas and blood clots linked to sitting in a plane or in a car for an extended period of time, and it also reduces the symptoms of jet lag. The extract, called Pycnogenol, showed a significant reduction in edema in the lower legs and ankle circumference, and fewer reports of leg pain. Additionally, the study showed that jet lag symptoms were reduced, including better sleep quality, cognitive function and synchronization, reduced fatigue and less visual impairment. The good news is that this extract is already available. Additional info click here.


Older Adults Have Different Wake Cycles And Must Be Careful With Sleeping Pills

Older Adults Have Different Wake Cycles And Must Be Careful With Sleeping Pills    

These Tips Will Allow A Better Sleep For Older Adults And Also For Younger People    

Many people believe that older adults require to sleep less. The truth is that they have the same sleep requirements as younger people. However, as one grows older, the sleep cycles change. This leads to waking up more often, which is also caused by more frequent visits to the bathroom. However, it is important that older adults get enough sleep, because daytime sleepiness increases the risk of falling, and lack of sleep is linked to dementia and cognitive decline. There are tips to get a better sleep, which works for older adults, as for younger people. Among them are turning off screens, because the blue light affects the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Also, older adults must be careful of sleeping pills, because their effect lasts more time in their bodies, increasing the risk of falls and confusion. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Learning The Differences Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Learning The Differences Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Snoring Is A Symptom Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

There is a general misconception that snoring and sleep apnea are the same condition. Snoring is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, but there are other types of sleep apnea. Snoring occurs when there is an airway obstruction while sleeping, producing a vibrating sound. Obstructive apnea is a consequence of snoring, in which the airway obstruction results in an interruption of breathing. The obstruction which causes snoring is usually caused by the relaxation of the tissue at the back of the tongue, but it can also be caused by a crooked nose, loose palate, or thick neck, among others. Additional details click here.


This App For Apple Watch Detects When The User Is Snoring And Forces A Change Of Position

This App For Apple Watch Detects When The User Is Snoring And Forces A Change Of Position    

It Uses Taps To Send A Silent Alert To The User Without Waking Him Up    

A new app for Apple Watch detects the snoring sound and gives an alarm to the user in the form of a silent tap, which is not strong enough to wake up the user but will force the user change his sleeping position. It has also an alarm, which uses taps to silently wake up the user, and a sleep tracker. Also, it evaluates the sleep cycle of the user, determining when the user is at the lightest sleep phase to wake him up. It can also report the average heart rate during the night. This app can be used on the latest versions of Apple Watch. Click here for more information.


These Earplugs Are Made For The Snorer, Not The Snorer’s Partner

These Earplugs Are Made For The Snorer, Not The Snorer’s Partner    

They Detect The Snoring Sound And Emit An Alert To Force A Change In The Head Position    

Among the products for snoring partner are earplugs, which block the snoring sound. However, there are now devices similar to earplugs for the snorer to actually prevent snoring. When these earplugs detect the sound of snoring, they emit alerts in the form of micro-vibrations and micro-sounds, which force the sleeper to change the position of the head and neck. Also, these alerts activate nerves in the brain, causing the throat muscles to tighten. It also pairs up with a smartphone to obtain a report of the night’s activities. More info click here.


Monday, January 6, 2020

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes    

They Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Sleep Apnea, Or Nocturnal Hypertension, Among Others.    

The causes of a headache are different in older adults, compared to younger adults. Headaches are more serious in older people and can be related to other health conditions, or even induced by medications. Tension headaches are more common in older adults, but their frequency and severity decline with age, so they are not reported as a major problem. Migraines are the second most common type of headache, and also decreases with age. There is another type of headache that is present in people older than 50 years, called hypnic headache. These appear while sleeping and have a short duration. The causes might be nocturnal hypertension and sleep apnea, among others. Special attention must be placed on thunderclap headaches, which are extremely painful. They can represent a life-threatening condition. Check all the headache types common in older adults. Additional information click here.


Snoring Sounds Causes Negative Health Effects On The Snorer’s Partners

Snoring Sounds Causes Negative Health Effects On The Snorer’s Partners    

Studies Have Shown That It Results In A Higher Blood Pressure    

Snoring affects the snorer and his partner. The snorer suffers from lower brain oxygenation, has a higher cardiovascular risk, and other serious health issues. The snorer’s partner will also have continuous sleep interruptions because of the noise, and the consequences of sleep deprivation. However, a study has shown that there might be even worse consequences for the snorer’s partner, leading to an increase on blood pressure and other health conditions related to it, such as an increase of risk for stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease, among others. The study also included persons that are exposed to airport noises, which also interrupted their sleep. Click here for more info.


