Sunday, May 31, 2020

Type 2 Diabetes Plus Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Blindness

Type 2 Diabetes Plus Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases The Risk Of Blindness    

However, Patients Are Not Always Aware They Have Sleep Apnea    

A study has shown that sleep apnea sufferers that also have Type 2 diabetes, increase the risk of blindness due to diabetic retinopathy, which is the leading cause of blindness. Even though diabetics can develop this eye condition, they are not always aware of obstructive sleep apnea, which happens when the patient is sleeping, and it can be undiagnosed. Therefore, they are not conscious that they have a higher risk of blindness than other diabetic patients. Click here for more information.


Friday, May 29, 2020

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping    

Sleep has many myths around it. For example, many people think that a nap can compensate sleep deprivation, and that extra sleeping at weekends can compensate a week of poor sleeping. Both of these are false. Also, people believe that snoring is harmless but it can increase the risk of a stroke or a cardiovascular condition. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Explaining Sleep Walking And Night Terrors On Children

Explaining Sleep Walking And Night Terrors On Children    

Sleepwalking can be common in kids. It is called parasomnia, which is referred to all the unusual behavior during sleep. Sleepwalking is a partial state of wakefulness during deep sleep. In the case of children, it might be caused because the ability of the brain to control the sleep cycle is not fully developed. A similar case happens with night terrors. What to do in these cases? Is it safe to wake them up? Click here for more info.


Sleep Apnea Can Be Caused By Crooked Teeth

Sleep Apnea Can Be Caused By Crooked Teeth    

These Reduce The Volume Inside The Mouth, Pushing The Tongue Backwards And Obstructing The Air Passage    

One little-known cause of sleep apnea can be crooked teeth. This is related to the position of the tongue. In sleep apnea, the tissue at the back of the tongue relaxes at night and obstructs the upper airway. However, it can also be caused because the position of the teeth reduces the space inside the mouth, forcing the tongue backward, and obstructing the air passage. Another cause related to the tongue position is improper jaw development, in which the upper jawbone and lower jaw are not fully developed, being not wide enough, and the lower jaw is not positioned forward enough, which reduces the dimensions of the upper airway. Oversized tonsils and adenoids can also block the air, as well as the excess fat tissue in the neck of obese people. Even though the normal treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP machines, the problems related to jaw misplacement or oral cavity can be corrected with an oral appliance that pushes the jaw forward and stabilizes the position of the tongue and soft palate. Click here for more details.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

New Treatment Uses Low-Powered Laser To End Snoring

New Treatment Uses Low-Powered Laser To End Snoring    

There is a new treatment available to stop snoring, which consists in applying a low-energy laser to heat and tighten the oral mucosa tissue. This boosts collagen production, tightening the air passage and preventing snoring and sleep apnea. Click here for more information.


This App For Apple Watch Detects When The User Is Snoring And Forces A Change Of Position

This App For Apple Watch Detects When The User Is Snoring And Forces A Change Of Position    

It Uses Taps To Send A Silent Alert To The User Without Waking Him Up    

A new app for Apple Watch detects the snoring sound and gives an alarm to the user in the form of a silent tap, which is not strong enough to wake up the user but will force the user change his sleeping position. It has also an alarm, which uses taps to silently wake up the user, and a sleep tracker. Also, it evaluates the sleep cycle of the user, determining when the user is at the lightest sleep phase to wake him up. It can also report the average heart rate during the night. This app can be used on the latest versions of Apple Watch. Click here for more information.


Patients Following A Stroke Injury Treated For CPAP Machines

Patients Following A Stroke Injury Treated For CPAP Machines    

It Is A Similar Treatment For Neurological Sleep Apnea    

CPAP machines are the usual treatment for sleep apnea. These create a positive pressure that forces air to the lungs, preventing the interruptions of air flow and providing proper blood oxygenation. A recent study has determined that CPAP machines can also be used for patients who have experienced a stroke, and there is disordered breathing due to brain injury. This is similar to a lesser-known of sleep apnea called neurological sleep apnea. In the most common type, obstructive sleep apnea, the airway is obstructed by relaxed tissue at the back of the tongue, a thick neck, among other causes. Neurological sleep apnea occurs when the brain is unable to send the proper signals for continuous breathing. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Unusual Sleep Disorders

Unusual Sleep Disorders    

Patients May Physically Act Their Dreams, Listen To Explosions, And Even Eat And Drink While Sleeping    

Poor sleep can affect concentration, productivity, and mental health. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea but they are not the only ones. Among them is REM sleep behavior disorder, in which, instead of dreaming in a motionless state (which is caused by a temporary paralysis of arms and legs), the person physically acts his dreams. Another disorder is called restless legs syndrome, in which the patient constantly moves his legs. A particular disorder is called exploding head syndrome (EHS), in which the patient listens to explosions, gunshots, fireworks, thunder, and doors slamming, among others. It is also accompanied by sensations of electricity, palpitations, breathing difficulties, and sweating. The cause may be related to stress and emotional tension. Also, we have heard of somnambulism, in which the patient walks when sleeping. There is a similar disorder, called parasomnia, in which the patient eats and drinks while asleep. Check all the unusual sleep disorders. Click here for more information.


