Friday, July 31, 2020

Sleep Apnea Affects The Control Of Blood Pressure

Sleep Apnea Affects The Control Of Blood Pressure    

Sleep apnea affects the oxygen level in the body and deteriorates the cardiovascular system. It also compromises the function of the baroreceptors, which are sensors that regulate blood pressure, and also affects the blood flow in the legs. Click here for more details.


Implantable Device Prevents Tongue From Blocking Air Passage While Sleeping

Implantable Device Prevents Tongue From Blocking Air Passage While Sleeping    

In people with sleep apnea, when the tongue is relaxed it automatically blocks the air passage, and the patient stops breathing several times per hour. There is now an implantable device connected to a lead under the skin of the tongue, similar to a pacemaker. More details click here.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep

These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep    

Smartphones emit a blue light that interferes with melatonin production, altering sleep. On the other hand, smartphones can be helpful for sleep. This is because there are apps that help with sleep. For example, an app called SleepCoacher generates personalized recommendations, and another called Sleep as Android monitors sleep patterns. In both cases, the users improved their sleep. Check the full list of apps. Click here for more info.


This New Device Stops Snoring By Preventing The Vibration Of Throat Tissues

This New Device Stops Snoring By Preventing The Vibration Of Throat Tissues    

It Attaches To The Nose And There Is Also A Version For Sleep Apnea    

Even though many people confuse both conditions, sleep apnea is different from snoring. In both cases, the tissue at the back of the tongue relaxes, causing partial obstruction of the airway. Snoring is the vibration caused by the air trying to pass through these obstructions, while sleep apnea occurs when the air passage gets completely obstructed, interrupting the breathing process and the oxygen flow to the brain, which makes it much more dangerous. Sleep apnea is usually treated with CPAP machines, which force air to the lungs. This does not mean that snoring is not serious, because it could worsen to sleep apnea. Some devices for snoring are actually oriented to the bed partner, to promote restful sleep. However, others do prevent snoring such as the EPAP. Similar to the CPAP, it provides a positive air pressure to prevent snoring but works differently. EPAP (expiratory positive airway pressure), is a device that is attached to the nostrils via a disposable adhesive strip and has a valve that allows the air flow in one direction. The patient can breathe in freely, but when breathing out the valves close. This generates extra air pressure back in the airway passages. This process causes an additional air pressure that stabilizes the throat and reduces the vibration that causes snoring. Another version of this device is oriented to patients with sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person    

Insomnia is the difficulty in sleeping at night, while sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing during sleep. These are the most common sleep disorders, and a study has found that these disorders frequently occur in the same person, calling it Complex Insomnia. Patients have a poor quality of life due to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, difficulty to focus and concentrate and irritability. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Study: Regular Exercise Improves Your Sleep

Study: Regular Exercise Improves Your Sleep    

Sleep apnea leads to a disruption in the sleep process, which results in poor sleeping. The result is reduced concentration, attention deficit, mental fatigue, and even depression. A study has shown that exercising four days per week might significantly improve poor sleeping. More Information click here.


Hormones Make Women More Prone To Sleep Disorders Than Men

Hormones Make Women More Prone To Sleep Disorders Than Men    

This Can Happen In Menstruation, And Also In Menopause    

Sleep disorders, such as insomnia and sleep apnea, are more common in women than in men. This is because of hormone fluctuation. One of the cases in menstruation, in which progesterone levels decrease, making sleep difficult. Also, in pregnancy, the pressure originated from the baby on the internal organs can lead to acid reflux and snore. In menopause, there is a higher risk of developing sleep apnea, but there are other sleep disorders as well, such as spending less time in rapid eye movement (REM), which makes them feel less rested when they wake up. Click here for more info.


Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?

Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Best For You?    

There are various types of treatments for sleep apnea. The most widely used are CPAP machines, which consist of a mask that forces air into the lungs. If it is not comfortable, there are other solutions, such as oral appliances which move the bottom jaw forward, freeing the air passage, chin straps and even implantable devices similar to a pacemaker that stimulates the tongue, clearing the airway. Surgery is the last option. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hormones Make Women More Prone To Sleep Disorders Than Men

Hormones Make Women More Prone To Sleep Disorders Than Men    

This Can Happen In Menstruation, And Also In Menopause    

Sleep disorders, such as insomnia and sleep apnea, are more common in women than in men. This is because of hormone fluctuation. One of the cases in menstruation, in which progesterone levels decrease, making sleep difficult. Also, in pregnancy, the pressure originated from the baby on the internal organs can lead to acid reflux and snore. In menopause, there is a higher risk of developing sleep apnea, but there are other sleep disorders as well, such as spending less time in rapid eye movement (REM), which makes them feel less rested when they wake up. Click here for more info.