Sleep Deprivation Linked To A Protein Related To Alzheimer’s Disease

Sleep Deprivation Linked To A Protein Related To Alzheimer’s Disease    

The Protein Level Increases After Just One Night Of Poor Sleep    

According to researchers, sleep deprivation is not as harmless as it seems. One night of sleep deprivation increased the levels of beta-amyloid, a protein linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This protein accumulates between the brain cells and forms structures similar to plaques, which affect brain cell communication. The plaques formed on areas of the brain responsible for long-term memory and processing of sensory information. The research does not confirm if this plaque buildup is reversed with proper sleeping, however, the conclusion was that proper sleeping is crucial for the correct functioning of the brain. More details click here.


This Sleep Monitor Can Detect Snoring And Also Teeth Grinding

This Sleep Monitor Can Detect Snoring And Also Teeth Grinding    

It Links To A Device Which Detects Room Conditions That May Cause Poor Sleeping    

There are many apps for sleep monitoring, and some of them are capable to detect snoring and react to it, sending an alarm to the user to change positions. There is one app that can interact with a bedside device that makes a more thorough evaluation of the sleeping process, not only detecting snoring sounds, but also teeth grinding, and other aspects that affect sleep quality, such as room temperature and lighting. This provides substantially more data for evaluation sleep problems. Additional info click here.


Sunday, January 5, 2020

Review These Little-Known Causes Of Hypertension

Review These Little-Known Causes Of Hypertension    

Among Them Are BPA Contained In Plastic Bottles, Sleep Apnea, And Thyroid Malfunction    

Most people know that high blood pressure is caused by excess salt ingestion, excess weight, and lack of exercise. However, according to experts, there are also other causes. One of them is bisphenol A, also known as BPA, a substance used in plastic bottles and the interior coating of beverage cans. Plastic food containers and wraps can increase blood pressure. Also, certain OTC drugs, such as NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), like aspirin or ibuprofen, can result in hypertension. The same results occur with acetaminophen (Advil). Sleep apnea can also be responsible for hypertension. It reduces blood oxygen levels, and the body responds by sending more oxygen to the heart and brain, leading to a tightening of the arteries and hypertension. Thyroid problems also cause high blood pressure, either by underproduction or overproduction of hormones. Check all the little-known causes of hypertension. Click here for more details.


Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions

Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions    

They Can Be Confused With Hair Loss, Constipation, Anxiety, And Sleep Apnea    

The symptoms of thyroid malfunction can be caused by many other health conditions. Also, in the case of young people, doctors usually don’t screen patients for thyroid conditions. Knowing the symptoms will give the patient an idea of the possible cause, and talk it with the specialist. The most common is hair loss, due to the fact that the thyroid controls hair growth, and also can lead to hair thinning. Constipation is another symptom because hypothyroidism can lower the speed of bowel movements, and also may cause memory loss. Other symptoms are anxiety and depression, depending on if the thyroid is underactive or overactive. Hypothyroidism can also cause extreme fatigue, which is also a symptom of anemia and sleep apnea. Check all the symptoms of thyroid malfunction. More Information click here.


Patients Following A Stroke Injury Treated For CPAP Machines

Patients Following A Stroke Injury Treated For CPAP Machines    

It Is A Similar Treatment For Neurological Sleep Apnea    

CPAP machines are the usual treatment for sleep apnea. These create a positive pressure that forces air to the lungs, preventing the interruptions of air flow and providing proper blood oxygenation. A recent study has determined that CPAP machines can also be used for patients who have experienced a stroke, and there is disordered breathing due to brain injury. This is similar to a lesser-known of sleep apnea called neurological sleep apnea. In the most common type, obstructive sleep apnea, the airway is obstructed by relaxed tissue at the back of the tongue, a thick neck, among other causes. Neurological sleep apnea occurs when the brain is unable to send the proper signals for continuous breathing. Additional details click here.