Snoring, Restless Legs, And Body Heat Can Be Unbearable At Night For The Partner

Snoring, Restless Legs, And Body Heat Can Be Unbearable At Night For The Partner    

A Solution Is Taking A “Sleep Divorce” – Learn About It.    

Sometimes couples love each other, but can’t stand the snoring, restless legs or body heat at night. A solution is sleeping apart in different beds or even in separate rooms. This does not mean that there is less feeling for each other, but sometimes, the best idea is to give each other its private space. This idea was backed up by one-third of the people who answered a survey about “sleep divorce”. It will give a good night’s sleep for both and they will wake up refreshed. The most delicate part is talking together to take this step. Click here for more info.


One Night Of Poor Sleep May Increase The Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s

One Night Of Poor Sleep May Increase The Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s    

The Person Will Feel Tired Next Day, But The Worst Effect Is On The Brain    

A study has found out that disrupted sleeping may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Researchers in a sleep lab interrupted the sleep of volunteers with sound or lights. These group showed an increase in proteins related to dementia the day after. The same disrupted sleep occurs with sleep apnea. One night of interrupted sleep may result in tiredness the day after, but the worst effect may be on the brain. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Study: Regular Exercise Improves Your Sleep

Study: Regular Exercise Improves Your Sleep    

Sleep apnea leads to a disruption in the sleep process, which results in poor sleeping. The result is reduced concentration, attention deficit, mental fatigue, and even depression. A study has shown that exercising four days per week might significantly improve poor sleeping. More Information click here.


Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain

Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain    

The Cause Is Sleep Apnea And An Improper Alignment Of The Spine    

An incorrect sleeping position can lead to neck and back pain or a headache when waking up. Sleeping on the back might relax the tissues at the back of the tongue, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. This interrupts the breathing and causes a poor brain oxygenation, which is the cause of the headache. This sleeping position will also cause neck pain, especially if the pillow is too high or too low. Also, studies have shown that nightmares are more common when a person sleeps on the left side, but, on the other hand, this position is the best for avoiding acid reflux. More info click here.


One Night Of Poor Sleep May Increase The Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s

One Night Of Poor Sleep May Increase The Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s    

The Person Will Feel Tired Next Day, But The Worst Effect Is On The Brain    

A study has found out that disrupted sleeping may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Researchers in a sleep lab interrupted the sleep of volunteers with sound or lights. These group showed an increase in proteins related to dementia the day after. The same disrupted sleep occurs with sleep apnea. One night of interrupted sleep may result in tiredness the day after, but the worst effect may be on the brain. Additional details click here.


Monday, May 25, 2020

Study: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Produces Cortical Thinning In Different Areas In Men And Women

Study: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Produces Cortical Thinning In Different Areas In Men And Women    

This Can Explain The Different Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea In Men And Women And Lead To Different Treatments    

Researchers have found that obstructive sleep apnea produces cortical thinning in several areas of the brain, which might be the reason for differences in clinical symptoms. However, the most significant finding is that the affected regions are different for men and women. Studies have shown a higher prevalence of sleep apnea in men, compared to women. Earlier studies have proved that obstructive sleep apnea caused changes in the brain, showing damages to the gray area, and also the white area, but it had not considered that the brain changes were different in men and women. These differences might explain why loud snoring and apnea are more present in men, while women tend to depression, fatigue, and mood changes. This can lead to different treatments for obstructive sleep apnea in men and in women. Additional details click here.


New CPAP Masks With A Comfortable Fit

New CPAP Masks With A Comfortable Fit    

Sleep apnea is normally treated by CPAP. It consists of an air mask connected to a device that forces air into the lungs at a higher pressure. However, many patients find it uncomfortable and abandon the treatment. However, there are now new mask designs with a more comfortable fit. Click here for more info.


Avoiding Foods That Interrupt The Sleep

Avoiding Foods That Interrupt The Sleep    

There are foods that should be avoided before going to sleep because they interrupt the sleep process. For example, dark chocolate las low sugar, but a high amount of caffeine. Also, a steak is a high-protein food that will digest slowly and has been linked to sleep apnea. Spicy food will cause heartburn and raise body temperature. If you want to avoid coffee, trying decaf is not a wise choice, for it has enough caffeine to affect sleep. More info click here.


These Technological Devices Will Help You Sleep Better

These Technological Devices Will Help You Sleep Better    

They Include Blue Lights To Help Manage Sleep Rhythm And White Noise Machines    

Technology makes out every day easier, but when it comes to sleeping, it is debatable, because of the blue-light screen that affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. However, there are other technological gadgets that should help us sleep better. Among them are light-blocking glasses, which have orange-tinted to block the blue light, and white noise machines that mask annoying background noises. Also, there are lights for dimly lit workspaces that provide blue spectrum light, getting rid of the daytime drowsiness. Similar lights are incorporated in goggles, helping manage sleep rhythm. Check all the devices to help you sleep better. More details click here.


