Monday, August 31, 2020

Asthmatic Patients Can Benefit From Exercise, Reducing Airway Inflammation

Asthmatic Patients Can Benefit From Exercise, Reducing Airway Inflammation    

They Also Have Less Depression And Sleep Apnea    

According to a recent research, asthmatic adults can benefit from exercise, which also decreases the risk of sleep apnea and depression. There have been better results in obese adults. The normal approach was avoiding exercise, because their bodies would react and the airways would narrow, increasing the difficulty to breathe. However, it has been found that exercise actually reduces the inflammation in the airways. Additional info click here.


Depression Can Also Be Related To Excessive Sleep Duration

Depression Can Also Be Related To Excessive Sleep Duration    

This Is The Contrary Of Most Cases, Which Link Depression To Sleep Deprivation    

Depression has also been associated with sleep conditions. While most patients report an inability to sleep, there is a small percentage that reports the opposite, which is excess sleep duration, also called hypersomnia. Patients with these conditions experience excessive daytime sleepiness, and also show the symptoms of sleep deprivation. This makes hypersomnia difficult to diagnose. In some cases, the condition persists even after the main cause, which is depression, has been treated. There are tests that allow quantifying this condition, For example, persons with hypersomnia fall asleep faster than other individuals. More info click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing is interrupted for a short period. This results in a reduction of oxygen in the blood, which leads to excess fatigue in the morning, and, if untreated, can result in high blood pressure, diabetes and even stroke. More Information click here.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

One Night Of Poor Sleep May Increase The Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s

One Night Of Poor Sleep May Increase The Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s    

The Person Will Feel Tired Next Day, But The Worst Effect Is On The Brain    

A study has found out that disrupted sleeping may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Researchers in a sleep lab interrupted the sleep of volunteers with sound or lights. These group showed an increase in proteins related to dementia the day after. The same disrupted sleep occurs with sleep apnea. One night of interrupted sleep may result in tiredness the day after, but the worst effect may be on the brain. Additional details click here.


Friday, August 28, 2020

These Apparently Harmless Conditions Can Be Fatal In Untreated

These Apparently Harmless Conditions Can Be Fatal In Untreated    

Among Them Are Tooth Infections, Snoring, And Sleep Deprivation    

There are seemingly simple and harmless conditions, which, if untreated, may worsen to the extreme to be life-threatening. One of them is a tooth infection, in which the harmful microorganisms can enter the bloodstream and infect the heart. Another is snoring, which can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, causing a sudden drop in blood oxygen. This affects the brain oxygenation, increase blood pressure, and even cause a stroke or heart attack. Never sleeping can also be fatal if the case is a very rare form of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia (FFI). It is caused by a sudden change in the prion protein, resulting in a difficulty of falling asleep, cognitive decline, and loss of control over body movements. Check the other apparently harmless conditions that can be fatal. Click here for more details.


Sleep Apnea Occurs When Being Asleep And Can Be Difficult To Detect

Sleep Apnea Occurs When Being Asleep And Can Be Difficult To Detect    

Among The Symptoms Are Excessive Fatigue, Snoring, And Morning Headaches    

Sleep apnea is not easy to detect, because it occurs while sleeping. There are symptoms that can help identify it. The most common is excess snoring, which will probably be a cause to complain from the partner, but is not detectable if the person lies alone. Snoring also comes with regular breathing pauses, which disrupts sleep. The interruption in breathing leads to poor brain oxygenation, which results in headaches and excess fatigue when waking up, and also poor concentration and memory loss. It is important to check the symptoms, because, if sleep apnea is untreated, it can lead to serious health conditions, such as heart failure, diabetes, and strokes. Check all the symptoms of sleep apnea. Click here for more details.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Sleep Apnea Related To Deterioration Of Dental Implants

Sleep Apnea Related To Deterioration Of Dental Implants    

Sleep apnea and snoring are related to bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. This is an involuntary jaw movement while sleeping and can be detected if the snorer wakes with a sensation of tightness on the jaw muscles. A study has shown that this is not only a problem for teeth, but also to dental implants, which break or deteriorate under constant grinding. Additional information click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing is interrupted for a short period. This results in a reduction of oxygen in the blood, which leads to excess fatigue in the morning, and, if untreated, can result in high blood pressure, diabetes and even stroke. More Information click here.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea Related To Poor Memory Recall And Depression

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Related To Poor Memory Recall And Depression    

Study Was Performed On Individuals With Untreated OSA    

According to a study, obstructive sleep apnea is related to impaired memory and increases the risk of depression. Individuals with untreated OSA recalled memories from childhood, early adulthood, and recent memories. However, they could not recall the memory in great detail. The study also included semantic memory, which recalls acts and concepts, and episodic memory, which considers the recall of broader events. In the case of untreated OSA, there were problems with semantic memory but not episodic memory. Poor semantic memory is linked with depression. The study suggests that OSA affects the brain’s ability to recall certain types of memories, making difficult to recall details from the past. More info click here.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain

Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain    

Some Of The Symptoms Include Headaches And Muscle Strain    

Nocturnal epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in brain cells. In this case, it is a seizure that occurs at sleep and can be identified by certain symptoms. Some of these are waking up with headaches, muscle strain, bedwetting, and excess fatigue, among others. The cause can be unusual brain development, head injury, brain low, and low levels of oxygen, similar to sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Daylight Saving Alters The Sleep Pattern On Kids

Daylight Saving Alters The Sleep Pattern On Kids    

Proper sleeping habits begin by going to bed at a set time. This is more important for kids because it can affect their development and school performance. Daylight savings disrupt the sleep pattern, which is worse on the kids because they can’t change their sleep schedule as easily as adults, leading to sleep deprivation. Additional information click here.


Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain

Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain    

Some Of The Symptoms Include Headaches And Muscle Strain    

Nocturnal epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in brain cells. In this case, it is a seizure that occurs at sleep and can be identified by certain symptoms. Some of these are waking up with headaches, muscle strain, bedwetting, and excess fatigue, among others. The cause can be unusual brain development, head injury, brain low, and low levels of oxygen, similar to sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

New Implantable Device For Sleep Apnea Sends An Electric Signal To Unblock The Airway

New Implantable Device For Sleep Apnea Sends An Electric Signal To Unblock The Airway    

It Is Activated Via Remote Control And Normalizes Breathing At Night    

The usual treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP machines, which generate continuous positive pressure to make a positive blood pressure airway, forcing air into the lungs. However, these machines are bulky, and also require the patient to wear a mask while sleeping, which can be uncomfortable for some people. This condition is caused by the relaxation of the soft tissue at the back of the throat, which occurs when the patient is asleep, blocking the airway and interrupting the breathing process and lowering the level of blood oxygen. There is now an alternative, in the form of an implantable chip that is located under the skin and activated via remote control. Therefore, when the patient inhales at night while sleeping, an electric signal sent to the neck, in order to pull the tongue forward, reducing or eliminating the number of breathing pauses at night. The device is implanted via outpatient surgery and can be activated every night using a remote control. The device is available to patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea and also to patients that are unable to use or get benefits from CPAP, or find its use very uncomfortable, and with a body mass index of less than 34.


This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore

This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore    

This device consists of an armband that is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone. When the smartphone’s microphone detects a snoring sound, it will communicate with the armband and it will vibrate. The smartphone can differentiate snoring sounds from other environmental sounds. More details click here.


Sleeping On The Front Is The Worst Position For Back Pain

Sleeping On The Front Is The Worst Position For Back Pain    

However, It Might Help Alleviate Sleep Apnea    

Back pain can be caused by an improper movement, a poor sleeping position, or an incorrect lifting, among others. It occurs to most people at one point of their lifetime, and it usually heals after several days or weeks. One of the causes is sleeping in the wrong position, such as sleeping on the front. This forces the head to one side, twisting the neck to allow breathing, and does not provide any support for the spine. On the other side, if suffering from sleep apnea, sleeping on the front might be a good idea. This is because the tissue on the throat relaxed at night, and sleeping on the back will cause it to obstruct the airway because of the gravity. Therefore, sleeping on the front can alleviate this – but it is not recommended due to the lack of support for the spine. More info click here.


Monday, August 24, 2020

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Excessive Strain In The Cardiovascular System, Plaque Buildup, And Type 2 Diabetes

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Excessive Strain In The Cardiovascular System, Plaque Buildup, And Type 2 Diabetes    

According To Researchers, 12% Of The U.S. Population Suffers From It, But 80% Are Undiagnosed    

The sleep process causes dynamic changes in the body, consisting of different phases in which blood pressure, breathing, and body temperature, varies. Tension in muscles only changes during the REM phase, which consists of 25% of the sleep. Most muscle groups, relax, including the ones located in the throat, which results in an airway is obstruction, resulting in sleep apnea. In the conditions, there are frequent breathing interruptions lowering blood oxygen levels, and can even occur hundreds of times per night. Among its side effects is a strain of the cardiovascular system, because it must pump blood faster to compensate or the low oxygen level. Also, the variation of blood oxygen level can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and high blood pressure. Also, studies have shown it affects glucose metabolism, promoting insulin resistance, which can result in type 2 diabetes, and also promotes weight gain. Also, it is related to mental problems because it lowers the oxygen in the blood that is going to the brain and can cause anxiety, memory loss, and depression. Studies on driving performance showed that drivers with sleep apnea had 2.5 times the possibility to have an accident, that those without sleep apnea. Researchers estimate that 12% of the U.S. population suffers from this condition, but 80% are undiagnosed. Unfortunately, a person with this condition is not aware of it because it happens while sleeping, therefore it must be detected and diagnosed by another person monitoring the patient. Another way is to use a blood oximeter, which must register between 95% and 100%. A reading of 94% or less is a sign that there is an airway blockage, a circulatory problem, or a collapsed lung.