Sleep Apnea Is More Serious In Overweight Old Men

Sleep Apnea Is More Serious In Overweight Old Men    

One of the symptoms of sleep apnea is excessive sleeping and fatigue. This is because sleep apnea interferes with deep sleep, which is stages 3 and 4 of sleep), so the body seldom gets asleep that allows the recovery of the body and the mind. This gets worse if the patient is old and has excess weight, leading to hypertension and diabetes. Click here for more details.


Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea

Salt Treatment Can Help With Allergies, Asthma And Sleep Apnea    

This new treatment based on microscopic medical-grade salt can clear the airways, leading to better breathing and restores respiratory function. This helps with allergies, sleep apnea, smokers cough, and asthma, among others. Click here for more info.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Napping Has More Pros Than Cons And You Will Feel Renewed

Napping Has More Pros Than Cons And You Will Feel Renewed    

Napping has more pros than cons. Among its benefits are relaxation, reduced fatigue, more alertness, better mood and also better performance, which includes quicker reaction time and improved memory. However, if oversleeping or waking at the wrong time, it can also have sleep inertia, which feels disoriented and also sleeping problems. How much time must take a nap? More info click here.


Tonsil Removal Procedures Are Centered Now In The Prevention Of Sleep Apnea, Not Infection

Tonsil Removal Procedures Are Centered Now In The Prevention Of Sleep Apnea, Not Infection    

Many years ago, removing the tonsils was mandatory because of the infections. Now, this procedure is less common and is performed as a way of preventing sleep apnea. Also, the surgery carries certain risks, which need to be evaluated. More Information click here.


Feeling With Fatigue And Exhaustion? The Reason Might Be Sleep Apnea

Feeling With Fatigue And Exhaustion? The Reason Might Be Sleep Apnea    

Sleep apnea happens at night, while the person is not conscious. Snoring is one of the symptoms, but it’s not definitive. The article describes how a patient constantly felt increasing fatigue, exhaustion and headache when waking up, concluding that the reason was sleep apnea. Click here for more information.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Learning The Differences Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Learning The Differences Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Snoring Is A Symptom Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

There is a general misconception that snoring and sleep apnea are the same condition. Snoring is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, but there are other types of sleep apnea. Snoring occurs when there is an airway obstruction while sleeping, producing a vibrating sound. Obstructive apnea is a consequence of snoring, in which the airway obstruction results in an interruption of breathing. The obstruction which causes snoring is usually caused by the relaxation of the tissue at the back of the tongue, but it can also be caused by a crooked nose, loose palate, or thick neck, among others. Additional details click here.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Sleeping On The Stomach Might Ease Sleep Apnea, But Will Cause Other Problems

Sleeping On The Stomach Might Ease Sleep Apnea, But Will Cause Other Problems    

It Will Result In Neck And Back Pain, Due To The Rotation Of The Neck And The Poor Alignment Of The Spine    

Sleeping on the back is one of the causes of sleep apnea since the tongue tissue is pulled down by gravity. Therefore, it would seem to be a good idea to sleep on the stomach in order to clear the airway. While this can be partly true, it can generate other problems, because this sleeping position involves twisting the head to one side, putting excessive stress on the neck. Also, a twisted neck does not guarantee an open airway. The excessive stress will result in back and neck pain, and a higher risk of suffering from a slipped disk. Also, the spine does not have a natural alignment. According to specialists, sleeping on the stomach is the worst possible position considering a musculoskeletal point of view. Click here for more info.


These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep

These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep    

Smartphones emit a blue light that interferes with melatonin production, altering sleep. On the other hand, smartphones can be helpful for sleep. This is because there are apps that help with sleep. For example, an app called SleepCoacher generates personalized recommendations, and another called Sleep as Android monitors sleep patterns. In both cases, the users improved their sleep. Check the full list of apps. Click here for more info.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

New CPAP Masks With A Comfortable Fit

New CPAP Masks With A Comfortable Fit    

Sleep apnea is normally treated by CPAP. It consists of an air mask connected to a device that forces air into the lungs at a higher pressure. However, many patients find it uncomfortable and abandon the treatment. However, there are now new mask designs with a more comfortable fit. Click here for more info.


Check These Common Myths About Sleeping

Check These Common Myths About Sleeping    

Sleep has many myths around it. For example, many people think that a nap can compensate sleep deprivation, and that extra sleeping at weekends can compensate a week of poor sleeping. Both of these are false. Also, people believe that snoring is harmless but it can increase the risk of a stroke or a cardiovascular condition. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Older Adults Have Different Wake Cycles And Must Be Careful With Sleeping Pills

Older Adults Have Different Wake Cycles And Must Be Careful With Sleeping Pills    

These Tips Will Allow A Better Sleep For Older Adults And Also For Younger People    