One Of The Main Causes Of Car Accidents And Deaths Is Sleep Deficiency

One Of The Main Causes Of Car Accidents And Deaths Is Sleep Deficiency    

The Driver Has Low Reaction Time And Pays Less Attention To The Road    

According to a recent study, sleep deficiency is one of the main causes of vehicle accidents and deaths. Lack of sleep increases the risk of a vehicle crash in 33 percent. A sleepy driver pays less attention, has a lower reaction time, and will probably make poor decisions. Considering the number of people with poor sleeping, there are many drivers under the effect of sleep deficiency, risking their lives and others. The most critical part is that many of these drivers are unaware of their lack of sleep and don’t consider that they are at risk. Caffeine might be seen as a solution to prevent the effects of lack of sleep while driving, but the effects only last a short time. Also if the driver takes medications that include sleepiness as a side effect, it is better to take public transportation. Click here for more information.


Saturday, January 4, 2020

These Health Conditions Might Remain Undiagnosed Until It Is Too Late

These Health Conditions Might Remain Undiagnosed Until It Is Too Late    

Among Them Are Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure, And Glaucoma    

There are health conditions that remain undiagnosed or have symptoms that are easily confused with other illnesses. However, when the condition manifests itself, it is too late. One of them is high blood pressure, which, if undiagnosed or untreated, can end in a heart attack, various organ complications, or a stroke. Another is sleep apnea, which can become obstructive sleep apnea, in which the tongue relaxes at night and does not allow the flow of air. This occurs at night making it hard to detect by the sufferer and can show itself as extreme sleepiness after waking up. It can be detected by the partner, but if the sufferer lives alone, it can be difficult to detect. Glaucoma also shows vision loss when it is in an advanced state. Check all the conditions you must be aware of. More info click here.


Certain Sleep Conditions May Be Serious Enough To Seek Professional Help

Certain Sleep Conditions May Be Serious Enough To Seek Professional Help    

Among Them Are Excessive Snoring, Sleep Apnea, And Trouble Getting Asleep And Also Staying Asleep    

Sometimes, we don’t consider that sleep problems are serious enough to see a doctor, and think they will eventually pass, or just fix it with a pill. However, some sleep-related conditions are serious issues, and they should be discussed with the doctor. Among them are complaints from your partner that you snore too much. This is related to sleep apnea, in which the relaxed tongue obstruct the airway. This creates a vibration, which explains the snoring. The main problem is poor oxygen flow to the brain, which also affects brain oxygenation. However, sleep apnea is also related to poor sleep quality, an increase in the risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks, and also a possibility of developing insulin resistance, leading to type-2 diabetes. Other issues are trouble getting asleep and also staying asleep. More info click here.


Night Sweats In Women Are Not Only Triggered By Hormone Levels

Night Sweats In Women Are Not Only Triggered By Hormone Levels    

Other Causes May Be Excess Alcohol Intake, Sleep Apnea, Or Anxiety    

Night sweats are common in 30% of women. It is not only uncomfortable but can also decrease the sleep quality. It can be triggered by infections, the time of the day and variations in hormone levels, which is why it is related to menopause. However, it can also be caused by excess alcohol, sleep apnea, and anxiety. There are solutions for alleviating this condition. The most obvious is avoiding heavy or thick duvets or blankets. If you are overweight, losing weight also helps since you might be experiencing overheating. Also, it is a good idea to get the hormone levels checked. Additional information click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To More Serious Conditions – Learn To Identify It

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To More Serious Conditions – Learn To Identify It    

Among These Are Irregular Heartbeat, Hypertension, Heart Attack, And Stroke    

Snoring is usually related to sleep apnea, which, as we have discussed before, interrupts the air flow and leads to poor blood oxygenation and oxygen restriction to the brain. However, there are other additional effects that can be a health risk. Among them are irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea also is more common in overweight people, with large necks and narrow airways. Large tonsils are also a problem, but they can be removed, if necessary. Usually, the roommate’s complains are the first warning, but if the sufferer lives alone, the symptoms will be extreme sleepiness, morning headaches, poor memory and concentration, and irritability. Click here for more info.