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury    

Studies have shown that sleep apnea is related to memory loss. In some cases, it can get so critical that it can lead to Alzheimer’s. Also, when a person stops breathing at night, the brain receives less oxygen, which can cause brain injuries. What are the causes of sleep apnea? More details click here.


These Gadgets And Products Will Help You Sleep Well

These Gadgets And Products Will Help You Sleep Well    

These amazing gadgets and products and will help you sleep. Among them are a fan that adjusts under the sheets, cooling you down, super soft bamboo bed sheets, eyeglasses that block the blue light from the smartphones, a humidifier, white sound generators, wake alarms that don’t sound, but mimics the sunrise, and ventilated pillows. Check the complete list. More here Additional details click here.


Friday, May 22, 2020

Pros And Cons Of Sleep Apnea Tests At Home

Pros And Cons Of Sleep Apnea Tests At Home    

They Are Less Through Than The Ones Done At A Sleep Clinic    

When there is a suspicion of sleep apnea, based on the symptoms, it must be diagnosed in a test in which the patients stays overnight at a sleep clinic. The symptoms can be snoring, daytime sleepiness, headaches when waking up, waking up at night gasping for air, among others. The test at the sleep clinic involves a variety of sensors no monitor brain waves, eye movements, heart rate, and body movements, which are placed on the scalp, in the chin, around the eyes, in the chest, and in the legs. There are also sensors and probes to monitor breathing and blood oxygen level. This is a very thorough test and will be able to correctly diagnose if sleep apnea is present. However, there are tests that can be done at home, and the results are quickly available. The downside is that they are not as complete as the ones in a sleep clinic, because they only measure the breathing, heart rate, and blood oxygen level. These home tests are only used to confirm an existing diagnosis of sleep apnea. More details click here.


These Daily Habits Can Lead To Poor Sleep

These Daily Habits Can Lead To Poor Sleep    

Most of us focus on the things we do at night to get a good sleep. But there are daily habits that also affect it. For example, pressing the snooze button, which activates a new sleep cycle. Also, not enough sun exposure can affect the internal clock, and excess sugary drinks and smoking can also affect sleep. Check the full list. More details click here.


Thursday, May 21, 2020

If You Are Waking Repeatedly To Go To The Bathroom, You May Have Nocturia

If You Are Waking Repeatedly To Go To The Bathroom, You May Have Nocturia    

It Disrupts Sleep Pattern And Could Be A Symptom Of A Heart Disease, Sleep Apnea Or Diabetes    

Nocturia is a common cause of sleep loss. This usually happens in elderly adults and consists of waking up several times each night to go to the bathroom. This disrupts the sleep patterns, leading to daytime sleepiness. This increases the risk of accidents while driving or operating machinery. It could be also a symptom of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea. How to prevent it? More details click here.


New Implantable Device Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea

New Implantable Device Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea    

Sleep apnea is usually treated by a device called CPAP, which forces air into the lungs. However, it is uncomfortable for many of the patients, which abandon the treatment and increase the risk of hypertension and stroke. There is now an implantable device similar to a pacemaker that detects the airflow and also stimulates the nerve that controls the tongue, moving it to open the throat. Click here for more details.


Sleep Apnea Related To Deterioration Of Dental Implants

Sleep Apnea Related To Deterioration Of Dental Implants    

Sleep apnea and snoring are related to bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. This is an involuntary jaw movement while sleeping and can be detected if the snorer wakes with a sensation of tightness on the jaw muscles. A study has shown that this is not only a problem for teeth, but also to dental implants, which break or deteriorate under constant grinding. Additional information click here.


How To Make Sure Your Kids Wake Up Early To School

How To Make Sure Your Kids Wake Up Early To School    

Parents can have a hard time waking up their kids for school. Sometimes the kids just sleep back again. This is because teenagers need 9 hours of sleep. Their biological patterns make it difficult to go to bed at 11 pm, so they will be always wake up sleepy. How to deal with this? Click here for more details.


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Headaches Can Be Linked To Various Sleep Disorders

Headaches Can Be Linked To Various Sleep Disorders    

Headaches can be associated with sleep disorders. Waking up with a headache can be a symptom of sleep apnea. It can be also a symptom of bruxism, or teeth grinding, caused by the stress and tension of the tempo mandibular muscles. This can be treated by dentists with special mouth guards. Headaches can also appear when sleeping until late in the morning. More info click here.


Unusual Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Unusual Symptoms Of Pregnancy    

Among These Are A Runny Nose And Excessive Snoring And Salivation    

The normal symptoms of pregnancy are an expanding waistline, hormonal imbalances, and unusual food cravings. However, women may be pregnant without having these signs. Other symptoms are a stuffy and running nose and excessive snoring. This is because the hormonal changes affect the mucous membranes. These changes also affect the mouth, causing excessive salivation and a metallic taste. Check all the unusual symptoms of pregnancy. Additional info click here.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increased The Risk Of Postoperative Complications For Patients With Bypass Surgery

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increased The Risk Of Postoperative Complications For Patients With Bypass Surgery    

Patients who had open heart bypass surgery have increased the risk of postoperative complications if suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. More info click here.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Study Shows A Links Between Insomnia And Sleep Apnea, And Alzheimer’s

Study Shows A Links Between Insomnia And Sleep Apnea, And Alzheimer’s    

Lack Of Sleep Could Prevent The Brain From Cleaning Certain Toxins    

A study showed that insomnia may be linked to Alzheimer’s in older adults. They found a correlation between sleeping difficulty and the presence of indicators of Alzheimer’s. Even though the cause that links them is not clear, other studies have found that lack of sleep prevents the brain to clear several toxins related to early dementia. More Information click here.