Many people believe that older adults require to sleep less. The truth is that they have the same sleep requirements as younger people. However, as one grows older, the sleep cycles change. This leads to waking up more often, which is also caused by more frequent visits to the bathroom. However, it is important that older adults get enough sleep, because daytime sleepiness increases the risk of falling, and lack of sleep is linked to dementia and cognitive decline. There are tips to get a better sleep, which works for older adults, as for younger people. Among them are turning off screens, because the blue light affects the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Also, older adults must be careful of sleeping pills, because their effect lasts more time in their bodies, increasing the risk of falls and confusion. Click here for more details.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sleep Apnea Is More Serious In Overweight Old Men

Sleep Apnea Is More Serious In Overweight Old Men    

One of the symptoms of sleep apnea is excessive sleeping and fatigue. This is because sleep apnea interferes with deep sleep, which is stages 3 and 4 of sleep), so the body seldom gets asleep that allows the recovery of the body and the mind. This gets worse if the patient is old and has excess weight, leading to hypertension and diabetes. Click here for more details.


Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Memory Loss And Brain Injury    

Studies have shown that sleep apnea is related to memory loss. In some cases, it can get so critical that it can lead to Alzheimer’s. Also, when a person stops breathing at night, the brain receives less oxygen, which can cause brain injuries. What are the causes of sleep apnea? More details click here.


Learning How CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea Treatments

Learning How CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea Treatments    

These Include A Mask To Force Air Pressure Though The Nose And Mouth    

The normal treatment for sleep apnea is dome with CPAP machines. This condition can be caused by an airway obstruction, which is called obstructive sleep apnea, or the brain fails to send the signals to the muscles responsible for breathing. In both cases, there is an interruption in the breathing process, which is aided by the air pressure generated by the CPAP machine. The air pressure displaces the tissue that is blocking the airflow. However, it requires a mask that covers the patient’s nose and mouth, which is uncomfortable for some people. Modern machines address this, and there are some that only cover the patient’s nose, and some even have a pillow cushion base, which is called a nasal pillow mask. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

This Medication For A Skin Condition Has Proven Beneficial For Sleep Apnea

This Medication For A Skin Condition Has Proven Beneficial For Sleep Apnea    

It Reduces The Inflammation In The Airway, Easing The Breathing Process.    

There is a medication used to treat a skin condition called psoriasis which could also be used to treat snoring. Skin psoriasis is an auto-immune condition, in which the body’s immune cells attack the skin, causing inflammation. The medication is called dimethyl fumarate (its brand name is Tecfidera) and is used to reduce the inflammation that causes flare-ups of psoriasis. Users reported that there was a significant reduction in the number of times a night their sleep was interrupted by snoring. The reason could be that the anti-inflammatory drug also reduces the inflammation in the airway, easing the breathing process. Click here for more info.


These Gadgets Will Help With Insomnia And Sleep Apnea

These Gadgets Will Help With Insomnia And Sleep Apnea    

These gadgets can help with insomnia and sleep apnea. An intelligent eye mask that uses biometric sensors to improve sleep and alleviate jet lag. There is also a device that stays under the pillow or mattress and tracks sleep patterns and emitting waves that promotes sleep. Also, there is a noninvasive device for sleep apnea that wakes up the snorer before it wakes the partner. Click here for more information.


Study: Almost Three-Quarters Of People With Sleep Apnea Also Suffer From Depression

Study: Almost Three-Quarters Of People With Sleep Apnea Also Suffer From Depression    

Sleep apnea causes a frequent interruption in the oxygen flow to the brain, which can result in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes. A study has found also that 73% of people with sleep apnea also suffer from depression. More details click here.


Monday, July 20, 2020

A Biological Clock In The Brain Keeps Track Of The Sleep

A Biological Clock In The Brain Keeps Track Of The Sleep    

It Could Help Design Drugs That Alter It For Treating Sleep Disorders    

According to researchers, there is a chemical clock in the brain that generates a desire to sleep. It consists of a set of proteins which track how long a test mouse has been awake. These accumulate during waking hours at relatively even intervals, keeping to keep track of how long it has been since a mouse last slept. Also, the level of protein accumulation was related to deeper and longer sleep. Also, the protein clock was reset during sleep. This might lead to new drugs for sleep disorders, in which they improve the additions of these proteins to induce sleepiness and treat insomnia. It also might help understand why some people require less sleep and perform efficiently after five hours of rest, which could be because they accumulate fewer proteins. More Information click here.


Risk Of Diabetes Type 2 Related To Sleep Apnea

Risk Of Diabetes Type 2 Related To Sleep Apnea    

Recent studies have shown a relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and a higher risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Also, the risk that represents these two conditions increases significantly with obesity. Click here for more info.