New Pillow Takes Care Of Snoring By Detecting It And Moving The Head

New Pillow Takes Care Of Snoring By Detecting It And Moving The Head    

There is a new anti-snoring device. It consists of a pillow that detects when the person is snoring and also detects the head position. Then the user is snoring, it gently moves the head to other position by inflating the integrated air chambers. It can also communicate with a smartphone to monitor sleep quality. More Information click here.


This Sleep Monitor Can Detect Snoring And Also Teeth Grinding

This Sleep Monitor Can Detect Snoring And Also Teeth Grinding    

It Links To A Device Which Detects Room Conditions That May Cause Poor Sleeping    

There are many apps for sleep monitoring, and some of them are capable to detect snoring and react to it, sending an alarm to the user to change positions. There is one app that can interact with a bedside device that makes a more thorough evaluation of the sleeping process, not only detecting snoring sounds, but also teeth grinding, and other aspects that affect sleep quality, such as room temperature and lighting. This provides substantially more data for evaluation sleep problems. Additional info click here.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak    

Symptoms Are A Strong Headache, Neck Pain, Tinnitus And Even May Lead To A Coma    

Researchers have found a correlation between snoring and a thinner skull. The thinning is up to 1.23 mm, however, a skull erosion of 1mm can cause a spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak (sCSF-L). This allows the liquid that serves as a cushion to the brain and spinal cord to flow away by the eroded area. The result can be life-threatening, including coma, stroke, and symptoms of dementia. This serious condition is also associated with obesity. The causes are not clear. The main symptom is a headache that gets more severe when upright and lying down. Other symptoms are neck pain, light or sound sensitivity, tinnitus, hearing changes, among others. More Information click here.


Friday, August 21, 2020

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping    

Sleep has many myths around it. For example, many people think that a nap can compensate sleep deprivation, and that extra sleeping at weekends can compensate a week of poor sleeping. Both of these are false. Also, people believe that snoring is harmless but it can increase the risk of a stroke or a cardiovascular condition. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Better Sleep Leads To Better Body And Cardiovascular Health

Better Sleep Leads To Better Body And Cardiovascular Health    

Sleep apnea leads to erratic sleep, affecting the sleep cycle. Many bodily functions depend on the sleep cycle, also called the circadian cycle, which use it as a time reference to release certain hormones for biological processes. Therefore, an erratic sleep cycle leads to a slow decline in health. Also, the frequent interruptions in breathing will affect the oxygen supply of the brain and activate the production of cortisol, causing hypertension and affecting the cardiovascular system. Learn all the consequences of poor sleeping. Additional info click here.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Patients Following A Stroke Injury Treated For CPAP Machines

Patients Following A Stroke Injury Treated For CPAP Machines    

It Is A Similar Treatment For Neurological Sleep Apnea    

CPAP machines are the usual treatment for sleep apnea. These create a positive pressure that forces air to the lungs, preventing the interruptions of air flow and providing proper blood oxygenation. A recent study has determined that CPAP machines can also be used for patients who have experienced a stroke, and there is disordered breathing due to brain injury. This is similar to a lesser-known of sleep apnea called neurological sleep apnea. In the most common type, obstructive sleep apnea, the airway is obstructed by relaxed tissue at the back of the tongue, a thick neck, among other causes. Neurological sleep apnea occurs when the brain is unable to send the proper signals for continuous breathing. Additional details click here.


Earplugs Are Not So Safe For The Snorer’s Partner Sleep Apnea

Earplugs Are Not So Safe For The Snorer’s Partner Sleep Apnea    

Sometimes, the only way to get rid of the partner’s snoring is by wearing earplugs. However, wax earplugs can be very dangerous, since it can get stuck in the ear canal. Also, the longer the time the object is in the ear canal increases the risk of infection. More Information click here.


Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea

Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea    

This new treatment based on microscopic medical-grade salt can clear the airways, leading to better breathing and restores respiratory function. This helps with allergies, sleep apnea, smokers cough, and asthma, among others. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Chronic Sleep Disruption Includes Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Chronic Sleep Disruption Includes Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Among Its Symptoms Are Daytime Fatigue, Poor Attention Span, And Depression    

Insufficient sleep is a condition caused by modern life, but it can have serious health consequences, such as an increase in the risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. This condition is known as chronic sleep disruption and includes untreated sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring. Among the symptoms are difficulty to wake up in the morning, and falling asleep during the day. Also, extreme daytime fatigue, tiredness, poor attention span, and mood changes. Another consequence of sleep disruption is depression. The same symptoms occur in people who work on a rotating shift, in which the body reacts to the change in sleep-wake cycles. More info click here.


Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea

Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea    

This new treatment based on microscopic medical-grade salt can clear the airways, leading to better breathing and restores respiratory function. This helps with allergies, sleep apnea, smokers cough, and asthma, among others. Click here for more info.


Considering Surgery Treatment For Snoring

Considering Surgery Treatment For Snoring    

There are physiological factors that are responsible for sleep apnea. This is because there is an obstruction in the air passage, such as a large tonsil, obesity, bent nose, swollen tissue inside the nose, and a soft and low palate. These issues can be solved via surgery. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Pros And Cons Of Sleep Apnea Tests At Home

Pros And Cons Of Sleep Apnea Tests At Home    

They Are Less Through Than The Ones Done At A Sleep Clinic    

When there is a suspicion of sleep apnea, based on the symptoms, it must be diagnosed in a test in which the patients stays overnight at a sleep clinic. The symptoms can be snoring, daytime sleepiness, headaches when waking up, waking up at night gasping for air, among others. The test at the sleep clinic involves a variety of sensors no monitor brain waves, eye movements, heart rate, and body movements, which are placed on the scalp, in the chin, around the eyes, in the chest, and in the legs. There are also sensors and probes to monitor breathing and blood oxygen level. This is a very thorough test and will be able to correctly diagnose if sleep apnea is present. However, there are tests that can be done at home, and the results are quickly available. The downside is that they are not as complete as the ones in a sleep clinic, because they only measure the breathing, heart rate, and blood oxygen level. These home tests are only used to confirm an existing diagnosis of sleep apnea. More details click here.


Snoring Might Cause Serious Cognitive Issues

Snoring Might Cause Serious Cognitive Issues    

Low Brain Oxygenation Might Lead To Damaged Blood Vessels In The Brain And Nerve Cell Loss    

Snoring might be more harmful than most people believe. The interruption in breathing deprives the brain of oxygen. According to specialists, this leads to problems paying attention and memory issues. It also causes concentration and daytime sleepiness. This gets worse if they have a certain genetic trait, which increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Also, low oxygen levels may damage the blood vessels in the brain, and the varying oxygen levels could result in inflammation, being related to nerve cell loss in specific brain areas, which leads to cognitive issues. Additional information click here.


Constant Fatigue And Tiredness Can Have Many Explanations

Constant Fatigue And Tiredness Can Have Many Explanations    

Among Them Are Anemia, Sleep Apnea, And Cardiovascular Conditions    

Sometimes people feel constantly tired and cannot elain the cause. There can be different reasons for it. One common one is anemia. This is the inability of the blood to transport enough oxygen to the rest of the body and it is usually caused by iron deficiency. Another reason is sleep apnea, in which the throat tissue relaxes while sleeping, which causes snoring. However, the airway can also get obstructed, preventing proper brain oxygenation. However, the brain notices the accumulation of CO2 and sends an alarm, telling the body to wake. These interruptions are very short, but they result in fatigue on the next day. Another reason for being tires is a heart condition. The heart does not have the capacity for pumping blood to the whole body. It must give priority to vital organs, therefore, it restricts the blood supply to other tissues, such as muscles, which explains the sensation of being tired all the time. Check all the reasons that can lead to constant fatigue. Additional information click here.


Monday, August 17, 2020

Snoring Can Affect The Snorer’s Quality Of Life, And Also His Bed Partner’s

Snoring Can Affect The Snorer’s Quality Of Life, And Also His Bed Partner’s    

The Sound Is Generated By A Vibration Of The Soft Tissues At The Back Of The Tongue    

Snoring can affect the quality of sleep of the snorer, and also his or her bed partners’. According to a study, people slept an entire hour longer each night after their spouses stopped snoring. More good-quality sleep improves overall health. Snoring sound is generated by the vibration of the soft tissue at the back of the tongue, which causes a partial obstruction as the air forces itself through it. When the airway closes entirely, it leads to sleep apnea, which has serious consequences, like an increase in the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, obesity, and diabetes. Sleep apnea can be diagnosed by staying overnight at a sleep clinic. If the diagnosis is positive, the most common treatment is a CPAP machine, It comes with a mask that forces air in the throat and lungs, but it can be uncomfortable for some people, so not everybody can tolerate it. The alternative is a mouthpiece that will force the jaw to the front, opening the airway. Additional details click here.


Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes    

They Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Sleep Apnea, Or Nocturnal Hypertension, Among Others.    

The causes of a headache are different in older adults, compared to younger adults. Headaches are more serious in older people and can be related to other health conditions, or even induced by medications. Tension headaches are more common in older adults, but their frequency and severity decline with age, so they are not reported as a major problem. Migraines are the second most common type of headache, and also decreases with age. There is another type of headache that is present in people older than 50 years, called hypnic headache. These appear while sleeping and have a short duration. The causes might be nocturnal hypertension and sleep apnea, among others. Special attention must be placed on thunderclap headaches, which are extremely painful. They can represent a life-threatening condition. Check all the headache types common in older adults. Additional information click here.