A Proper Diet And Hydration Can Help With Poor Sleeping And Snoring

A Proper Diet And Hydration Can Help With Poor Sleeping And Snoring    

Snoring and poor sleeping are the consequences of modern life and poor habits. Excess coffee and a bad diet can be the problem. One way to avoid this is balancing the daily meal with proteins, fats, and carbs to stabilize sugar levels before bedtime. Also, pairing proteins with carbs will help to fall asleep faster and staying hydrated will prevent snoring. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


How To Check If Your Baby May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep

How To Check If Your Baby May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep    

Your baby may be keeping you from sleeping well, but there is also evidence that he may be not sleeping enough. According to experts, this may cause ADHD and chronic sleep disorder later in life. They need 16 to 18 hours of sleep per day. You can check if he is not sleeping enough if he constantly rubs his eyes or yawns, sleeps on short car rides or walks on the strollers, among others. Check all the signs. More info click here.


Monday, May 18, 2020

Smart Devices That Are Supposed To Optimize Sleep

Smart Devices That Are Supposed To Optimize Sleep    

However, The Solution Is A Proper Sleep Hygiene, As Simple As Brushing The Teeth    

There are now a series of electronic devices that can track sleeping patterns and sleep apnea. On the other side, specialists suggest going the opposite way, disconnecting from all electronics and screens 30 minutes before going to sleep, to avoid the effects of blue light over melatonin, and to slow down the brain to prepare for sleep. Some of these devices are oriented to productivity-obsessed people who wish to be hyper-efficient at sleep. Some of them have microphones to track snoring and send a signal to a smart pillow or a smart mattress to force the person to change position. Others even measure the brainwaves to determine the amount of deep sleep. The solution is to have a proper sleep hygiene. Going to sleep and waking up at a certain hour is a simple as brushing the teeth every day and night. Click here for more details.


New Wearable Device Prevents Snoring, App Identifies Snoring Sound

New Wearable Device Prevents Snoring, App Identifies Snoring Sound    

Positional Snorers Reduce Snoring Sound From 22% To 4% Of Total Sleep Time    

New wearable device buzzes if the user is sleeping on his back while snoring. It works with a smartphone app that monitors snoring, filtering it from other background noises, recording every snore sound, analyzing patterns and sounds related to obstructive sleep apnea, and can also generate reports and trends on snoring. This helps positional snorers, reducing snoring tome from 22% to 4% of total sleep time. Developers found a high correlation between specific snoring sounds and sleep apnea. Additional info click here.


Is It Appropriate To Remove The Tonsils?

Is It Appropriate To Remove The Tonsils?    

A tonsil removal or tonsillectomy was a common procedure 30 years ago when it was normal for small children to have five to seven infections per year. Since the tonsils collected most of the germs, they got infected and had to be removed, but this has changed now with antibiotics. Now, the most common reason for tonsil removal in children and adults is sleep apnea, which can be caused by enlarged tonsils. Click here for more details.


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Overfat Category Defines Fat Location In Obese People, Better Than BMI

Overfat Category Defines Fat Location In Obese People, Better Than BMI    

If Fat Is Around The Belly It Might Result In High Cholesterol, Sleep Apnea, And High Blood Pressure    

The Body-Mass Index determines if a person is overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9) or obese (BMI greater than 30). However, according to specialists, BMI misses half of the persons who still have a dangerous amount of fat, such as the beer belly, and also does not identify body weight associated with fat, muscle or water. Also, BMI misses the amount of fat and where it is concentrated. If the fat is concentrated at the belly, it wraps around d the organs, the liver turns it into cholesterol, and the arteries harden. This results in heart disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and asthma, and increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes, and stroke. This new category called overfat. Learn how to identify it. Click here for more details.


Friday, May 15, 2020

Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea

Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea    

This new treatment based on microscopic medical-grade salt can clear the airways, leading to better breathing and restores respiratory function. This helps with allergies, sleep apnea, smokers cough, and asthma, among others. Click here for more info.


Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Nearly half of adults snore or know someone who does. This can be caused by sleep apnea, which increases the risk of heart disease. If sleep apnea is untreated, it can result in a heart attack. There are natural tips for snoring, such as never sleeping on the back, taping a tennis ball to the back of the pajama can also work and also losing excess weight. Additional info click here.