Tonsil Removal Procedures Are Centered Now In The Prevention Of Sleep Apnea, Not Infection

Tonsil Removal Procedures Are Centered Now In The Prevention Of Sleep Apnea, Not Infection    

Many years ago, removing the tonsils was mandatory because of the infections. Now, this procedure is less common and is performed as a way of preventing sleep apnea. Also, the surgery carries certain risks, which need to be evaluated. More Information click here.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep

These Smartphone Apps Will Help Improve The Sleep    

Smartphones emit a blue light that interferes with melatonin production, altering sleep. On the other hand, smartphones can be helpful for sleep. This is because there are apps that help with sleep. For example, an app called SleepCoacher generates personalized recommendations, and another called Sleep as Android monitors sleep patterns. In both cases, the users improved their sleep. Check the full list of apps. Click here for more info.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Sleeping With The Hands Above The Head Can Mean Breathing Difficulty During The Night

Sleeping With The Hands Above The Head Can Mean Breathing Difficulty During The Night    

It Can Also Lead To Back Pain    

Sleeping positions are a habit, but some sleeping positions are better than others. Sleeping on the back with a higher pillow can reduce the risk of sleep apnea, but can also increase back pain and also snoring, because the spine is not properly aligned, and the soft tissue at the back of the tongue gets relaxed, obstructing the airway. Sleeping on the side, in a fetal position, is very common, but it can also cause spine misalignment if not using the proper pillows. However, there is another sleeping position, which can open up the lungs if suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. It consists of sleeping with the hands above the head, also called starfish position. Even if people find it uncomfortable and don’t sleep in this position, they wake up in this position. This means that the body is trying to breath more freely, which could be a symptom that there are problems sleeping at night. Also, this position may lead to back pain, which can be avoided by putting a pillow under the knees. More details click here.


This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore

This Smartband Vibrates When You Snore    

This device consists of an armband that is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone. When the smartphone’s microphone detects a snoring sound, it will communicate with the armband and it will vibrate. The smartphone can differentiate snoring sounds from other environmental sounds. More details click here.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Poor Sleeping Is Not The Same As Short-Term Insomnia

Poor Sleeping Is Not The Same As Short-Term Insomnia    

Poor Sleeping Can Be Caused By Conditions Such As Medications, Caffeine, Sleep Apnea, Excessive Worrying    

Poor sleeping is not the same as short-term insomnia. Poor sleeping can be occasional can have many causes, while insomnia in a serious sleep disorder. Insomnia is linked to less sleeping time compared to the total time in bed, such as difficulty getting asleep, waking at night and staying away, or waking up earlier in the morning. On the other hand, poor sleeping is related to conditions such as the quality of sleep hygiene, in which a person stays late at night watching TV or smartphones, which emit blue light that difficult the production of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep. There are also certain medications that make sleeping difficult, as well as health conditions, such as sleep apnea, which causes frequent sleep interruptions. Another cause of poor sleeping is excess caffeine or alcohol. Also, there can be situations that are sources of excessive worrying, such as a project deadline, budget presentation, job interview or exam, which will generate sleep problems, but these will end one the situation is solved. However, if the temporary situation persists and lasts weeks or months instead of days, it can turn into insomnia. Additional info click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To More Serious Conditions – Learn To Identify It

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To More Serious Conditions – Learn To Identify It    

Among These Are Irregular Heartbeat, Hypertension, Heart Attack, And Stroke    

Snoring is usually related to sleep apnea, which, as we have discussed before, interrupts the air flow and leads to poor blood oxygenation and oxygen restriction to the brain. However, there are other additional effects that can be a health risk. Among them are irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea also is more common in overweight people, with large necks and narrow airways. Large tonsils are also a problem, but they can be removed, if necessary. Usually, the roommate’s complains are the first warning, but if the sufferer lives alone, the symptoms will be extreme sleepiness, morning headaches, poor memory and concentration, and irritability. Click here for more info.


These Technological Devices Will Help You Sleep Better

These Technological Devices Will Help You Sleep Better    

They Include Blue Lights To Help Manage Sleep Rhythm And White Noise Machines    

Technology makes out every day easier, but when it comes to sleeping, it is debatable, because of the blue-light screen that affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. However, there are other technological gadgets that should help us sleep better. Among them are light-blocking glasses, which have orange-tinted to block the blue light, and white noise machines that mask annoying background noises. Also, there are lights for dimly lit workspaces that provide blue spectrum light, getting rid of the daytime drowsiness. Similar lights are incorporated in goggles, helping manage sleep rhythm. Check all the devices to help you sleep better. More details click here.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Insomnia Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition

Insomnia Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition    

Among These Are Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, And Central And Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

Insomnia can be caused by excess stress, or by thinking about job issues, or the next morning’s presentation. But insomnia can also turn into a chronic condition, and it can be a symptom of a more serious health condition. One of them can be an overactive thyroid, in which excessive hormone production can alter the heart rate and body temperature, and also cause constant fatigue. Insomnia can be also caused by mental conditions such as depression and anxiety, which can worsen in the night in persons with sleep issues. Other causes are diabetes, in which the person feels extremely tired, but is unable to sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the consequences of diabetes, a condition in which the airway gets blocked while sleeping due to the relaxation of the tissue at the back of the tongue, causing sleep interruptions. Also, cardiovascular conditions can cause breathing problems, and central sleep apnea, which occurs when the brain fails to send the signals to continue breathing. Additional information click here.