Friday, January 3, 2020

These Technological Devices Will Help You Sleep Better

These Technological Devices Will Help You Sleep Better    

They Include Blue Lights To Help Manage Sleep Rhythm And White Noise Machines    

Technology makes out every day easier, but when it comes to sleeping, it is debatable, because of the blue-light screen that affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. However, there are other technological gadgets that should help us sleep better. Among them are light-blocking glasses, which have orange-tinted to block the blue light, and white noise machines that mask annoying background noises. Also, there are lights for dimly lit workspaces that provide blue spectrum light, getting rid of the daytime drowsiness. Similar lights are incorporated in goggles, helping manage sleep rhythm. Check all the devices to help you sleep better. More details click here.


Asthmatic Patients Can Benefit From Exercise, Reducing Airway Inflammation

Asthmatic Patients Can Benefit From Exercise, Reducing Airway Inflammation    

They Also Have Less Depression And Sleep Apnea    

According to a recent research, asthmatic adults can benefit from exercise, which also decreases the risk of sleep apnea and depression. There have been better results in obese adults. The normal approach was avoiding exercise, because their bodies would react and the airways would narrow, increasing the difficulty to breathe. However, it has been found that exercise actually reduces the inflammation in the airways. Additional info click here.


These Apparently Harmless Conditions Can Be Fatal In Untreated

These Apparently Harmless Conditions Can Be Fatal In Untreated    

Among Them Are Tooth Infections, Snoring, And Sleep Deprivation    

There are seemingly simple and harmless conditions, which, if untreated, may worsen to the extreme to be life-threatening. One of them is a tooth infection, in which the harmful microorganisms can enter the bloodstream and infect the heart. Another is snoring, which can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, causing a sudden drop in blood oxygen. This affects the brain oxygenation, increase blood pressure, and even cause a stroke or heart attack. Never sleeping can also be fatal if the case is a very rare form of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia (FFI). It is caused by a sudden change in the prion protein, resulting in a difficulty of falling asleep, cognitive decline, and loss of control over body movements. Check the other apparently harmless conditions that can be fatal. Click here for more details.


Sleep Apnea Can Be Treated Via A New Implant

Sleep Apnea Can Be Treated Via A New Implant    

It Is An Alternative To Patients Who Cannot Stand The CPAP Machine    

Sleep apnea is usually treated with CPAP machines. These create a positive air pressure, forcing it into the lungs. Even though it has an almost perfect 100% success rate, it is not comfortable and half of the patients cannot stand it. An alternative to it is an implant that stimulates the tongue and other muscles around it. When it senses that the breathing slows down, it delivers an electrical impulse to certain nerves and muscles in the tongue and throat, clearing the airway. More Information click here.


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Factors That Cause Insomnia During Pregnancy

Factors That Cause Insomnia During Pregnancy    

They Include Hormonal Changes, Repeated Bladder Fillings, Sleep Apnea, Anxiety, And Acid Reflux    

Insomnia occurs frequently during pregnancy, and it may be related to other health condition, such as anxiety, sleep apnea, or mood disorders. According to experts, the cause may reside in the variations in hormone levels, psychological changes, and physiological changes, including repeated bladder fillings. Also, muscle tone decreases, leading to sleep apnea and snoring, because of the high levels of progesterone in the body. Other conditions are excess pressure on the bladder and the stomach due to the fetus, increasing the frequency of urination and acid reflux, also because of hormonal changes. These changes can increase worry or anxiety in some women, which will result in insomnia. Additional details click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Be The Reason Why You Are Feeling Tired Every Day

Sleep Apnea Can Be The Reason Why You Are Feeling Tired Every Day    

Airflow Interruption Forces The Body To Wake, Interrupting Sleep    

Feeling tired all day is not normal. It drains our resources, affects our job and our daily activities. One of the causes is sleep apnea. It relaxes the back of the tongue, restricting the airflow. The body reacts by waking up or moving, interrupting the sleep, which will result in poor sleeping and feel exhausted the next day. Another consequence of sleep apnea is poor brain oxygenation, as a result of airflow interruption, which will eventually affect reaction time and the ability to concentrate. Other causes of constant tiredness are anemia, in which the low red blood cell count reduces the capacity to distribute oxygen and nutrients. Check all the causes of constant fatigue. Click here for more information.