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Snoring Related To Metabolic Syndrome And Diabetes

Snoring Related To Metabolic Syndrome And Diabetes    

Snoring can be related to other conditions, apart from low oxygen intake. One of them is metabolic syndrome, which consists of a group of conditions, including high blood sugar, hypertension, high cholesterol, and excess abdominal fat. Along with the metabolic syndrome is the high diabetes risk, which is caused by oxidative stress, leading to insulin resistance. More here More Information click here.


Facial Cosmetic Implants May Help Eliminating Sleep Apnea

Facial Cosmetic Implants May Help Eliminating Sleep Apnea    

A Procedure Repositions The Jaw And Tongue, Clearing The Airway    

Facial cosmetic implants are made from solid materials compatible with human tissues. Even though most have cosmetic and anti-aging objectives, they can be used for improving the patient’s well-being, such as helping with insomnia and sleep apnea. The procedure is called Sliding Genioplasty, which repositions the jaw, improving the balance of the facial features. Also, some of the muscles of the tongue are attached to this bone, repositioning also the tongue, which will help clear the airway, helping with sleep apnea. More Information click here.


Breathing Through The Mouth Is The Main Cause For Snoring

Breathing Through The Mouth Is The Main Cause For Snoring    

A Nasal Obstruction Or A Receding Jaw May Be Forcing The Air Through The Mouth    

Snoring can be prevented with the following advice. The first one is to close the mouth while breathing. Our bodies are designed to breathe through the nose, not through the mouth. The nasal cavity filters and moistens the air going into the lungs. The most common cause of snoring is breathing through the nose. If you feel that the nose is closed, there are saltwater sprays that will wash the nasal cavity, and antihistamines will open them if they are closed due to nasal congestion. Another cause for an obstructed nose may be a deviated nasal septum, which requires a visit to the specialist. Also, a receding jaw can be the cause of snoring, since the tongue tends to fall back and obstruct the airway. Check all the advice for preventing snoring. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

This Medication For A Skin Condition Has Proven Beneficial For Sleep Apnea

This Medication For A Skin Condition Has Proven Beneficial For Sleep Apnea    

It Reduces The Inflammation In The Airway, Easing The Breathing Process.    

There is a medication used to treat a skin condition called psoriasis which could also be used to treat snoring. Skin psoriasis is an auto-immune condition, in which the body’s immune cells attack the skin, causing inflammation. The medication is called dimethyl fumarate (its brand name is Tecfidera) and is used to reduce the inflammation that causes flare-ups of psoriasis. Users reported that there was a significant reduction in the number of times a night their sleep was interrupted by snoring. The reason could be that the anti-inflammatory drug also reduces the inflammation in the airway, easing the breathing process. Click here for more info.


Facial Cosmetic Implants May Help Eliminating Sleep Apnea

Facial Cosmetic Implants May Help Eliminating Sleep Apnea    

A Procedure Repositions The Jaw And Tongue, Clearing The Airway    

Facial cosmetic implants are made from solid materials compatible with human tissues. Even though most have cosmetic and anti-aging objectives, they can be used for improving the patient’s well-being, such as helping with insomnia and sleep apnea. The procedure is called Sliding Genioplasty, which repositions the jaw, improving the balance of the facial features. Also, some of the muscles of the tongue are attached to this bone, repositioning also the tongue, which will help clear the airway, helping with sleep apnea. More Information click here.


New Diagnosis Procedure For Sleep Apnea Requires Only A Blood Test

New Diagnosis Procedure For Sleep Apnea Requires Only A Blood Test    

It Has Proven Superior To Other Screening Methods    

Sleep apnea is a largely undiagnosed condition. Snoring is one of its symptoms, but not all snorers have sleep apnea. It can be identified if the person was tired, with a headache, and sleepy, and can affect job performance. This is because in sleep apnea the soft tissue in the back of the throat closes the airway, preventing breathing. The brain reacts by waking the person to force him to change position. This occurs many times per hour, without the person knowing, which results in an interrupted sleep. Diagnosis requires staying at night in a sleep clinic, which is expensive. However, there is a new diagnosis procedure, which only requires a blood test. According to researchers, certain biomarkers are present in sleep apnea, which can identify the severity of sleep apnea, and determine the requirement to assist to a sleep center for confirmation. These blood tests can also help identify sleep apnea in non-obese patients, who have a lower risk of suffering from this condition. This diagnosis procedure has proven more effective than other screening methods. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Earplugs Prevent Disrupting The Sleep Of The Snorer’s Partner

Earplugs Prevent Disrupting The Sleep Of The Snorer’s Partner    

They Muffle The Sound, Not Blocking It Completely, And Even Regulate Air Pressure In A Plane’s Cabin    

Snoring problems are usually related to the snorer and its health hazards. However, it also affects the partner, disrupting his sleep. There are earplugs that can block the sound, but it will also block the sound of an alarm clock or a smoke alarm. Another type of earplugs muffle the sound without actually blocking it out. There are even earplugs for plane travel, which not only reduce the noise of the plane’s engines but also regulate air pressure, compensating the low pressure in the plane’s cabin. If the problem is not only snoring but loud noise at clubs or concerts, there are earplugs that will lower the sound. And cancel the noise. Click here for more information.