These Gadgets Will Help With Insomnia And Sleep Apnea

These Gadgets Will Help With Insomnia And Sleep Apnea    

These gadgets can help with insomnia and sleep apnea. An intelligent eye mask that uses biometric sensors to improve sleep and alleviate jet lag. There is also a device that stays under the pillow or mattress and tracks sleep patterns and emitting waves that promotes sleep. Also, there is a noninvasive device for sleep apnea that wakes up the snorer before it wakes the partner. Click here for more information.


Using Weighed Blankets Found For Better Sleep And Less Stress And Anxiety

Using Weighed Blankets Found For Better Sleep And Less Stress And Anxiety    

The Give The Impression Of A Deep Hug And A Sensation Of Security    

Weighted blankets are a new trend in improving sleep and anxiety. They can weight from 4 to 25 pounds, and the users say it gives the impression of a hug and a sense of security. According to a study, users with moderate insomnia report an improved sleep and fewer movements after two weeks of use. Anxiety sufferers also reported lower anxiety in more than half of the cases. These blankets offer deep pressure stimulation, which is a form of touch that seems like a firm hug or a massage. Research on deep pressure stimulation has found positive results in calming adults and children with autism, anxiety and attention difficulties. Additional information click here.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Snoring Vibrations Can Cause Complications In The Carotid Artery

Snoring Vibrations Can Cause Complications In The Carotid Artery    

Snoring not only affects the sleep quality of the partner, but also the snorer’s health. The main consequence is poor brain oxygenation, which can result in memory loss and learning issues. However, it can also lead to cardiovascular disease and even increase the risk of car and industrial accidents. A recent study has also related it to complications in the carotid artery caused by fatty deposits and by the snoring vibrations. Click here for more information.


This Wearable Device Can Listen To Your Heart, Voice, And Snoring

This Wearable Device Can Listen To Your Heart, Voice, And Snoring    

There is a new device that sticks to the skin like a temporary tattoo and can listen to the beat of the heart, the voice and any sound the body makes. It can also monitor a series of conditions that involve sound such as speech therapy and snoring. More info click here.


Waking Up At The Middle Of The Night? Try These Tips To Sleep Again

Waking Up At The Middle Of The Night? Try These Tips To Sleep Again    

Sometimes people quickly fall to sleep, but wake up at night because of snoring, a visit to the restroom, or a car alarm. After that, they just stare at the clock hoping to sleep again. This can be attained by getting up and reading, relaxing the body and practicing meditation, among others. Additional information click here.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Better Sleeping For Couples With These Products

Better Sleeping For Couples With These Products    

Technology can help to get better sleep. A smart pillow connects to an app and monitors the sleep, warns if you are snoring and even streams music through the pillow. Also, if your partner is a cover hog, a clap will prevent him or her from taking away the blanket. Click here for more info.


CPAP Machines Might Be Uncomfortable, But Patients Can Be Motivated To Use Them

CPAP Machines Might Be Uncomfortable, But Patients Can Be Motivated To Use Them    

They Are Shown A Video Of People Struggling To Breathe At Night    

CPAP machines are the most usual treatment for sleep apnea. But many patients avoid using it because they do not feel comfortable, even when they know that they are at risk of heart disease and stroke. According to researchers, his changes when the patients say videos of other people or of themselves struggling to breathe, which causes a complete change in behavior in the patient. Click here for more details.


This Medication For A Skin Condition Has Proven Beneficial For Sleep Apnea

This Medication For A Skin Condition Has Proven Beneficial For Sleep Apnea    

It Reduces The Inflammation In The Airway, Easing The Breathing Process.    

There is a medication used to treat a skin condition called psoriasis which could also be used to treat snoring. Skin psoriasis is an auto-immune condition, in which the body’s immune cells attack the skin, causing inflammation. The medication is called dimethyl fumarate (its brand name is Tecfidera) and is used to reduce the inflammation that causes flare-ups of psoriasis. Users reported that there was a significant reduction in the number of times a night their sleep was interrupted by snoring. The reason could be that the anti-inflammatory drug also reduces the inflammation in the airway, easing the breathing process. Click here for more info.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Enlarged Adenoids Can Cause Snoring And Also Breathing And Sleeping Problems