These Noise-Canceling Earplugs Help The Partner, Not The Snorer

These Noise-Canceling Earplugs Help The Partner, Not The Snorer    

They Also Allow Sleeping In A Plane, Blocking Low-Frequency Sounds    

Snoring affects the snorer by limiting the air passage but also affects the partner. One way to solve the problem it causes is not by treating the snorer, but by helping the preventing the partner from hearing the snoring sound. A company has designed a noise-canceling in-ear device, which will prevent the partner to hear snores and other low-frequency sounds. These sounds are difficult to block with earplugs, but the device does a good job. It also works with the low-frequency sound of an aircraft, making it easy to sleep on a plane. More info click here.


Leg And Foot Cramps At Night Might Be Related To Sleep Apnea And Low Oxygen Levels

Leg And Foot Cramps At Night Might Be Related To Sleep Apnea And Low Oxygen Levels    

Other Studies Suggest Lack Of Magnesium And Vitamin B, Along With Stretching    

Some people experience leg and foot cramps at night, which wakes them up in a painful way. However, doctors don’t have a clear idea of the causes. One research showed that stretching at night showed a decrease in the frequency of cramps. Others had positive results with magnesium and vitamin B supplements. However, specialists found out that patients with sleep apnea who begun treatment with CPAP machines reported that they had no more cramps. Even though the evidence is weak, cramps could be related to low oxygen levels in the blood. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Procedure Can Detect Oxygen Levels In Snoring Children

New Procedure Can Detect Oxygen Levels In Snoring Children    

It Provides A Relatively Inexpensive Way To Detect Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

Identification of sleep apnea in children usually requires a detailed analysis involving an oximeter to record oxygen levels, brain activity monitors, detectors of eye movement and muscle tension and cardiac signal monitors. However, a recent research has determined that the pulse oximeter provides the most relevant data for computer analysis, and the additional data had limited value. This provides a relatively inexpensive way to detect blood oxygen levels in children who snore, and determine if they have severe sleep apnea. Click here for more info.


Using Weighed Blankets Found For Better Sleep And Less Stress And Anxiety

Using Weighed Blankets Found For Better Sleep And Less Stress And Anxiety    

The Give The Impression Of A Deep Hug And A Sensation Of Security    

Weighted blankets are a new trend in improving sleep and anxiety. They can weight from 4 to 25 pounds, and the users say it gives the impression of a hug and a sense of security. According to a study, users with moderate insomnia report an improved sleep and fewer movements after two weeks of use. Anxiety sufferers also reported lower anxiety in more than half of the cases. These blankets offer deep pressure stimulation, which is a form of touch that seems like a firm hug or a massage. Research on deep pressure stimulation has found positive results in calming adults and children with autism, anxiety and attention difficulties. Additional information click here.


Snoring, Restless Legs, And Body Heat Can Be Unbearable At Night For The Partner

Snoring, Restless Legs, And Body Heat Can Be Unbearable At Night For The Partner    

A Solution Is Taking A “Sleep Divorce” – Learn About It.    

Sometimes couples love each other, but can’t stand the snoring, restless legs or body heat at night. A solution is sleeping apart in different beds or even in separate rooms. This does not mean that there is less feeling for each other, but sometimes, the best idea is to give each other its private space. This idea was backed up by one-third of the people who answered a survey about “sleep divorce”. It will give a good night’s sleep for both and they will wake up refreshed. The most delicate part is talking together to take this step. Click here for more info.


Concerned About Sleeping Pills? Check These Natural Cures For Insomnia And Sleep Apnea

Concerned About Sleeping Pills? Check These Natural Cures For Insomnia And Sleep Apnea    

Calcium And Magnesium Are Linked To Good Sleeping    

If you are concerned about the issues with sleeping pills, you will be glad to know that insomnia can be treated naturally or by health supplements. According to studies, low levels of magnesium have been linked to insomnia, depression and sleep apnea. This supplement is present in nuts, chicken, beef, fish and green vegetables. Another important supplement is calcium, which is related to the REM phase of sleep. Low calcium will leave a sensation of fatigue in the morning, even after sleeping all night. Some natural sources are nuts, bread, soybeans, and broccoli. Even though there is no definitive scientific evidence, a South American herb called passionflower is claimed to end insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, among other health conditions. Yoga and meditation are known for helping people with anxiety, however, there are studies stating that they also help with insomnia. Check all the natural treatments for insomnia and sleep apnea. More details click here.