Snoring Can Tear Apart A Relationship

Snoring Can Tear Apart A Relationship    

A Solution Can Be Sleeping In Different Rooms    

Sleep restores the mind and body for the next day. This is valid for single people and for people in relationships. However, in the latter case, one might be a snorer, and the partner will have trouble sleeping. Poor sleeping leads to tiredness, irritation and other health issues. This might eventually affect the relationship and one solution might be sleeping in different rooms. This does not mean that there are intimacy problems, only that good sleep is important for keeping a couple together. Click here for more info.


Preventing Snoring Before It Appears With These Tips

Preventing Snoring Before It Appears With These Tips    

Avoid Excessive Weight, Sleeping Pills, And Sleep On A Side, Among Others    

Many people say that it is better to prevent a health condition than to wait until it has developed into an illness. In the case of snoring, there are ways to prevent it, such as avoiding an excessive body weight, because the excess fat in the neck area narrows the air passage. Also, avoid substances and medications that relax the throat muscles and the back of the tongue, such as smoking, antihistamines, and sleeping pills. Sleeping on a side also helps, because the gravity does not pull down the relaxed tissue at the back of the tongue, blocking the airway. In addition, people with shirt collar sizes over 17 are more prone to snoring due to their thicker neck. More Information click here.


Monday, May 11, 2020

Sleep Apnea Is More Serious In Overweight Old Men

Sleep Apnea Is More Serious In Overweight Old Men    

One of the symptoms of sleep apnea is excessive sleeping and fatigue. This is because sleep apnea interferes with deep sleep, which is stages 3 and 4 of sleep), so the body seldom gets asleep that allows the recovery of the body and the mind. This gets worse if the patient is old and has excess weight, leading to hypertension and diabetes. Click here for more details.


Long Distance Travelers Can Benefit From A Pike Bark Extract

Long Distance Travelers Can Benefit From A Pike Bark Extract    

It Reduces Edema And Leg Pain Related To Long Distance Flights And Also Helps With Jet Lag Symptoms    

A pine bark extract has healthy benefits for long distance travelers. It reduces the risk of edemas and blood clots linked to sitting in a plane or in a car for an extended period of time, and it also reduces the symptoms of jet lag. The extract, called Pycnogenol, showed a significant reduction in edema in the lower legs and ankle circumference, and fewer reports of leg pain. Additionally, the study showed that jet lag symptoms were reduced, including better sleep quality, cognitive function and synchronization, reduced fatigue and less visual impairment. The good news is that this extract is already available. Additional info click here.


Chronic Sleep Disruption Includes Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Chronic Sleep Disruption Includes Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Among Its Symptoms Are Daytime Fatigue, Poor Attention Span, And Depression    

Insufficient sleep is a condition caused by modern life, but it can have serious health consequences, such as an increase in the risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. This condition is known as chronic sleep disruption and includes untreated sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring. Among the symptoms are difficulty to wake up in the morning, and falling asleep during the day. Also, extreme daytime fatigue, tiredness, poor attention span, and mood changes. Another consequence of sleep disruption is depression. The same symptoms occur in people who work on a rotating shift, in which the body reacts to the change in sleep-wake cycles. More info click here.


Sunday, May 10, 2020

These Health Conditions Might Remain Undiagnosed Until It Is Too Late

These Health Conditions Might Remain Undiagnosed Until It Is Too Late    

Among Them Are Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure, And Glaucoma    

There are health conditions that remain undiagnosed or have symptoms that are easily confused with other illnesses. However, when the condition manifests itself, it is too late. One of them is high blood pressure, which, if undiagnosed or untreated, can end in a heart attack, various organ complications, or a stroke. Another is sleep apnea, which can become obstructive sleep apnea, in which the tongue relaxes at night and does not allow the flow of air. This occurs at night making it hard to detect by the sufferer and can show itself as extreme sleepiness after waking up. It can be detected by the partner, but if the sufferer lives alone, it can be difficult to detect. Glaucoma also shows vision loss when it is in an advanced state. Check all the conditions you must be aware of. More info click here.


Friday, May 8, 2020

Teens Sleeping Less Than Seven Hours Related To An Adverse Cardiometabolic Profile

Teens Sleeping Less Than Seven Hours Related To An Adverse Cardiometabolic Profile    

It May Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease When Reaching An Older Age    

Sleep-deprived kids increase the risk of cardiovascular conditions when reaching adult age. The cause of poor sleep can be screen time, in the form of television viewing, or small screens, such as smartphones and tablets. There is also a lack of awareness among parents in reference to the kid’s sleep time. According to specialists, teens sleeping less than seven hours a night tended to have more body fat, elevated blood pressure, and less healthy cholesterol levels, which affect the cardiovascular system. In some cases, kids as young as 13 years already have adverse cardiometabolic profiles. A study showed that kids and teens with a shorter sleep duration and more restless sleep had the least healthy profiles. If untreated, the profiles will worsen when reaching adult age, increasing the risk of heart disease. More details click here.


New Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Based On Drugs

New Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Based On Drugs    

It Is Oriented To Certain Inflammation Present On Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

Most sleep apnea treatment consists of mechanical or electrical devices that prevent the blockage of the upper airway, avoiding the interruption, but they are very uncomfortable for some people. However, researchers are working on a new treatment based on drugs. A drug used for treating multiple sclerosis has proven effective in treating obstructive sleep apnea, compared to a placebo. This drug has anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have found that certain inflammatory molecules have been shown to be related to obstructive sleep apnea. Also, sleep apnea frequency or severity has been reduced with immunosuppressive agents. This new treatment would avoid the requirement to interact with CPAP machines or oral devices. Click here for more information.


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tonsil Removal Procedures Are Centered Now In The Prevention Of Sleep Apnea, Not Infection

Tonsil Removal Procedures Are Centered Now In The Prevention Of Sleep Apnea, Not Infection    

Many years ago, removing the tonsils was mandatory because of the infections. Now, this procedure is less common and is performed as a way of preventing sleep apnea. Also, the surgery carries certain risks, which need to be evaluated. More Information click here.


Review These Little-Known Causes Of Hypertension

Review These Little-Known Causes Of Hypertension    

Among Them Are BPA Contained In Plastic Bottles, Sleep Apnea, And Thyroid Malfunction    

Most people know that high blood pressure is caused by excess salt ingestion, excess weight, and lack of exercise. However, according to experts, there are also other causes. One of them is bisphenol A, also known as BPA, a substance used in plastic bottles and the interior coating of beverage cans. Plastic food containers and wraps can increase blood pressure. Also, certain OTC drugs, such as NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), like aspirin or ibuprofen, can result in hypertension. The same results occur with acetaminophen (Advil). Sleep apnea can also be responsible for hypertension. It reduces blood oxygen levels, and the body responds by sending more oxygen to the heart and brain, leading to a tightening of the arteries and hypertension. Thyroid problems also cause high blood pressure, either by underproduction or overproduction of hormones. Check all the little-known causes of hypertension. Click here for more details.


These Noise-Canceling Earplugs Help The Partner, Not The Snorer

These Noise-Canceling Earplugs Help The Partner, Not The Snorer    

They Also Allow Sleeping In A Plane, Blocking Low-Frequency Sounds    

Snoring affects the snorer by limiting the air passage but also affects the partner. One way to solve the problem it causes is not by treating the snorer, but by helping the preventing the partner from hearing the snoring sound. A company has designed a noise-canceling in-ear device, which will prevent the partner to hear snores and other low-frequency sounds. These sounds are difficult to block with earplugs, but the device does a good job. It also works with the low-frequency sound of an aircraft, making it easy to sleep on a plane. More info click here.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Determining If Tonsil Removal Is Necessary For A Child

Determining If Tonsil Removal Is Necessary For A Child    

Main Reasons Are Snoring, Sleep Apnea And Excessive Number Of Infections    

Tonsillectomies are one of the most usual surgeries performed on children, but there might be further complications, so the decision requires a careful evaluation. There are two main reasons for this surgical procedure. One of them is airway obstruction because is the size of the tonsils and adenoids. While sleeping, gravity can lower the tonsils and block the airway, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. Parents may detect if the child is snoring and has pauses in breathing. This can worsen if the child is overweight. Another reason for tonsil removal, is recurrent throat infections, including fever, enlarged lymph nodes, or presence of pus on the tonsils. In this case, a tonsillectomy can decrease the number of infections. More details click here.


Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain

Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain    

The Cause Is Sleep Apnea And An Improper Alignment Of The Spine    

An incorrect sleeping position can lead to neck and back pain or a headache when waking up. Sleeping on the back might relax the tissues at the back of the tongue, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. This interrupts the breathing and causes a poor brain oxygenation, which is the cause of the headache. This sleeping position will also cause neck pain, especially if the pillow is too high or too low. Also, studies have shown that nightmares are more common when a person sleeps on the left side, but, on the other hand, this position is the best for avoiding acid reflux. More info click here.


A Tongue Workout Can Strengthen The Muscles To Avoid Snoring

A Tongue Workout Can Strengthen The Muscles To Avoid Snoring    

This Will Prevent The Tongue To Relax While Sleeping    

Natural Indian medicine considers that tongue exercises may reduce snoring. Snoring happens when the tongue relaxes when sleeping, obstructing the air passages. This is because the tongue muscles are floppy, so a good idea might be a tongue workout to tighten the muscles. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Tongue Workout Can Strengthen The Muscles To Avoid Snoring

A Tongue Workout Can Strengthen The Muscles To Avoid Snoring    

This Will Prevent The Tongue To Relax While Sleeping    

Natural Indian medicine considers that tongue exercises may reduce snoring. Snoring happens when the tongue relaxes when sleeping, obstructing the air passages. This is because the tongue muscles are floppy, so a good idea might be a tongue workout to tighten the muscles. Click here for more information.


These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep

These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep    

Smartphones emit a blue light that interferes with melatonin production, altering sleep. On the other hand, smartphones can be helpful for sleep. This is because there are apps that help with sleep. For example, an app called SleepCoacher generates personalized recommendations, and another called Sleep as Android monitors sleep patterns. In both cases, the users improved their sleep. Check the full list of apps. Click here for more info.