Enlarged Adenoids Can Cause Snoring And Also Breathing And Sleeping Problems    

They Can Also Sinus And Ear Infections    

Adenoid glands are part of the immune system and are located behind the nose. They help to trap germs that access the body through the nose or the mouth. They fight infection, causing the glands to grow, resulting in snoring and breathing problems – however, they can remain enlarged, even when the infection is cured. The adenoids increase in size in children until they are 6 years old, and then begin to decrease, disappearing when they are 16. There are cases in which they don’t decrease and remain with a large size until adult age. Besides infection, there are other causes that enlarge the adenoids, such as allergies, excess pollution, or smoking. Since these glands are located behind the nose, a doctor requires a special mirror to determine if they are enlarged. Some of the symptoms of enlarged adenoids are snoring, interrupted and restless sleep, breathing through the nose, bad breath, and ear infections, among others. Usually, enlarged adenoids can be treated with antibiotics, but in the case of children, they might require surgical removal if there are frequent sinus or ear infections. More info click here.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Concerned About Sleeping Pills? Check These Natural Cures For Insomnia And Sleep Apnea

Concerned About Sleeping Pills? Check These Natural Cures For Insomnia And Sleep Apnea    

Calcium And Magnesium Are Linked To Good Sleeping    

If you are concerned about the issues with sleeping pills, you will be glad to know that insomnia can be treated naturally or by health supplements. According to studies, low levels of magnesium have been linked to insomnia, depression and sleep apnea. This supplement is present in nuts, chicken, beef, fish and green vegetables. Another important supplement is calcium, which is related to the REM phase of sleep. Low calcium will leave a sensation of fatigue in the morning, even after sleeping all night. Some natural sources are nuts, bread, soybeans, and broccoli. Even though there is no definitive scientific evidence, a South American herb called passionflower is claimed to end insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, among other health conditions. Yoga and meditation are known for helping people with anxiety, however, there are studies stating that they also help with insomnia. Check all the natural treatments for insomnia and sleep apnea. More details click here.


Sleep Apnea Affects The Control Of Blood Pressure

Sleep Apnea Affects The Control Of Blood Pressure    

Sleep apnea affects the oxygen level in the body and deteriorates the cardiovascular system. It also compromises the function of the baroreceptors, which are sensors that regulate blood pressure, and also affects the blood flow in the legs. Click here for more details.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Long Naps Can Be A Sign Of Sugar Problems And Diabetes

Long Naps Can Be A Sign Of Sugar Problems And Diabetes    

A nap in the afternoon can restore the body for the evening’s activities. The ideal is 20 minutes. However, if the nap takes more than an hour each day, it might be a sign of diabetes. It also can increase the risk of heart attacks, cardiovascular problems or stroke. Additional info click here.


Sleeping With The Hands Above The Head Can Mean Breathing Difficulty During The Night

Sleeping With The Hands Above The Head Can Mean Breathing Difficulty During The Night    

It Can Also Lead To Back Pain    

Sleeping positions are a habit, but some sleeping positions are better than others. Sleeping on the back with a higher pillow can reduce the risk of sleep apnea, but can also increase back pain and also snoring, because the spine is not properly aligned, and the soft tissue at the back of the tongue gets relaxed, obstructing the airway. Sleeping on the side, in a fetal position, is very common, but it can also cause spine misalignment if not using the proper pillows. However, there is another sleeping position, which can open up the lungs if suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. It consists of sleeping with the hands above the head, also called starfish position. Even if people find it uncomfortable and don’t sleep in this position, they wake up in this position. This means that the body is trying to breath more freely, which could be a symptom that there are problems sleeping at night. Also, this position may lead to back pain, which can be avoided by putting a pillow under the knees. More details click here.


Learning The Differences Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Learning The Differences Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Snoring Is A Symptom Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea    

There is a general misconception that snoring and sleep apnea are the same condition. Snoring is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, but there are other types of sleep apnea. Snoring occurs when there is an airway obstruction while sleeping, producing a vibrating sound. Obstructive apnea is a consequence of snoring, in which the airway obstruction results in an interruption of breathing. The obstruction which causes snoring is usually caused by the relaxation of the tissue at the back of the tongue, but it can also be caused by a crooked nose, loose palate, or thick neck, among others. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Preventing Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

Preventing Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy    

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Related To Excessive Weight Gain In Pregnant Women    

Sleep apnea in pregnancy is quite common and can affect more than 25 percent of pregnant mothers in the third trimester. A study has linked sleep apnea during pregnancy with gestational diabetes and pretension. There is a higher risk if the pregnant woman is overweight, or there is excessive weight during pregnancy. Lack of sleep and sleep habits during pregnancy are related to weight gain. It is also important to maintain a comfortable sleeping position to avoid obstructive sleep apnea, which can be, in the case of pregnant women, lying on their side. This position also lessens the pressure of the baby on the organs. More Information click here.


Laser-Based Treatment For Sleep Apnea Reduces The Risk Of Air Flow Interruption

Laser-Based Treatment For Sleep Apnea Reduces The Risk Of Air Flow Interruption    

We mentioned that snoring happens because of the throat muscle relaxation. A solution is to strengthen the zones that become relaxed and interrupt the air passage. A new treatment based on lasers stimulated the production of collagen in the soft palate and the throat, increasing the flow area and reducing the risk of air current interruption. More details click here.