An Area In The Brain Can Control Wakefulness And Sleep

An Area In The Brain Can Control Wakefulness And Sleep    

It Is Also Involved In Recovery From Sleep Loss    

Researchers have found that a single brain area controls both sleep and wakefulness. Previously, it was thought that the cerebral cortex, the area in contact with the skull, produces sleep-inducing slow brain waves, and wakefulness is controlled by the lower, mammalian part of our brain. However, according to recent discoveries, the thalamus is responsible for the states of consciousness, and for sending sensory information to the brain. Stimulating this area induced wakefulness in test animals, while lowering the stimulus in a rhythmic way resulted in a deep, non-REM sleep. REM sleep phase includes dreams, while non-REM sleep is the two main sleep phases; the former is the stage during which we dream, while the latter is the deep, restorative sleep. Also, the research showed that suppressing the stimulus to the thalamus prevented the recovery from sleep loss. Additional details click here.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Chronic Sleep Disruption Includes Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Chronic Sleep Disruption Includes Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Among Its Symptoms Are Daytime Fatigue, Poor Attention Span, And Depression    

Insufficient sleep is a condition caused by modern life, but it can have serious health consequences, such as an increase in the risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. This condition is known as chronic sleep disruption and includes untreated sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring. Among the symptoms are difficulty to wake up in the morning, and falling asleep during the day. Also, extreme daytime fatigue, tiredness, poor attention span, and mood changes. Another consequence of sleep disruption is depression. The same symptoms occur in people who work on a rotating shift, in which the body reacts to the change in sleep-wake cycles. More info click here.


Friday, August 14, 2020

A 5-Minutes Laser Treatment Can Put An End Snoring

A 5-Minutes Laser Treatment Can Put An End Snoring    

It Creates Microscopic Holes In The Soft Palate, Which Causes Scars That Stiffen, Leading To Less Vibration    

There is a new pain-free treatment for snoring, which is very quick and consists of tiny pulses of lasers oriented to the back of the throat. According to specialists. these new high tech lesson treatment plans decrease snoring between 40 and 60%. The main cause of snoring is a relaxation of the soft palate in the throat, which interrupts the airflow. The laser, which is a handheld device, sends tiny pulses of energy from 5 to 7 minutes, creating microscopic holes in about one-third of the area of the soft palate. The healing process forms scars, which eventually results in a stiffened area, leading to less tissue vibrating and less moving tissue, which allows the patient to breathe without interruptions while sleeping and stop the snoring noise. Patients will feel just a pinprick sensation, and perhaps, very little burning of the throat. The procedure does require anesthesia.


Sleep Apnea Can Be Caused By Crooked Teeth

Sleep Apnea Can Be Caused By Crooked Teeth    

These Reduce The Volume Inside The Mouth, Pushing The Tongue Backwards And Obstructing The Air Passage    

One little-known cause of sleep apnea can be crooked teeth. This is related to the position of the tongue. In sleep apnea, the tissue at the back of the tongue relaxes at night and obstructs the upper airway. However, it can also be caused because the position of the teeth reduces the space inside the mouth, forcing the tongue backward, and obstructing the air passage. Another cause related to the tongue position is improper jaw development, in which the upper jawbone and lower jaw are not fully developed, being not wide enough, and the lower jaw is not positioned forward enough, which reduces the dimensions of the upper airway. Oversized tonsils and adenoids can also block the air, as well as the excess fat tissue in the neck of obese people. Even though the normal treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP machines, the problems related to jaw misplacement or oral cavity can be corrected with an oral appliance that pushes the jaw forward and stabilizes the position of the tongue and soft palate. Click here for more details.


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Risk Of Diabetes Type 2 Related To Sleep Apnea

Risk Of Diabetes Type 2 Related To Sleep Apnea    

Recent studies have shown a relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and a higher risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Also, the risk that represents these two conditions increases significantly with obesity. Click here for more info.


Better Sleeping For Couples With These Products

Better Sleeping For Couples With These Products    

Technology can help to get better sleep. A smart pillow connects to an app and monitors the sleep, warns if you are snoring and even streams music through the pillow. Also, if your partner is a cover hog, a clap will prevent him or her from taking away the blanket. Click here for more info.