This Device Allows More Airflow Through The Nose, Preventing Snoring

This Device Allows More Airflow Through The Nose, Preventing Snoring    

One of the causes of snoring is breathing through the mouth, as a result of an obstruction in the nose which can be caused by nasal congestion. A new device sits in the nose and expands the air passages, lowering the effect of nasal congestion and allows more flow of air. Additional details click here.


Monday, May 4, 2020

Snoring Can Be Prevented By Strengthening The Muscles With A Simple Daily Workout

Snoring Can Be Prevented By Strengthening The Muscles With A Simple Daily Workout    

It Toughens The Muscles That Relax At Night, Stopping The Blocking Of The Airflow    

Snoring may ruin a relationship, and it can lead to sleep apnea, which can lead to poor brain oxygenation and cardiovascular conditions. However, there are quick tips to avoid it. In the case of obstructive sleep apnea, the cause is the relaxing of the muscles of the back of the tongue, which blocks the airway, preventing the air to flow. Among them are losing weight and maintaining regular sleep hours. Other tips that are not widely known are straightening the throat and tongue muscles to prevent their relaxation. This can be done by practicing yoga and singing to reinforce the muscles of the throat, pressing the tongue t the roof of the mouth, and perform exercises on the lip muscles. Check all the exercises toy can perform to strengthen the muscles in the oral cavity and prevent snoring. Additional information click here.


An Alternative To CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea Sufferers

An Alternative To CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea Sufferers    

This Mouthguard Pushed The Lower Jaw Forward, Preventing Airway Obstruction    

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is a CPAP machine, which forces air through the airways by means of positive pressure. However, it also includes a mask to seal the air pressure, which results very uncomfortable for many patients. There is an alternative, consisting of a mouthguard that pushes the lower jaw forward, preventing the tongue from obstructing the air passage. Additional info click here.


These Foods Will Help With Sleep, Causing Drowsiness And Calming The Muscles And Nerves

These Foods Will Help With Sleep, Causing Drowsiness And Calming The Muscles And Nerves    

They Are A Natural Alternative To Sleeping Pills    

Several studies have shown that poor sleeping increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. Many people turn to sleep pills to deal with this condition, which may cause addiction. An alternative is a natural approach, and there are some foods that will help well. Among them are bananas, which contain carbohydrates that promote the production of tryptophan, which induces drowsiness. Honey also helps with tryptophan and also inhibits the activity of another hormone that keeps one alert. Almonds contain magnesium, amino acids and healthy fats that calm the nerves and muscles. Check the full list of foods. More info click here.


Sunday, May 3, 2020

New Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Based On Drugs

New Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Based On Drugs    

It Is Oriented To Certain Inflammation Present On Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

Most sleep apnea treatment consists of mechanical or electrical devices that prevent the blockage of the upper airway, avoiding the interruption, but they are very uncomfortable for some people. However, researchers are working on a new treatment based on drugs. A drug used for treating multiple sclerosis has proven effective in treating obstructive sleep apnea, compared to a placebo. This drug has anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have found that certain inflammatory molecules have been shown to be related to obstructive sleep apnea. Also, sleep apnea frequency or severity has been reduced with immunosuppressive agents. This new treatment would avoid the requirement to interact with CPAP machines or oral devices. Click here for more information.


Friday, May 1, 2020

How To Make Sure Your Kids Wake Up Early To School

How To Make Sure Your Kids Wake Up Early To School    

Parents can have a hard time waking up their kids for school. Sometimes the kids just sleep back again. This is because teenagers need 9 hours of sleep. Their biological patterns make it difficult to go to bed at 11 pm, so they will be always wake up sleepy. How to deal with this? Click here for more details.


New Diagnostic Procedure For Sleep Apnea Is Based On Blood Biomarkers

New Diagnostic Procedure For Sleep Apnea Is Based On Blood Biomarkers    

It Is An Accurate, Simple, Inexpensive, And Quick Diagnosis Method    

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that is not easy to diagnose. On the other hand, if untreated, it can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems and cognitive disease. A recent research has found that the elevation in certain biomarkers in the blood is present in patients with sleep apnea. This technique is superior for other screening methods used diagnosis, particularly in non-obese males. This is an accurate, simple, inexpensive, and quick diagnosis method, as opposed to the usual procedure for sleep apnea, which is expensive and requires staying overnight at a sleep clinic. Additional info click here.


Positive Airway Pressure Is Good For Sleep Apnea But Does Not Lower Heart Issues

Positive Airway Pressure Is Good For Sleep Apnea But Does Not Lower Heart Issues    

Low Oxygenation May Cause Stroke And Heart Attack    

Positive airway pressure is a common treatment for sleep apnea, which consists of a mask connected to a machine that forces air to the patient when sleeping. studies have shown that sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular problems and stroke. This is because the brain instructs the heart to work harder as a result of low oxygenation. However, researchers have found that positive airway pressure improves sleep apnea, but does not decrease the threat of stroke or heart disease. More info click here.