Study: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Produces Cortical Thinning In Different Areas In Men And Women

Study: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Produces Cortical Thinning In Different Areas In Men And Women    

This Can Explain The Different Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea In Men And Women And Lead To Different Treatments    

Researchers have found that obstructive sleep apnea produces cortical thinning in several areas of the brain, which might be the reason for differences in clinical symptoms. However, the most significant finding is that the affected regions are different for men and women. Studies have shown a higher prevalence of sleep apnea in men, compared to women. Earlier studies have proved that obstructive sleep apnea caused changes in the brain, showing damages to the gray area, and also the white area, but it had not considered that the brain changes were different in men and women. These differences might explain why loud snoring and apnea are more present in men, while women tend to depression, fatigue, and mood changes. This can lead to different treatments for obstructive sleep apnea in men and in women. Additional details click here.


Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea    

Nearly half of adults snore or know someone who does. This can be caused by sleep apnea, which increases the risk of heart disease. If sleep apnea is untreated, it can result in a heart attack. There are natural tips for snoring, such as never sleeping on the back, taping a tennis ball to the back of the pajama can also work and also losing excess weight. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Pulmonary Hypertension May Lead To Central Sleep Apnea

Pulmonary Hypertension May Lead To Central Sleep Apnea    

In This Condition, The Brain Fails To Send The Signals To The Muscles To Breathe    

The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in which the soft tissue in the throat relaxed, obstructing the airway. The brain detects the increase of CO2 and emits a signal to wake up. This results in disordered breathing. There is another less common type of sleep apnea called central sleep apnea (CSA), in which the brain does transmit the signals to the muscles to breathe. This condition is not detected by snoring, because there is no airway obstruction. It usually occurs when there is an injury to the brainstem, and in older adults. According to a study, patients with pulmonary hypertension have a high rate of disordered breathing. Also, these two factors can lead to central sleep apnea. More info click here.


Child Fatigue Can Be Caused By Poor Sleeping And Snoring 

Child Fatigue Can Be Caused By Poor Sleeping And Snoring     

Is your kid always tired and has attention problems? One of the causes might be poor sleeping. This can also lead to mood issues and a decrease in school performance. Also, it can affect physical growth and the immune system, making it easier to get sick. Sleep disturbances include noisy breathing and snoring, teeth grinding and quickly falling asleep and even sleepwalking. This can be treated by proper sleep hygiene, defining times for sleeping and waking up. Click here for more info.


Unusual Sleep Disorders

Unusual Sleep Disorders    

Patients May Physically Act Their Dreams, Listen To Explosions, And Even Eat And Drink While Sleeping    

Poor sleep can affect concentration, productivity, and mental health. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea but they are not the only ones. Among them is REM sleep behavior disorder, in which, instead of dreaming in a motionless state (which is caused by a temporary paralysis of arms and legs), the person physically acts his dreams. Another disorder is called restless legs syndrome, in which the patient constantly moves his legs. A particular disorder is called exploding head syndrome (EHS), in which the patient listens to explosions, gunshots, fireworks, thunder, and doors slamming, among others. It is also accompanied by sensations of electricity, palpitations, breathing difficulties, and sweating. The cause may be related to stress and emotional tension. Also, we have heard of somnambulism, in which the patient walks when sleeping. There is a similar disorder, called parasomnia, in which the patient eats and drinks while asleep. Check all the unusual sleep disorders. Click here for more information.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children

Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children    

Severe Cases May Require Tonsil Or Adenoid Surgery    

Sleep apnea is more common in adults, but it is also present in children. These can be caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids, which block the upper airways. If the cases are severe, it might require tonsil or adenoid surgery. Mild cases show only s snoring, while severe cases can affect oxygen saturation levels in the blood caused by interruptions in sleep. According to specialists, obstructive sleep apnea cases in children are increasing and can be due to childhood obesity. However, it is difficult to identify when the cases are mild or severe without a detailed diagnosis. More details click here.


Study: Almost Three-Quarters Of People With Sleep Apnea Also Suffer From Depression

Study: Almost Three-Quarters Of People With Sleep Apnea Also Suffer From Depression    

Sleep apnea causes a frequent interruption in the oxygen flow to the brain, which can result in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes. A study has found also that 73% of people with sleep apnea also suffer from depression. More details click here.


Long Naps Can Be A Sign Of Sugar Problems And Diabetes

Long Naps Can Be A Sign Of Sugar Problems And Diabetes    

A nap in the afternoon can restore the body for the evening’s activities. The ideal is 20 minutes. However, if the nap takes more than an hour each day, it might be a sign of diabetes. It also can increase the risk of heart attacks, cardiovascular problems or stroke. Additional info click here.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Headaches Can Be Linked To Various Sleep Disorders

Headaches Can Be Linked To Various Sleep Disorders    

Headaches can be associated with sleep disorders. Waking up with a headache can be a symptom of sleep apnea. It can be also a symptom of bruxism, or teeth grinding, caused by the stress and tension of the tempo mandibular muscles. This can be treated by dentists with special mouth guards. Headaches can also appear when sleeping until late in the morning. More info click here.