New Implantable Device Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea

New Implantable Device Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea    

Sleep apnea is usually treated by a device called CPAP, which forces air into the lungs. However, it is uncomfortable for many of the patients, which abandon the treatment and increase the risk of hypertension and stroke. There is now an implantable device similar to a pacemaker that detects the airflow and also stimulates the nerve that controls the tongue, moving it to open the throat. Click here for more details.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A 5-Minutes Laser Treatment Can Put An End Snoring

A 5-Minutes Laser Treatment Can Put An End Snoring    

It Creates Microscopic Holes In The Soft Palate, Which Causes Scars That Stiffen, Leading To Less Vibration    

There is a new pain-free treatment for snoring, which is very quick and consists of tiny pulses of lasers oriented to the back of the throat. According to specialists. these new high tech lesson treatment plans decrease snoring between 40 and 60%. The main cause of snoring is a relaxation of the soft palate in the throat, which interrupts the airflow. The laser, which is a handheld device, sends tiny pulses of energy from 5 to 7 minutes, creating microscopic holes in about one-third of the area of the soft palate. The healing process forms scars, which eventually results in a stiffened area, leading to less tissue vibrating and less moving tissue, which allows the patient to breathe without interruptions while sleeping and stop the snoring noise. Patients will feel just a pinprick sensation, and perhaps, very little burning of the throat. The procedure does require anesthesia.


New Implantable Device Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea

New Implantable Device Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea    

Sleep apnea is usually treated by a device called CPAP, which forces air into the lungs. However, it is uncomfortable for many of the patients, which abandon the treatment and increase the risk of hypertension and stroke. There is now an implantable device similar to a pacemaker that detects the airflow and also stimulates the nerve that controls the tongue, moving it to open the throat. Click here for more details.


Many Patients With Asthma Also Suffer From Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Many Patients With Asthma Also Suffer From Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

This Condition Is Worsened By Obesity And Acid Reflux    

Studies have found that patients with asthma also suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Up to 60% of patients with asthma have OSA, and this grows to 95% in the cases of severe asthma. Also, OSA worsens asthma. In addition, obesity and gastrointestinal reflux disease, also known as acid reflux, also contribute to the development of OSA in patients with asthma. Therefore, reducing body weight with a proper diet and exercise can significantly improve both conditions. It is also important to stop smoking since it can also airway inflammation, worsening asthma and OSA symptoms. Additional info click here.


Avoiding Foods That Interrupt The Sleep

Avoiding Foods That Interrupt The Sleep    

There are foods that should be avoided before going to sleep because they interrupt the sleep process. For example, dark chocolate las low sugar, but a high amount of caffeine. Also, a steak is a high-protein food that will digest slowly and has been linked to sleep apnea. Spicy food will cause heartburn and raise body temperature. If you want to avoid coffee, trying decaf is not a wise choice, for it has enough caffeine to affect sleep. More info click here.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Snoring And Sleep Apnea Occurs When Sleeping – How To Identify The Symptoms

Snoring And Sleep Apnea Occurs When Sleeping – How To Identify The Symptoms    

This Is Relevant For Persons Living Alone With No Partner To Inform About Their Snoring    

Sleep apnea and snoring are health conditions that occur when a person is asleep. This means that the person is not conscious when it happens, and the bedroom partner informs the snorer of what is happening. However, if the snorer or sleep apnea sufferer lives alone, it is very probable that he won’t be aware of his condition. According to studies, 85% to 90% of sleep apnea sufferers in the US don’t know that they have it. However, there are symptoms that will reveal the existence of this condition. If the sleep apnea is mild, there will be daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and headaches when waling up. If it is severe, the sufferer might wake up gasping for air, with a sensation of choking. There is also a decreasing performance on the job or at the school, and also mood changes, such as depression. If these symptoms are present, it is important to visit a specialist, because the consequences of sleep apnea are severe, such as an increase in the risk of cardiovascular conditions, heart attack, hypertension, and stroke. The ca Click here for more information.


Sleep Apnea Treatment With Magnet Implant

Sleep Apnea Treatment With Magnet Implant    

A new treatment for sleep apnea is based on magnets. Sleep apnea happens when the muscles that control the air passage relax when sleeping and blocks this flow of air. A magnet was implanted in the neck of the patient, and another magnet is worn in a collar at night. This pulls the implanted magnet and this maintains the air passage open. Additional info click here.


This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore

This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore    

This device consists of an armband that is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone. When the smartphone’s microphone detects a snoring sound, it will communicate with the armband and it will vibrate. The smartphone can differentiate snoring sounds from other environmental sounds. More details click here.


Monday, August 10, 2020

Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea And How To Deal With Them

Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea And How To Deal With Them    

There are times in which people sleep 8 hours, but they feel exhausted the day after and fatigued at work. The reason might be sleep apnea, which interrupts the sleep and prevents the body from entering deep sleep. The solution might be sleeping on your side or having the tonsils removed. Click here for more details.


Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury    

Studies have shown that sleep apnea is related to memory loss. In some cases, it can get so critical that it can lead to Alzheimer’s. Also, when a person stops breathing at night, the brain receives less oxygen, which can cause brain injuries. What are the causes of sleep apnea? More details click here.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea Causes Persistent Inflammation To The Body

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Causes Persistent Inflammation To The Body    

This Results In A Shorted Lifespan, Cognitive Ability Reduction, And Cardiovascular Diseases    

Proper sleeping is good for anti-aging. This is because poor sleeping has harmful effects on the body, and one of these effects is giving the appearance of being older than the actual age. According to researchers, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the causes of poor sleeping and is related to the inflammation and damage to the organs. The conclusion was that OSA promotes a persistent low-intensity inflammatory state. This means that this condition is constantly causing inflammation to the body. This condition might be triggered by altered lung ventilation and the low concentration of blood oxygen. Persistent inflammation also affects cognitive ability, cardiovascular function, mood, behavior, and increases the risk of stroke. It also results in other health conditions, such as erectile dysfunction, chronic kidney disease, among others. Usual treatments are tonsil removal in children and CPAP machines in adults. However, there are also treatments for the damage caused by an inflammatory state, such as vitamin C or plant-derived antioxidants. More info click here.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Preventing Insomnia And Sleep Apnea With A Dust-Free Environment

Preventing Insomnia And Sleep Apnea With A Dust-Free Environment    

Also, There Are Not The Only Sleep Disorders    

Insomnia is not the only common sleep disorder, and Environmental issues and pollution could cause them. This is the case of sleep apnea, in which researchers consider that the particles in the air affect the delicate lining of the throat, nose, and mouth, which increases the risk of developing sleep apnea, causing a frequent interruption in sleep. Additional consequences of sleep apnea are daytime drowsiness, which, according to studies, doubles the risk of suffering a motor vehicle accident. It can be prevented with a dust-free environment, with plants to clean up carbon dioxide, and also removing pollen, mold and indoor bacteria with an air purifier. Other unusual sleep disorders are narcolepsy, which causes excessive daytime sleepiness. Another is restless leg syndrome, which is an inability to control movements while resting. This results in repeated interruptions of the REM cycle, however, the sufferer might not recall the frequent wake-up. Additionally, there are other sleep disorders, such as sleepwalking (along with the recently discovered sleep eating), early waking, and night terrors. More info click here.


Friday, August 7, 2020

Snoring, Restless Legs, And Body Heat Can Be Unbearable At Night For The Partner

Snoring, Restless Legs, And Body Heat Can Be Unbearable At Night For The Partner    

A Solution Is Taking A “Sleep Divorce” – Learn About It.    

Sometimes couples love each other, but can’t stand the snoring, restless legs or body heat at night. A solution is sleeping apart in different beds or even in separate rooms. This does not mean that there is less feeling for each other, but sometimes, the best idea is to give each other its private space. This idea was backed up by one-third of the people who answered a survey about “sleep divorce”. It will give a good night’s sleep for both and they will wake up refreshed. The most delicate part is talking together to take this step. Click here for more info.


Anxiety Or Depression Can Be A Symptom Of An Undiagnosed Health Condition

Anxiety Or Depression Can Be A Symptom Of An Undiagnosed Health Condition    

Patients With Anxiety Can Have A Cardiovascular Disease Or Even Cancer    

Anxiety or depression is a mental issue. However, it can show itself as a symptom of an undiagnosed health condition, such as cardiac arrhythmias, pancreatic cancer or sleep apnea. The problem is that medical doctors can recognize symptoms related to their specialty, but sometimes fail to identify mental conditions related to a certain illness. On the other side, psychiatrists can detect mental conditions, but fail to identify clinical conditions that can be related to them. Check the full list of health conditions. More details click here.


Thursday, August 6, 2020

These Apparently Harmless Conditions Can Be Fatal In Untreated

These Apparently Harmless Conditions Can Be Fatal In Untreated    

Among Them Are Tooth Infections, Snoring, And Sleep Deprivation    

There are seemingly simple and harmless conditions, which, if untreated, may worsen to the extreme to be life-threatening. One of them is a tooth infection, in which the harmful microorganisms can enter the bloodstream and infect the heart. Another is snoring, which can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, causing a sudden drop in blood oxygen. This affects the brain oxygenation, increase blood pressure, and even cause a stroke or heart attack. Never sleeping can also be fatal if the case is a very rare form of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia (FFI). It is caused by a sudden change in the prion protein, resulting in a difficulty of falling asleep, cognitive decline, and loss of control over body movements. Check the other apparently harmless conditions that can be fatal. Click here for more details.


Snoring, Restless Legs, And Body Heat Can Be Unbearable At Night For The Partner

Snoring, Restless Legs, And Body Heat Can Be Unbearable At Night For The Partner    

A Solution Is Taking A “Sleep Divorce” – Learn About It.    

Sometimes couples love each other, but can’t stand the snoring, restless legs or body heat at night. A solution is sleeping apart in different beds or even in separate rooms. This does not mean that there is less feeling for each other, but sometimes, the best idea is to give each other its private space. This idea was backed up by one-third of the people who answered a survey about “sleep divorce”. It will give a good night’s sleep for both and they will wake up refreshed. The most delicate part is talking together to take this step. Click here for more info.


Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea And How To Deal With Them

Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea And How To Deal With Them    

There are times in which people sleep 8 hours, but they feel exhausted the day after and fatigued at work. The reason might be sleep apnea, which interrupts the sleep and prevents the body from entering deep sleep. The solution might be sleeping on your side or having the tonsils removed. Click here for more details.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue Relaxation And Sleep Apnea

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue Relaxation And Sleep Apnea    

The main cause of snoring is the relaxation of the tongue when sleeping. It relaxes so much that blocks the airway and can lead to sleep apnea. There is now a “pacemaker for the tongue”, which stimulates the tongue at night and moves it to avoid blocking the air. Additional info click here.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increased The Risk Of Postoperative Complications For Patients With Bypass Surgery

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increased The Risk Of Postoperative Complications For Patients With Bypass Surgery    

Patients who had open heart bypass surgery have increased the risk of postoperative complications if suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. More info click here.


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Detecting Sleep Apnea In Babies

Detecting Sleep Apnea In Babies    

Babies can suffer sleep apnea, and it can have serious consequences. The symptoms are pauses of 20 seconds or longer, as well as repeated pauses. Also, there are conditions that increase the risk of the baby having sleep apnea, such as acid reflux, anemia, infection, and neurological disorders, among others. More Information click here.


Sleep Deprivation Linked To A Protein Related To Alzheimer’s Disease

Sleep Deprivation Linked To A Protein Related To Alzheimer’s Disease    

The Protein Level Increases After Just One Night Of Poor Sleep    

According to researchers, sleep deprivation is not as harmless as it seems. One night of sleep deprivation increased the levels of beta-amyloid, a protein linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This protein accumulates between the brain cells and forms structures similar to plaques, which affect brain cell communication. The plaques formed on areas of the brain responsible for long-term memory and processing of sensory information. The research does not confirm if this plaque buildup is reversed with proper sleeping, however, the conclusion was that proper sleeping is crucial for the correct functioning of the brain. More details click here.


Teens Sleeping Less Than Seven Hours Related To An Adverse Cardiometabolic Profile

Teens Sleeping Less Than Seven Hours Related To An Adverse Cardiometabolic Profile    

It May Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease When Reaching An Older Age    

Sleep-deprived kids increase the risk of cardiovascular conditions when reaching adult age. The cause of poor sleep can be screen time, in the form of television viewing, or small screens, such as smartphones and tablets. There is also a lack of awareness among parents in reference to the kid’s sleep time. According to specialists, teens sleeping less than seven hours a night tended to have more body fat, elevated blood pressure, and less healthy cholesterol levels, which affect the cardiovascular system. In some cases, kids as young as 13 years already have adverse cardiometabolic profiles. A study showed that kids and teens with a shorter sleep duration and more restless sleep had the least healthy profiles. If untreated, the profiles will worsen when reaching adult age, increasing the risk of heart disease. More details click here.


Monday, August 3, 2020

Sleep Interruptions Can Be Caused By Nocturia  

Sleep Interruptions Can Be Caused By Nocturia      

Sleep apnea is not the only conditions that cause disruption in sleep and daytime sleepiness. Some older adults might suffer from nocturia, which makes them go to the bathroom several times each night. This can be a symptom of heart disease, vascular disorders, diabetes, hypertension, and Parkinson’s disease, among others. Additional details click here.


Check This Advice To Deal With A Snorer

Check This Advice To Deal With A Snorer    

Snoring affects the snorer with apnea, but also the partner. This is worse when the partner is a light sleeper. One solution is to have white noise, such a fan or air conditioner that masks variations in other sounds. Also, thick carpeting and heavy curtains can insulate the sound. Also, it is better to have a good attitude with the snorer. Additional details click here.


Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain

Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain    

Some Of The Symptoms Include Headaches And Muscle Strain    

Nocturnal epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in brain cells. In this case, it is a seizure that occurs at sleep and can be identified by certain symptoms. Some of these are waking up with headaches, muscle strain, bedwetting, and excess fatigue, among others. The cause can be unusual brain development, head injury, brain low, and low levels of oxygen, similar to sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Sunday, August 2, 2020

Overfat Category Defines Fat Location In Obese People, Better Than BMI

Overfat Category Defines Fat Location In Obese People, Better Than BMI    

If Fat Is Around The Belly It Might Result In High Cholesterol, Sleep Apnea, And High Blood Pressure    

The Body-Mass Index determines if a person is overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9) or obese (BMI greater than 30). However, according to specialists, BMI misses half of the persons who still have a dangerous amount of fat, such as the beer belly, and also does not identify body weight associated with fat, muscle or water. Also, BMI misses the amount of fat and where it is concentrated. If the fat is concentrated at the belly, it wraps around d the organs, the liver turns it into cholesterol, and the arteries harden. This results in heart disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and asthma, and increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes, and stroke. This new category called overfat. Learn how to identify it. Click here for more details.