Friday, July 3, 2020

If You Are Waking Repeatedly To Go To The Bathroom, You May Have Nocturia

If You Are Waking Repeatedly To Go To The Bathroom, You May Have Nocturia    

It Disrupts Sleep Pattern And Could Be A Symptom Of A Heart Disease, Sleep Apnea Or Diabetes    

Nocturia is a common cause of sleep loss. This usually happens in elderly adults and consists of waking up several times each night to go to the bathroom. This disrupts the sleep patterns, leading to daytime sleepiness. This increases the risk of accidents while driving or operating machinery. It could be also a symptom of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea. How to prevent it? More details click here.


Earplugs Are Not So Safe For The Snorer’s Partner Sleep Apnea

Earplugs Are Not So Safe For The Snorer’s Partner Sleep Apnea    

Sometimes, the only way to get rid of the partner’s snoring is by wearing earplugs. However, wax earplugs can be very dangerous, since it can get stuck in the ear canal. Also, the longer the time the object is in the ear canal increases the risk of infection. More Information click here.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Consequences Of Sleep Apnea On The Cardiovascular System

Consequences Of Sleep Apnea On The Cardiovascular System    

Sleep apnea occurs when the air passage in the body is interrupted when sleeping, resulting in loud snoring and in breathing interruptions which can last from ten seconds to one minute. This leads to poor sleeping and a sense of fatigue on the next day. Among its consequences are high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease with a high risk of heart attack, depression, and diabetes. Check the full list. More details click here.


Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills May Affect The Digestive System

Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills May Affect The Digestive System    

Sleeping pills are effective when used only for sleep disorders, and for a short time. However, some people use it for a longer time, when the pills wear off, resulting in more dependency on them. The side effects are heartburn, stomach pain, constipation, even amnesia, and dementia. Additional info click here.


This Wearable Device Can Listen To Your Heart, Voice, And Snoring

This Wearable Device Can Listen To Your Heart, Voice, And Snoring    

There is a new device that sticks to the skin like a temporary tattoo and can listen to the beat of the heart, the voice and any sound the body makes. It can also monitor a series of conditions that involve sound such as speech therapy and snoring. More info click here.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

This New Device Stops Snoring By Preventing The Vibration Of Throat Tissues

This New Device Stops Snoring By Preventing The Vibration Of Throat Tissues    

It Attaches To The Nose And There Is Also A Version For Sleep Apnea    

Even though many people confuse both conditions, sleep apnea is different from snoring. In both cases, the tissue at the back of the tongue relaxes, causing partial obstruction of the airway. Snoring is the vibration caused by the air trying to pass through these obstructions, while sleep apnea occurs when the air passage gets completely obstructed, interrupting the breathing process and the oxygen flow to the brain, which makes it much more dangerous. Sleep apnea is usually treated with CPAP machines, which force air to the lungs. This does not mean that snoring is not serious, because it could worsen to sleep apnea. Some devices for snoring are actually oriented to the bed partner, to promote restful sleep. However, others do prevent snoring such as the EPAP. Similar to the CPAP, it provides a positive air pressure to prevent snoring but works differently. EPAP (expiratory positive airway pressure), is a device that is attached to the nostrils via a disposable adhesive strip and has a valve that allows the air flow in one direction. The patient can breathe in freely, but when breathing out the valves close. This generates extra air pressure back in the airway passages. This process causes an additional air pressure that stabilizes the throat and reduces the vibration that causes snoring. Another version of this device is oriented to patients with sleep apnea. Additional details click here.


Napping Has More Pros Than Cons And You Will Feel Renewed

Napping Has More Pros Than Cons And You Will Feel Renewed    

Napping has more pros than cons. Among its benefits are relaxation, reduced fatigue, more alertness, better mood and also better performance, which includes quicker reaction time and improved memory. However, if oversleeping or waking at the wrong time, it can also have sleep inertia, which feels disoriented and also sleeping problems. How much time must take a nap? More info click here.


This Smart Pillow Will Prevent Snoring

This Smart Pillow Will Prevent Snoring    

It Monitors The Sounds And Forces The Person To Change Position When It Detects Snoring    

There is a new device for controlling sleep apnea. It is a smart pillow that detects when the person is snoring and forces him to change a position. It looks like a large pillow but includes technological gadgets such as 8 miniature Bluetooth speakers, adjustable memory foam pieces, a microphone that monitors snoring, two vibration motors, and a gyroscope that tracks motion while the user is asleep. The pillow monitors the sounds, and if there is snoring, it activates the motors to force the user to change position. It also can stream music through its speakers and does not disturb the sleep partner. It can even be programmed to gently awake, and also log the sleep and snoring data, Click here for more details.